Mazal tov to Chanie & Yisroel Yitzchak HaCohen Kaplan on the birth of their granddaughter Nava Avigail bas Shmuel Tzvi and Mindya Jacobowitz on Teves 28
Women's Terumah/Parshas Zachor Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Mazal tov to Chanie & Yisroel Yitzchak HaCohen Kaplan on the birth of their granddaughter Nava Avigail bas Shmuel Tzvi and Mindya Jacobowitz on Teves 28
This class was presented on Tuesday, 27 Shvat, 5785, February 25, 2025, Parshas Terumah, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Terumah/Parshas Zachor Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Mazal tov to Chanie & Yisroel Yitzchak HaCohen Kaplan on the birth of their granddaughter Nava Avigail bas Shmuel Tzvi and Mindya Jacobowitz on Teves 28
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Anonymous -5 days ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson Shlita
I listened to the womens class on Terumah as I try every week. Thank you so much. Please let me know who says this pshat on Reish Lakish in the Gemara BM of what his intentions were when he jumped in the water. It can be an dynamo of chizuk for those who struggle with this.
Thank you again and again
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YYJ -5 days ago
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Anonymous -6 days ago
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Anonymous -9 days ago
what's this class based on
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Adahan -10 days ago
Perhaps Michal was traumatized by her own experience with her father, Shaul's, insanity. That could be why she could not tolerate David acting with such wild abandon. After having experienced her father's mental illness, even a reminder of insanity would trigger a strong response.
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Anonymous -12 days ago
So how come Jews are still being punished for the cheit ha egel to this day if the acacia wood was supposed to atone for it?
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