Maamar Purim 5716 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Noam Kapah for the continued good health of Rivka bat Yehudit
This class was presented on Friday, Parshas Vayikra, 12 Adar II, 5784, March 22, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Maamar Purim 5716 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Noam Kapah for the continued good health of Rivka bat Yehudit
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Aharon -11 months ago
Chazak v'baruch dear Rabbi Jacobson.
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Had -11 months ago
You could "break the luchos" i.e. seem to
Do the unholy because Hashem said to do so, not because your yetzer Hora said to to do so.
But....did Hashem tell Moshe to break the luchos? No. Even tho He complimented him later
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Had -11 months ago
Holiness doesn't always look holy
I'm reminded of the "Shvartze Wolf" story of Reb Shlomo
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Had -11 months ago
After Geula will Yom Kippur be bottel
Like other yomim tovim? Or will it be like Purim and not bottel?
At the very least in Geula Yom Kippur should be like our current "aidus", i.e. commemorations of things from the past that happened on that day. So,,at the very least during Geula we will , AT LEAST,,celebrate Yom Kippur as the tenth of Tishrei when in golus of times gone by, we "did" Yom Kippur".
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Had -11 months ago
"Reduced to nothing, you're open to
Like Adam and Chava after their chait; like the dor hamabul before the flood; like the yidden in Mitzrayom before the Geula and Mattan Torah, like the yidden standing before the yam suf, like the yidden in times of Esther and Chanukah.
If the third Beis Hamigdash will be the one that ushers in the final and ultimate Geula, it was perforce necessary to have the churbans of the First and Second.
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Had -11 months ago
All yomim tovim like a candle by day
Notice we light Chanukah candles by night, but, perforce, we light Shabbos candles BEFORE dark, with a brocha yet.
So, perhaps, the effect of light from a candle (unnecessary by day) is not the only important result of lighting a candle. Erev Shabbos candle lighting shows us that there is ANOTHER purpose in lighting a candle, even by day. So just like a candle by day might have another purpose than giving light, so too the yomim tovim (besides Purim) will have another purpose other than giving light after Moshiach comes.
And Purim? It might yet have another result besides light after Moshiach.
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Had -11 months ago
"There won't be another Mattan Torah"
Even after Moshiach comes" ?
Really? Isn't this limiting what Hashem can do? Why couldn't He have another Mattan Torah to tell us definitively what to do in the Era of Moshiach/Geula?
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Had -11 months ago
2 rabbinic holidays, Purim abd Chanukah
By Purim they wanted to destroy our bodies. So we celebrate with the body, by eating and drinking, gifts of food, etc. (Similar to Hitler, ymS"m)
By Chanukah it was a war against Judaism, not Jews. So we celebrate with ruchnious not gashmious, with candles. (Donuts Notwithstanding). Like Stalin and communism, ymSm.
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Had -11 months ago
Esther received ruaxh hakodesh at the
Moment of being persuaded to go to Achachverosh.
Anyone possessing ruach hakidesh does not really have free choice because Hashem and Torah is obvious. If so, then what's the big deal of going in to him when it was not a matter of free choice? [Note: because most of us do not have ruach hakodesh we do have free choice and therefore any proper exercise thereof is deserving of reward].
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Had -11 months ago
Amalek is b'gematria sofek
Sofek is a doubt. A doubt about kedusha is the first step down towards total apikorsus. Very dangerous first step on the "slippery slope"
Mordechai said to Esther "mee yodaya", i.e. who knows.....whether just for this mission (going to Achchashveros uninvited abd therefore risking death plus halachically Hari kari) you were born.
I.e. Mordechai took the potentially evil power of sofek normally leading to bad, and turned it around for the good.
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Had -11 months ago
When you lose everything, you have nothing
Left to lose, so anything goes.
So with Esther. Lehavdil, a death row inmate, a suicide bomber, a kamikaze pilot, etc has nothing left to lose.
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