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Pre-Shavuos Childrens' Program with Rabbi YY

When the Baal Shem Tov Laughed; What's in a Seed?; the Incredible Science of a Sequoia Tree

1 hr 41 min

Class Summary:

Amazing & Inspiring Kids Program with Stories, Science, Davening, Learning, and Live Q & A with Rabbi YY. Ask any question here or text or Whatsapp (718) 977-5279. 


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  • Y

    Yosef -3 months ago

    I understand your great explanation of free choice , and is difficult to understand one part of it: it feels like I am not in control for the most part. Also Hashem by divine providence influence all external and even internal big factor . Example Pharao, King Shaul, Yehuda

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  • CK

    Anonymous -3 months ago

    Hello Rabbi Jacobson, 

    I really like dinosaurs. I want to know what is the real truth about dinosaurs (according to the Torah)?



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  • Y

    Yosef -3 months ago

    Hi YY, I love Hashem, the Rebbe and you ! How can I love my parents more?

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  • C

    Anonymous -3 months ago

    Can rabbi yy do such a program for teens too? A non-judgmental space where we can be open with our struggles, challenges and ask our questions and get real answers? thanks for everything!

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Stories, Science, and Q & A with Rabbi YY

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 9, 2024
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  • 3 Sivan 5784
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Dedicated by the Teichman family from Los Angeles in loving memory of their beloved husband and father, Sol Teichman, Chaim Shlomo Zalman ben Shmuel, in partnership with the Emek Hebrew Academy Teichman Family Torah Center.

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