YY Moment
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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An excerpt of a Pre-Selichos Kumzitz/Farbrengen 5779, 2019: https://www.theyeshiva.net/jewish/7151
YY Moment
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Slechos Shiur
Dear Rabbi
A whole year im waiting for the Pre Slechos Shiur, Its the highlight of the year,
Please give a pre sleechos shiur, even if it cant be live, at least this year will feel how its with all our torah and mitzvos, we cant watch live what happenes with them, but we know that up there in heaven everything is shaking and watching and drinking every mitzvah we do down here, same here you will give the shiur, and you wont see how thounsands of people around the globe will dring the shiur, but you will believe that they are!!!
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