Tisha B'Av 5784 History Lecture/Terumah/Vayakhel
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated in honor of our Rebbe with tremendous love and appreciation, by David & Eda Schottenstein.
Dedicated by Esther and Nachman Goodman in honor of our fallen soldiers.
Dedicated by Avromi and Rachel Spitz. May we merit to see a sweet Geula Shleima!
Rabbi YY's Lecture on Tuesday, Tisha B'Av 5784, August 13, 2024, Live at Ohr Chaim Shul in Monsey, NY.
One of the enduring mysteries of Jewish history is what the Temple vessels looked like. Described in the Torah, they were lost after the destruction of the Temples, and have never been recovered. The image of the menorah on the Arch of Titus in Rome has generated fierce debate – is it accurate or not?
This class dives into this controversy, citing many sources and using various images along the way – in a presentation that opens up this topic from every possible angle. We explore the views of the greatest commentators and sages of our generation, and in conclusion, we explore the debate from a psychological and emotional point of view.
Tisha B'Av 5784 History Lecture/Terumah/Vayakhel
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated in honor of our Rebbe with tremendous love and appreciation, by David & Eda Schottenstein.
Dedicated by Esther and Nachman Goodman in honor of our fallen soldiers.
Dedicated by Avromi and Rachel Spitz. May we merit to see a sweet Geula Shleima!
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Anonymous -6 months ago
Please find the attached photo which I believe demonstrates similar images to those found on the pottery shared in the amazing presentation Rabbi Jacobson gave yesterday afternoon on the history of the Menorah! Please advise if you found this interesting or helpful and if further information is needed.
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TG -6 months ago
Alternative to the arch of Titus theory
As an artist, I have an idea about the Menorah on the arch of Titus:
The arch was designed several years after the parade. Even if they had the actual menorah from the beis HaMikdash, by the time the artist was designing this arch, he may have remembered some basic details but used another (local) candelambera for reference...
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Refael -6 months ago
2 questions
Great shiur as always. Why the Institute of the Temple in Yerushalayim keeps the semi circular form of the menora against all evidences?
Also, why the mesora on the exact form of the menora was quiet lost even if only the Kohanim saw it, they also were those who transmitted the Torah.
Kol tuv
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Anonymous -6 months ago
Links to mp3 and MP4 are not working thsnks
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Chaim Moskovits -6 months ago
Great lecture
Is it possible to get the pictures that were shon on the screen?
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יעקב -6 months ago
אם כדברי המאירי למה עשה הרמב''ם פשרה דהיתה גם ציץ בשתי שיתין וגם בשיטה אחת הרי מעולם לא הודו חכמים לר''א ולא חזרו מדבריהם ואם רצונו לפסוק ככחמים היה לו לפסוק בשתי שיתין ותו לאתודה מראש על תשובה
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Anonymous -6 months ago
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