Maamar Purim 5716 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rabbi Moshe Goldman, לעילוי נשמת חיה עטל אסתר בת ר' אברהם חיים ע"ה
This text-based class, the third in a series, is on a Maamar, a Chassidic discourse, presented by the Lubavitcher Rebbe at a Farbrengen, on Sunday, Purim 5716, February 26, 1956. The class was taught by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Vayikra, 8 Adar II, 5784, March 18, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Maamar Purim 5716 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rabbi Moshe Goldman, לעילוי נשמת חיה עטל אסתר בת ר' אברהם חיים ע"ה
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Aharon -11 months ago
Vagus nerve - pretty large nerve system running down the upper body controlling the functions of the heart, lungs, stomach digestion, among others. Known as parasympathetic - fancy word meaning INVOLUNTARY. These things happen by themselves. We don't think to beat the heart, we don't think to breath - it happens all day without us telling it to happen.
Yet, we can VOLUNTARILY speed up or slow down our breathing significantly (some people with alot of practice and self control can also regulate their heartbeat). This is significant becasue it seems to indicate a very strong connection between breathing and deeper consciousness. Controlled breathing brings a person back to more of a sense of self and certainly to a more controlled, settled and stable emotional state.
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Had -11 months ago
The yidden in Shushan had a year to
Prepare for the irreversible decree of death to all yidden. And no yid converted.
Why didn't they just RUN? They weren't slaves in Egypt?
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Yossi -11 months ago
There was nowhere for them to run, as Achashverosh ruled over the entire world, also they had no time to run during the actual decree because it was going to happen all on the same day
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Had -11 months ago
After Moshiach comes, only Purim will shine
Interesting that all the yomim tovim dictated by Hashem Himself will pale compared to Purim, a yom tov instituted by man. This is similar to the statement by Hashem that 'my people have beaten me!"
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