Women’s Purim Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Eliahu and Chaia Frishman in gratitude. May all the souls of humanity be healed with the coming of Mashiach, very soon.
This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Terumah, 30 Shevat, 5783, Rosh Chodesh Adar, February 21, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women’s Purim Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Eliahu and Chaia Frishman in gratitude. May all the souls of humanity be healed with the coming of Mashiach, very soon.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Beautiful shiur. The Possuk before ובכל יום ויום says that Mordechai told Esther not to reveal that she was Jewish, wouldn't Mordechai visiting the palace every day reveal that fact that she was Jewish?
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Anonymous -1 year ago
I guess he did it in a way that people did not realize the connection, which only makes the point stronger, that no one could even see them speak to each other.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
My teenage daughter suffe=s emotionally but she avoids her father and brother
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Anonymous -2 years ago
I am so sorry; yes the pain is deep and please try to still show up with your most generous self. Perhaps it would be good idea to read the new book by Rabbi Shimon Russel on Education. It will be helpful.
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Shaendy W -2 years ago
Dear rabbi YY,
I listen to your shiurim regularly for many years . They often provide me with insights that I give over at my weekly shiur in London. This time ,however you inspired me and gave me tremendous chizuk. You see, I have a beautiful daughter who at the age of 22 became seriuosly mentally ill and suffers with scyzophrenia. She has abandoned Yiddishkeit (I do not blame her) and lives a solitary lonely life most of the time caught up in the machinations of her mind. It is a terrible thing to see and has brought us untold challenges and pain. She has become obese and disfigured from her medications and has cut herself off from all friends and family. In all these 22 years I visit her weekly often wondering why I do it. It`s like visiting a dead child and I leave her with great pain in my heart. Your vort about Mordechai visiting Esther daily gave me great strengh and I want to thank you for it.hashem should give the strenth and fortitude to continue your amazing work michayil el choyil.
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Laura -2 years ago
I have a sister who suffers from schizophrenia for at least 40 years. I write to her and send presents but find it difficult to call and talk- we live far away from each other. as soon as this ends, I'm going to try to phone her now. This explanation about Mordechai is the reason. Thank you Rabbi YY for helping me examine my avoidance behavior, understand it, not be ruled by it and be more like Mordechai.
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Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -2 years ago
Wow, wow, that means so so much. Thanks for sharing this, it means the world to me and is very inspiring and encouraging. May we hear good news!
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Wow, wow, that is so so special. I am speechless and in awe. May you have all the strength and inspiration you need to be able to be here for this tortured soul.
Send us her name nad mother's name and we will dedicate a class for her -- and also for you, her dedicated mom.
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ChanaChaya Klein Dovid Mittelman -2 years ago
Great Great Class!!
Thank You,
Dovid & Chana Mittelman
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Anonymous -2 years ago
You are welcome, thanks for joining and sharing!
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Elisheva -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -2 years ago
The gold needs to be completely refined and purified without sediments and dregs.
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