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YIDDISH: Rabbi YY Jacobson with Children: Stories, Riddles, Q & A

Sunday, May 10, 2:00 PM EST. Submit Your Question Here

1 hr 20 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson live with children in Yiddish, Sunday, 16 Iyar, 5780, May 10, 2020, 2:00 PM EST

Children text all your questions before or during the program to: (845) 777-4747

To listen live via the phone, please call: (845) 201-1933 - Extension 0

Please leave your comment below!

  • QFL

    questions from london -4 years ago

    1)Ok so the question is how come the i was always teached that for every move in your life what ever it should be you will get punished and your classes you never say this you never talk about hell. You teach judisum on a different way. I want to know what one is the true. And is it true that every single jew will go to hell?
    16 years old Ben Naftoli London
    2)How do u mange to give so many speeches!!?
    Benzoin Yosef 19 years old
    3)My parents disapprove me listening to you on the hotline because he says chabad is meant for people who r off the derech but I tell him how much I appreciate all u say what can I tell him so he should know that you and chabad are meant for all?
    Shulom lazer 17 years old

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  • AB

    a bocher -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    how do i approch a situation at home when me and my father and not getting along well. i feel like he is always looking out to catch me doing something wich isnt good. hes always pointing things out telling me im doing wrong. and i feel like diffrent chumros and הרגשים that are important to him he trys to enforce them on me to. i want to talk to him and explain that im 19 and old enough to make my own decision on how i want to live my life according to the way i was taught and understand but i am scared to confront him out of fear that i developt growing up. i want to feel comfortable at home with my parents with my family and be able to speak up for myself and explain whats bothering me without being afraid

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  • M

    meni -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    from which sefer does one need to say pirkei avos from? (i.e. only a siddur?)

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  • ST

    shaya tannenbaum -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    what do we do that mushiach does not come

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  • ר

    רבקי -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    רבקי פון ארץ ישראל – 10 יאהר אלט (איך רעד יידיש און וויל הערן מיין נאמען) א גרויסען יישר כח פאר די שיינע תוכניות. איך האב שטאק הנאה און עס געבט מיר אסאך חיזוק. מיין שאלה איז: איך בין זייער זייער ענערגעטיק און לעבעדיק. איך האב אויך זייער אַ הויכע קול (שטימע). דאס באדערד מיינע ברידער און שוועסטער. זיי זאגן אז איך מאך שטענדיק א רעש אין שטוב. וואס קען איך טאהן?

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Coronavirus: Yiddish Children's Program #4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 10, 2020
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  • 16 Iyyar 5780
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Dedicated by Steven Leiter

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