Rosh Hashanah Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Mehran Javaherian in memory of Bashi ben Mashallah
This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Nitzavim, 23 Elul, 5781, August 31, 2021, live at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Rosh Hashanah Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Mehran Javaherian in memory of Bashi ben Mashallah
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Anonymous -2 years ago
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yosef -3 years ago
I really enjoyed your shiur on Tefla and the problems. Something I deal with a lot with talmidim. Surprised you didn't mention the Gemara in ברכות המנין שהקב"ה מתפלל?
when I understood that Gemara I realized I didn't understand tefila. I use this Gemara when speaking to my talmidiim. But you made many good pointsI
never told you how I became frum. I was 11 years old. I realized that since we daaven every day I better try to understand what it's all about, B"H Hashem sent the right people, The first real shabbos meal I ever had was by Rabbi and Mrs. Hershel Feigelstock. And I remember Mrs. Feigelstock telling me what davening was. I seem to recall she talked about creating a real connection with Hashem. Made a difference.
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steve -3 years ago
the reason I’m writing is to thank you for all your videos and support and give back a little.
You were talking about davening and where it comes from or what its meaning. My guess the Yiddish דאַווןCould be spelled דבן in Hebrew. And may be related to לְדַבֵּר
So Dalet Baet Resh for speak spoke Dalet something that is moving forward Baet from the home from the heart Resh through man head idea thought etc
And then דבן Dalet as words thoughts move through Baet from the hear tNoon a seed is planted, a request from His beloved.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
You are Hashem's mouthpiece
You want what He wants
So why do we need to Ask?
Because He not only wants to give but also wants us to Ask!
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
A brocha draws down a portion of the reservoir ready on high
Hashem had already set up this reservoir for the person to draw from on Rosh Hashana. One must draw from the full account.
But....tefilla changes Or makes Hashem's will align with the davener's desire.
BUT if all is prescribed on Rosh Hashana, whether with a brocha to draw it down or not, HOW CAN A TEFILLA, A REQUEST ALTER WHAT WAS DECREED ALREADY ON ROSH HASHANA? Or do you say that that tefiilla/request is also foreseen already on Rosh Hashana?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Some poskim say we should daven only when we need to
But.....davening especially psukei d'zimra and the opening brochas of shmonei esra are not about need or want. It is about praise of Hashem. Similarly parts of davenning are about thanks to Hashem.
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