Likkutei Torah Matos V'Eisha #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Gila Klein in memory of her dear grandfather Yerucham Fischel ben Moshe Aharon
This class was presented on Monday, 16 Tamuz, 5784, Parshas Pinchas, July 22, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Likkutei Torah Matos V'Eisha #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Gila Klein in memory of her dear grandfather Yerucham Fischel ben Moshe Aharon
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Alter Egoz -6 months ago
Before Peterburg the Alter Rebbe's maamorim
Were more fiery. Less so after Peterburg, when his life was on the line.
Lehavdil, before Butler, Trump was also more fiery, less so after Butler when his life was on the line as well.
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YY Jacobson -6 months ago
Let's be careful with comparing people.
Yes coming close to a stroke of death changes people. But let's be very cautious. The alter rebbe was an eish eloki -- a man of G-d, a person whose entire life was kedusha and deveikus.
Some comparisons are very distasteful. With all due respect.
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