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Why Will All Holidays, Besides Purim, Be Nullified in the Future?

How Transformation Thinks: The Uniqueness of Purim Even Relative to Yom Kippur

1 hr 11 min

Class Summary:

This text-based class, the first in a series, teaching a Maamar, a Chassidic discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe which he presented at a Farbrengen, on Sunday, Purim 5716, February 26, 1956, was taught by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Pekudei, 1 Adar II, 5784, March 11, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

The class explores what it means that Purim is the only holiday that will not be nullified when Moshiach comes, and why there is argument about the status of Yom Kippur following the redemption.

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    If the aveirah is the source for the teshuva,

    Abd after teshuva the aveirah becomes,  retroactively,  a great yom tov, that shines even after Moshiach,  moreso than other Divinely given yomim tovim,  and we know the day of the chait ha'egel, why don't we make a yom tov of that day? After all, the aveirahs that day of idolatry, adultery and murder were more serious than the aveirahs committed at Achashveiros's party? 

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    During the party, those with restricted

    Vision could only see the chillul Hashem. But those whose vision is broad, is beyond time and encompasses the present,  the past and the future, can see the POTENTIAL that will come from the present,  from what appears to be a chillul Hashem..

    The preparation for a mitzvah is even superior to the mitzvah itself. Therefore the preparation for teshuva is an aveirah, without which there could be no teshuva. 

    And Hashem desires teshuva MORE than anything.  That's why He orchestrated the chait aitz Hadassah, and the chait ha'egel. See Yoma 4b. 

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    • H

      Had -1 year ago


      Abd that's why where BTs atand a tzaddik cannot stand.  

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    The most serious aveirahs are not

    Corrected by teshuva or yom Kippur but only after death.

    But....after Moshiach comes there will no longer be death. How will those who have done these serious aveirahs have a tikun? If you say that no one will commit these aveirahs so no tikun needed,  what about those who committed these serious BEFORE Moshiach comes? They won't die after he comes, and the tikum from death won't occur? 

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    • Anonymous -11 months ago

      Possibly those will have to die and then be reserrected even after moshiach. 

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    All yomim tovim will be bottel compared to

    Moshiach after he comes. Why dadka Purim, a holiday established by the sages and not in the Torah?

    It is said that even tho we said "naaseh v'nishma" before Mattan Torah, nevertheless it is also said that Hadhem held the mountain over our heads. I.e. we were coerced so the acceptance and agreement was not 100%. 

    BUT, by Purim the yidden accepted the Torah, i.e. the "marriage" to Hashem, WITHOUT force or coercion.  And that's why it's the greatest holiday that gives the most light. It's the real uncoercec "marriage" of the yidden to Hashem.  He proposed and on purim we accepted wholeheartedly

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    The Besht says that both golus and geula

    Exist only in the mind. So, even now in (objective) golus, there are people who are living (in their mind) in golus already. 

    So if the mind controls, it follows that even in the times of Moshiach,  there might be people who are still (in their mind) in golus! 

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    The SIMCHA of other yomim tovim except

    For Purim,  will be nullified, like a candle by day, after Moshiach  

    But....it's not only holidays that produce Simcha. There is Simcha at a chassina, at a bris, etc. In fact we are commanded to bring Simcha to the chosson and kalla. Is that Simcha nullified as well after Moshiach comes? 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    I don't see the maamar posted

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    "All yomim tovim will be bottel after

    Moshiach comes." 

    But...there are specific pesukim to blow Shofar, to eat matza,  etc.???

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Maamar Purim 5716 #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 11, 2024
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  • 1 Adar II 5784
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Gratefully dedicated by Freydi and Shimi Traurig of Montreal in appreciation for all the transformational classes.

Dedicated in merit of Nechemya Zev ben Chaya Lipsha Kaplan, for his 50th birthday.

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