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When G-d — And the Self — Become the Source of Shame, the Snake Has Taken Me Captive

When We Heal the Sin but Not the Shame — We Are Scratching the Surface

1 hr 52 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, 26 Tamuz, 5784, Parshas Matos-Masei, August 1, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • R

    R.G. -2 months ago

    What I should do with shame

    If I may just clarify the issue with shame a little more precisely - when we feel shame because of something bad we did we can either acknowledge the action or deny that we did it. Denying it or blaming others for what I did assuages the shame, but it is "going into hiding" or losing our connection with ourselves and Hashem and that is where the greatest sin begins. 

    Adam Harishon did not acknowledge his sin but blamed someone else, that is where the klipot got him.

    David Hamelech acknowledged his sin and worked on himself until he was completely absolved of it.

    The problem with shame is that people often feel it when they have done nothing bad. This often results from other people blaming us when they feel shame. It takes a lot of work to get through the fog and realize that you are the victim and not the perpetrator. That work is well worth the effort and gives a clarity of mind that can begin to see the difference between truth and falsehood.

    Shame - בושה, clothing - לבוש they both share the same root.

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  • Anonymous -2 months ago

    Thank you so much! The connection between shame and hiding is so powerful. 

    What is the source for saying that when Gd asks where are you He is  saying why are you hiding. 

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    • D

      Danny -2 months ago


      Hashem is not asking becuase he does not know. Hence the question is more about Adams own state of consciousness - Where are u? therefore implies Adam is hiding from himself - i dont think a source is required it flows from teh basic philosophical assumptions we have about God 

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  • Anonymous -2 months ago

    Your classes are mamesh life force itself. Thank you so so much

    Today’s shiur was fire. Yesterday’s lady shiur too but I didn’t finish listening to that one yet.

    I listen on you tube or online and it’s always hard not to be able to ask a question or clarification.  

    You spoke about cheit eitz hadass today and Adams sin/mistake etc.. I’m  wondering if you can help me understand or point me to the source for the version that I believe come from the Rebbe that says it wasn’t a sin and it was Chava knowing intuitively that she needed to eat etc…

    I so appreciate you and all the Torah and truths you spread,

    PS, the guy that said at the end that  hiskafia work can’t be done without psychedelics isn’t accurate. It can absolutely be done without it when the ratzon is there. I personally and metaphorically turned a sinking and stuck in the mud Titanic in my life around without any substances. I continue to do my work increnen and I help others do tye work too. There are many powerful modalities and tools and methods and shlichim available BH that can meet us where are and what we need and help us reach our klipas and truths and shed and reveal them. We need to believe we’re not at the mercy of substances and that we can find truths that are aligned with ourselves when there are will. Shkoyach

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  • AE

    Alter Egoz -2 months ago

    We crave things when empty, and desire things when full

    It says: "Hashem desired a dwelling place down below". Was this, then, a desire or craving out of fullness or emptiness? Surely Hashem was and is "full" in the sense that He needs nothing; yet we say he was lacking something  A king needs a people. R. Manis Friedman talks about Hashem needing. R. Mizrachi considers this heresy. R  Breitowitz says, yes Hashem needs (based on a Medresh )and its forbidden  to attack. 

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    • AB

      Avraham Bekhor -2 months ago


      The words in the midrash is נתאוה desire.

      After the great explanation of the different between desire and craving is understood the the Dirà comes from a level of fulness and connection and Hashem gave us a chance to be connected with his vision. Not from craving and emptiness, so the question we are fulfiling a need is not a question because is not from a place of a need and craving. Similar to the haara in likutei sichos helek 6 shemos.

      Hashem is a king is also a מלך בעצם just giving us a chance of a connection

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      • Anonymous -2 months ago

        love your answer

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  • AE

    Alter Egoz -2 months ago

    "Therefore, a man leaves his mother and father

    And cleaves to his wife". Notice that had his parents not done the very same thing even before he was born, he would not even exist. And then his children etc

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Likkutei Torah Matos V'Eisha #4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 1, 2024
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  • 26 Tamuz 5784
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L'Ilui nishmas Avrohom Dovid ben Alter Boruch, Z"L


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