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Rabbi YY Jacobson Farbrenging with Children: Meditation, Stories, Riddles, Q & A, Prayer

Children Ask All Your Questions: Send Text To (845) 777-4747

1 hr 46 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson will be giving special children's program and answering their questions live from his home in Monsey, NY. On Sunday 4:00pm EST, 4 Nissan, 5780, March 29, 2020.

Children Ask All Your Questions: Send Text To (845) 777-4747. To Listen on the Phone line live, during the program - Dial (845) 201-1933 - extension 0 

Please leave your comment below!

  • D

    Denisse -4 years ago


    Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for having the courage  to discuss difficult issues. 

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  • SEP

    sara esther pfeifer -4 years ago



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  • SEP

    sara esther pfeifer -4 years ago



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  • E

    Esther -4 years ago

    Now I know that only my husband and I can do a seder and it will be meaningfull.   I might cry during our seder though.

    thank you for this letter. 

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  • S

    Shlomo -4 years ago

    שלום וישע רב! שמעתי השיעור אתמול, שו''ת מילדי ישראל בכל תפוצות תבל, ונהניתי מאוד !
    בסוף סיפרתם ממישהו שהלך לטבילה ונפטר ואמר הרה''ק הרמ''מ זי''ע שחבל שלא האמין לאני ה' בתוך טומאתם....
    היכן מקור הסור, כמובן שלא מוזכר בתוך המכתב בסוה''ס.
    יישר כח אם יועיל כת''ר שליט"א להראות לי המקור. 

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  • M

    Mendel -4 years ago

    How can we understand how Hashems infinetnes

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  • G

    gittel -4 years ago

    I just want you to know about the tremendous difference you have made for my daughter (11) specifically, and for my other kinderlach as well.
    My daughter is sitting and watching your program, taking in every word and even asking to watch the next!  I think the fact that you speak to the children exactly like it is, as if you were speaking to another adult, really opens them up and gets them thinking maturely.
    Your ability to speak (to my children!) and the topics you are discussing is beyond anything I could discuss with them or dream of them hearing elsewhere, especially when they are REALLY listening.
    Is this program going to continue?

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  • M

    malky -4 years ago

    There was one other point, the most important one that  I want to mention. Boruch Hashem I have had the unique privilege of being a  teacher for 40 years , and I dedicate  my life to what I feel is my life’s mission. I do so with great responsibility, dedication, and enthusiasm. This entails giving  my students knowledge and skills, being available for them emotionally, and by deeply connecting with  them  even after they finish school.

    Besides the brilliant content, your outstanding delivery, and how easily you  connected to our youth , what impressed me most is that  YOU  VALIDATED THEM!!!! Here is a very busy Talmid Chuchom spending time with young children, LISTENING AND WILLING TO HEAR what THEY have to say? Taking THEIR QUESTIONS AND  CONCERNS, worthy of raising them onto its own platform-That blows my mind and fills me with infinite joy because that’s where our success with Yiddishkeit is!! 

    Thanks again and may Hashem bless you, your wife and whole family with  Kol Tuv bgashmius uvruchnius!🎉 May we  jump and dance immediately toward the Geulah Haametis  with the revealing of Moshiach Tzidkeinnu Mamosh NOW! Amein!

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  • J

    Jerry -4 years ago


    I think it is important to be with simcha.
    בשמחה כידוע מספרים הקדושים שעיקור התגברות הקליפות הם רק בבחינות רגלים שיש להם אחיזה רק שם וזה בעובדה הדברים  הגשמים דהיינו עבודת אכילה וכדומה וגם יודע שעיקור התגברותם היינו כשאדם בעצבות דכשאדם בשמחה אין להם שום כח כלל(כידוע מכל הספרים הקדושים ומחמת כמה סיבות אינו יכול פה להאריך בזה הענין אבל דברים אלו מפורש בכל כתבי תלמידי בעש"ט וזה עניין רחב מאוד וחד מראה מקום שאני זכור עכשיו הוא בספר שער התפילה להבאר מים חיים שער הרביעי רנה שם מרחיב בזה העבודה) ותכלית השמחה שצריכים להגיע שבכל מקרה שקרה לו הן לטוב או לרע חו"ש צריכים לשמח בזה שבוודאי מאתו לא תצא הרעות ולראות גם בכל צרה האור הטוב הגנוז בתוך הצרה הזה דהיינו שתחלית היסורים היינו להיטיב באחריתך ועי"ז ההתבוננות והאמונה שמאמין שהכל לטובה בזה בעצמו ממתיק את ההסתרה ומגלה את ההטבה.
    והנה העיקר הוא להגיע לדבקות ודבר ראשון שצריכים לעשות להגיע לדבקות הוא להתבונן בזה שהראיז"ל מתחיל את כתביו הק' שהש"י רוצה להטיב לנבראיו שזה תחלית הבריאה וזה יסוד הראשון בחכמת הקבלה וחסידות. 
    ואני חושב שזה באמת צריכים ליפצו זאת העניין בפרט בזמן הזה (דכשמבוננים בזה אז נמצא בזה התחלה לותשחק ליום אחרון "שכל הבריאה היא להביא לתחלית הנצחית ולכן כשהקב"ה מייסרך באיזה יסורים צריך לשמוח בהם ע"י שתזכור שהם מביאים אותך אל התחלית בבחי' ותשחק ליום אחרון בעוז ושמחה ב"ה וב"ש המרחם על הכל ובפרט על ישראל עמו" (זה הלשון מהתיק מספר נתיב חיים מהרב ר'יצחק מאיר מורגנשטרן שליט"א וכמה נקודות שכתבתי קבלתי מהרב הנ"ל). 
    ואני מבקש שהרב ידבר מזה להילדים בפרט וגם לכולם. תודה רבה 
    שכרך הרבה מאוד

