Pre-Rosh Hashanah Inspiration
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Rabbi YY Jacobson zoom event with Chazaq on Monday, 25 Elul, 5780, September 14, 2020
Pre-Rosh Hashanah Inspiration
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -6 months ago
WOW, the inspiration, and direction and whole new perspective, just wow, Thank you Rabbi
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Malkah Gittel -1 year ago
It's three years since this shiur was presented and the first time I've heard/ seen it.
As I scan these 3 years and take a "snapshot" of my life and neshama during each of Elul, each Rosh Hashanah, each Yom Kippur, I am brought to tears "seeing" the love Hashem has for me.
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Ashley -2 years ago
Amazing and so inspiring. Is there a way I can contact the rabbi? I have a few questions.
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Aron -4 years ago
Slow down
In sefer Ba'al Shem Tov, on the verse va'avadtem meheira, it says one has to destroy mehirus, don't be in a rush...
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Thank you!!
Wow. Thank you so much for this shiur. It gave me so much chizuk and will stay with me through the Yamim noraim. What a unique approach to yiras Hashem. It really resonates with my millennial brain :) Thank you!!!!
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Devorah Lipschitz -4 years ago
Amazing speech!
really enjoyed!
Thank you so much!
May Hashme give you lots of Hatzlachah!
Gut gebenched yar!
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