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Eli: You Are Drunk on Yourself. Chanah: I'm Not Drunk; I Am One.

On Rosh Hashanah, Ask for Your Needs. But What Are Your Real Needs?

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday Parshas Nitzavim, 25 Elul, 5779, September 25, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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    Moshe -5 years ago

    Hi. Are you saying I can legitimately daven for a Ferrari so long as I use it as a mitzvah tank? A gut gebenchte yor, neighbor".

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    Moshe -5 years ago

    I'm not really hungry, my neshoma wants ruchnious. Ruchnious jujitsu? A Ferrari mitzvah tank?

    It was said  that our physical desires for food, drink, a Ferrari, etc., is just a cover for the neshoma's desire for  ruchniuous.  Sounds like a puppeteer manipulating the  puppet. 

    Poignant that this shiur was based on  a  sicha by the Rebbe who was not blessed with physical children, like Chana before she davenned.

    How did they daven before Chana? 

    If all is by hashgocha, what is your role and the role of our own free will?

    Classical conundrum: I want A,B, C. Hashem wants to be recoronated and a dira down here. How to reconcile the two? Richnious jujitsu. By me wanting the a,b, or c IN ORDER to serve Hashem, in order for Him to have his desires fulfilled, there is no contradiction or conundrum. Just make sure you want the right things  for the right purposes and both you and Hashem get to simultaneously have your desires fulfilled. Even a Ferrsri can be a mitzvah tank! 

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      Sara Metzger -5 years ago

      So if true, and I would like to think so, we both get what we want,  me/you and Hashem. Would be great if people "got it" that way. Maybe it needs to be explained more widely. 

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        Moshe -5 years ago

        The tightrope walker has his eyes fixed on his goal. So too a good businessman. If one has a very clear picture of a worthwhile goal, and everything must be obtained and done  in furtherance of that goal, then our personal desires, a good healthy cleaning person, a car, etc will all be not only our personal desires, but also fulfilling Hashem's desire for  a dira down here. The trick is to have the proper goal and make sure any and all pieces advance towards that goal. An example of a proper goal is to raise a Jewish family  who awaits Moshiach. Should each generation do so, when He comes us or our descendants/students will have hastened his coming and be there to recognize and  greet him..

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Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Rosh Hashanah #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • September 25, 2019
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  • 25 Elul 5779
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Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff, in honor of Fraydel bas Sarah for a complete Refuah Shelaimah and many more good and healthy years filled with nachas and simcha

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