Women's Toldos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Dr. Michael and Liz Muschel, in loving memory of Rebbetzin Sara Muschel, Sorah bas R. Yechiel Mechel, on her 13th yartzeit, 23 Cheshvan.
Dedicated by Esther Roos-Shalem in memory of her beloved husband Eliyahu Jacov ben Leah on his yartzeit Cheshvan 24. May his holy neshamah make an Aliyah. He will always be remembered for his great love for mankind and Eretz Israel.
This class was presented on Tuesday, 25 Cheshvan, 5784, November 26, 2024, Parshas Toldos, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Toldos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Dr. Michael and Liz Muschel, in loving memory of Rebbetzin Sara Muschel, Sorah bas R. Yechiel Mechel, on her 13th yartzeit, 23 Cheshvan.
Dedicated by Esther Roos-Shalem in memory of her beloved husband Eliyahu Jacov ben Leah on his yartzeit Cheshvan 24. May his holy neshamah make an Aliyah. He will always be remembered for his great love for mankind and Eretz Israel.
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Noemie AMAR -3 months ago
Kvod Harav thank you for this amazing shiur. I have questions: why would a woman be defined by her children? Why is Rivkah questioning HER existence while the "problem" she experiments comes from the babies, her children???
And if we do have 2 souls, why is she devastated anyway??
And why isn't she depressed that one of the babies is fully connected to his animal soul???
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Anonymous -3 months ago
I'm very bother about something in this wonderful yesod
So why Rivka was so confused and concerned. If we know the baal hatania that is that how the human being it's conformed with 2 souls .
Thank you for being a vessel for the joy of life that you are .
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Chaya Braun -3 months ago
Beautiful class, as always! How can I access the source sheets?
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Anonymous -3 months ago
I don't see the source sheets for this shiur.
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Anonymous -3 months ago
im looking for the source sheet as well.
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Anonymous -3 months ago
I used to listen to all your amazing weekly lecturers via phone 845-201-1933, the weekly lectures havent been updated in a while, please advise?
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Anonymous -3 months ago
אני מאוד נהנה מהשיעורים של הרב גם את אחד בעברית אבל את האנגלית יותר השאלה האם זה גם לגברים השיעור הזה
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Ariel I Jacob -3 months ago
כן זה גם לגברים
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