Purim Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Shmuel Katz in memory of החסיד התמים הלל הכהן בן אסתר
Dedicated by Solomon Ezekiel
Dedicated by Freidy in gratitude for enriching each Yom Tov, every Shabbos, and our day to day lives.
This weekly women's class on Purim was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Tzav, 12 Adar II, 5782, March 15, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Purim Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Shmuel Katz in memory of החסיד התמים הלל הכהן בן אסתר
Dedicated by Solomon Ezekiel
Dedicated by Freidy in gratitude for enriching each Yom Tov, every Shabbos, and our day to day lives.
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יוסף -2 years ago
לכבוד הרי''י ג'ייקובסון
ישר כח. יש להעיר ולהוסיף: בענין הגידו לו את עם מרדכי - עם מלשון עוממות. ובכללות הענין כדאי להעיר משיחת פורים תש''א - ושם ביאר את היסטוריית שם יהודי באופן אחר ממה שביאר כבודו בשיעור זה. ושלפנ''ז היו ידועים בשם עברים (ולא כמו שאמרת - בנ''י). ע''ש! ובענין עד דלא ידע - ראה גם ש''פ כי תשא תשנ''ב הערה 166.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The thoughts keep coming
The overthinking
The anxiety
The negative thinking
The catastrophizing
Telling me I made a mistake
I'm not good enough
Im a mess
I'm alone in this world
I need to measure up
It's all pointless and random anyway
So why even try!
You're telling me my husband is not enough
He's too intense and loud
And random
And won't make enough $ for u to live comfortably
And he doesn't know how to talk to the kids with love…
I'm scared
I'm upset
I wish it wasn't like this
I wish I could just sail along life
Laughing and connecting with loved ones
Inspired, creative, alive..
Hello darkness
Hello triggers
Hello Paroh
Hello Haman
Hello Amalek
You are part of my life
You were part of all the Torah stories in my childhood
And you're part of my conciousness
But I don't need to be scared of you!
You were sent here
By God himself
To help me heal
And Hashem is always with me
So I can go to you
And listen
To what you're saying
As much as it hurts..
And I can trust
I won't be destroyed
But even more
I will grow
I will introduce u to the TRUTH
of Hashems reality
As I
Expand my consciousness
Create new neural pathways
That serve me better
That serve Hashem better
I can love myself through this
With lots of self compassion
And care
And patience
To listen
And hear the message you're telling me
And see where you're coming from
And recognize the truth
That wants to emerge
From this darkness
Hello darkness
Hello triggers
I see you
I hear you
And I'm not afraid of you
Cuz Hashem himself,
I myself,
Am here too.
I remember Shabbos
I remember Amalek
Because the only way to have Shabbos
A calm peaceful conciousness
Where all is well in the world..
Is by not being afraid of Amalek
Not being afraid of my triggers
Not being stuck in my head
Of the way I think things need to be
And the thoughts that all is going wrong
I can be here
In both realities
With the power of Hashem
Beyond my minds comprehension
"Ad delo yada"
Emptying out the cups
Of my limiting beliefs
I can handle this darkness
Again and again and again
I can know it's here
To bring out my light
My inner queen 👑
And to transform my consciousness
And my home
And this world
Into a home
For Hashem.
Happy Purim 💓💔😎
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Thank you Rabbi. Have a Freilechen Purim!
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Kalman -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Tzvi Liker -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -2 years ago
is it available on zoom?
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