Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Rosh Hashanah #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Nitzavim, 24 Elul, 5779, September 24, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Rosh Hashanah #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Moshe -5 years ago
1. Americans can't relate to coronating a monarch. 2. Hashem withdraws His will to create the night of RH
1. After all, the country came into existence as a result of rebelling against a, yes, it's hard for Americans to relate to the concept of coronation, submission, achdus under the monarch, etc.
But the Brits have no problem. They generally love their queen and her farblongete family. They can more easily relate to the ci concept. And Canadians are chetzi chetzi..
2. Before the Friday night of Y2K many people were nervous what will be. I personally know Lubavitchers who were high level IT guys who stocked basements with water, canned food, cash, fuel, guns, etc.. Before Shabbos came on the east coast we already knew all was fine in Figi and Zealand. We went t sleep peacefully.
It is said that the night of Rosh Hashana Hashem withdraws His will to continue creation. That is until the yidden blow shofar in the morning, recoronating Him and He relents for another year.
Just like Y2K tho, don't we here on the east coast know that the Chabad shul in, ahem, XChurch New Zealand already blew shofar and that their nonjew notified us that all is well in New Zealsnd so we can also rest easy Rosh Hashona night here?
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Menachem Mendel Durlauf -5 years ago
Are you going to repost the FULL three classes tonight as these classes are cut
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Menachem Mendel Durlauf -5 years ago
This class is cut as is the Gemara one which is only a minute are you going to repair this?
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Menachem Mendel Durlauf -5 years ago
And repost the full videos?
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