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If Rosh Hashanah or YK Trigger You, Listen to This

The Courage to Birth Yourself: The True Meaning of Judgement Day

1 hr 22 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, 28 Elul, 5784, Parshas Haazinu, October 1, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

What does it mean that "Today is the birthday of the world?" Why do we say in Psalms, "You forgive so that you will be feared?" Why does G-d want to judge us? 

The class explains the inner meaning of Rosh Hashanah, the day when G-d celebrates your victories, marvels at your journeys, takes pride in your courage and resolve, examines your struggles and set backs, and creates a spectacular plan for the new year.

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  • BK

    Boruch Klar -13 days ago

    All year I’ve lived with last Simchas Torah by you in Monsey.

    Thank you for this class today. It has given me light, hope, understanding and a connection beyond understanding . Thank you. May you and your family and all of Israel be blessed with "and He will turn it to the opposite "and "We will dance again!

    Thank you sincerely. 

    Boruch Klar

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  • Anonymous -13 days ago

    The vid is not showing for me

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  • YIP

    Yitzchok in Pittsburgh -14 days ago

    Awesome!! And long also. I would appreciate fewer stories to get to the points. 

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  • M

    meir -14 days ago

    Hashem loves you so much

    If Hashem loves you so much, how come he puts people through outragegeous torture and suffering?

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    • C

      Chesky -13 days ago

      Pain and Suffering

      I see your pain and question. We cannot understand that which is like a differnt planet (so to speak). Although Hashem is in the worlds (so to speak) - we cannot understand him because it's like two different planes.


      Can a table understand it's builder; a coat, it's weaver? The above - are examples of: Yesh Miyeish - something from something; creation and "maintenance" of the world, is considered - Yeish mayain; which doesn't mean from nothing - rather - we can ONLY - experience this as IF it comes from nothing. There is no understand how worlds that are material - can eminate directly from a G-d that's so removed from the idea of world.


      In yesh mayin, we can NEVER understand G-d's way; moreover than the example of the table. We just have bitachon and emunah that everything Hashem does is for the best.

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Rosh Hashanah Women's Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 1, 2024
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  • 28 Elul 5784
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Dedicated by Rachel Pollack with tremendous thanks to TheYeshiva.net for all your efforts in bringing us all closer to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

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