Tisha B'Av 5778
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳
Tisha B'Av 5778
Tisha B'Av 5778
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Share the light
Can you please make it possible to down load?
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Samuel Klein -6 years ago
MP3 - MP4
Please allow the download on the 2 9th AV lectures. Thanks
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Hoping & waiting for Moshiach -6 years ago
Emunah about Moshiachs Arrival
Dear Rabbi,
We all beleive Moshiach will come, and Moshiach is real, not a question about it at all, but I think alot of us are in the mindset that it will happen but not now, not yet, as the yiddish saying goes ״מען מיינט נישט אונז״ maybe in a few genartations, its already shlepping for so many years, and back 100 years ago the Chofetz Chaim wrote in his seforim letters that we are בעקבתא דמשיחא and he is coming mamish now, as he writes all signs of the Geulla are here (in his times) and he even writes in a letter to a person asking him if he should go to America, and he tells him that Mohiach is already coming allmost, and yet we are 100 years later and we continue seeing also all signs of the geulla but yet Moshiach didnt arive yet, and we feel like it could go on for another 100 years chaz visholem, with all signs in place,
Also we are told that we should beleive each and every day that Moshiach can come this day, but yet Chaz"l are full of giving particullar times when moshiahc will come (Like במוצאי שמיטהת חודש ניסן etc.), so how can we beleive in a regullar summer day that Moshiach will come today even if we are not במוצאי שמיטה and not in chodesh nissen etc.?
So would the Rabbi be able to give a class on "Strenthinging our Emunah that Moshiach will come, and he can come TODAY, even thu we are being told this for over 100 years that we are mamish at the door step of the geula"? in other words we want a speech to make the אמונה בביאת המשיח ואחכה לו בכל יום should be real and honest.
Thank You so much for your chizuk for Klala Yisroel
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Yosef -6 years ago
The Hebrew word nassi ("leader") is an acronym of the phrase nitzotzo shel Yaakov Avinu, "a spark of Jacob our father." The soul of every leader of Israel is an offshoot of the soul of Yaakov, father of the people of Israel (Megaleh Amukot, section 84).
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Elvis -6 years ago
Download mp3 fails :(
Download mp3 fails :(
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TheYeshiva -6 years ago
MP3 download should be available shortly. Right now, you can only listen to the lecture via YouTube.
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EM -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
יישר כח על בירור הדברים באופן ברור ומסודר ומתקבל על הלב
אמרי' בתפילה מתהילים כל ליל שבת ובהיכלו כולו אומר כבוד. ובימים ראשונים הייתי מחשב כי היכלו היינו עולם האצילות כי שם הוא מקום החיוחד לו ית' כביכול כדאיתא בתניא כי שם רק טוב ולא מעורב שם רע כלל ולכן שם כולו אומר כבוד.
אבל אחר זמן חשבתי כי היכלו אכן הוא עולם האצילות אבל כולו אומר כבוד אינו קאי על עולם האצילות אלא על כל העולמות כולם וכל מה שיש בהם בין לטוב כו' כי במבט משם מעולם שכולו טוב ואין רע מעורב בו כולו היינו כל דבר ממש אומר כבוד ואף הדברים הנראים להיפןך אבל ההכרה משום הוא כולו אומר כבוד
יה"ר שנזכה במהרה לראות עולם שכולו טוב וכולו הטוב והמטיב וכולו אומר כבוד
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Pinchas Shloime Feldman -6 years ago
יפה מאוד
תודה רבה
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Anonymous -6 years ago
When will the full video be available?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
when will the audio be available for download ?
Yasher koach !
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Anonymous -6 years ago
An alumni of my college called me, whose mother passed away half a year ago.
I told him about the hole in the living room floor which you explained in this lecture.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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