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    I was so touched that there are kids feeling like a turn dollar -worthless! 
    truly every neshuma is a peace of gold! even its shredded, burnt or muddy its still has its value, can still melt it in a beautiful piece. just need to me polished and you will not see what it went trough.
    Thank you for your chuzik 

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  • MF

    Malky Freund -4 years ago


    Hi Rabbi Y.Y. I am a bubby and a teacher and am kvelling  from happiness listening to you speaking divrei Torah to us and more importantly to all our kids.

    The yiras shomayim in the stories you tell and the questions you answer to the point and on a level easy to understand, are amazing , coming across and leaving a fascinating impression on all of us kids, teenagers, and elders alike.

    You are spreading the truth in a way we can all understand leaving your heart and entering ours. We are fortunate to have the privilege of you being our teacher and You putting time in your schedule to answer us!

    Hashem should bless you and your family with Arichas Yomim and Shonim tovos- I actually was happy to call your awesome mother- see how she’s doing ,  and give her the Nachas she deserves for raising such amazing brilliant children!!! May you continue to go from strength to strength!
    Moshiach now!
    A great fan

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Thank you so much for your classes. its keeping me entertained in a holy way. I enjoy every minute of it.but my answer didnt get answer and im waiting so long it should be answered.

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      What was your question?

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      • Anonymous -4 years ago

        My mother and my sister keep looking at the news and I keep telling them to stop, but they won't. I'm hearing from so many people that looking at the news is bad and depressing. How can I convince them to stop?

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  • AYN

    A Yiddish neshuma -4 years ago

    Mazel tov

    Mazel tov on your bar mitzvah 

    Long gezunte life

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    Dear Rabbi:

    We are all davenning much more these days for those who  are  infected with  the  virus. And learning more and doing more mitzvahs. We were doing these things before also.  Maybe we are doing them more and more intensely now.  

    But tell me: wasn't it Hashem Himself who made the  virus, whi sends anything and  everything  that appears to  be  bad, Who makes everything. He sent me  virus.  Why? Wecwerecalreast davenning and learning and doing mitzvahs.  What does He want? For us to do more or do it better? 

     Is  the price of already 20,000 people who have passed away  worldwide, including many yidden,  worth getting us to do a little more or a little better? 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    and also lali Grosskopf from London 9 years!

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    Can you shout out from Rikki Grosskopf - London.


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  • YOS

    Your oldest sister -4 years ago

    Yes I feel it in quarantine

    Hashem is the eye

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    does this corona show eny sighn that moshiach is coming

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  • YOS

    Your oldest sister -4 years ago

    Shout out of boro park

    Wow Malky bee 

    Great job done for


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  • CR

    chana royde -4 years ago

    Menachem (11) Shira (9) Tova (7) Nati (4)  Royde are enjoying your program. 


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  • LG

    levi green -4 years ago

    my father has the coronavirus but he's not so sick BH.

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  • CM

    Chaya Mandelbaum -4 years ago

    You tube is blocked on my filter. Any way to open it with other viewers?

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      You can call in to hear the program. Dial (845) 201-1933 - extension 0. It is also on facebook.

      It will soon be uploaded as a regular file.

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  • SGA1(1T

    shprintza green age 10 (turning 11 tonight) -4 years ago

    i like your haircut

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  • ZG

    Zevi Guttentag -4 years ago

    From Guttentag age 9, Manchester, UK

    when will this plague end? 

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  • R

    Rif -4 years ago

    please can you make it earlier next time as it is 9PM in London, UK and my kids are ready for bed. 

    I would love them to watch it so I think I will watch it myself and tell them about it tomorrowmorning :)

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  • EB

    E. Brown -4 years ago

    Counting down......

    Sitting and waiting not so patiently....

    12 min and 45 seconds

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      Maybe refresh your page.

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Coronavirus: Children's Program #4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 29, 2020
  • |
  • 4 Nisan 5780
  • |

Dedicated by Mendel and Zisi Zilberberg

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