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Does Judaism Discriminate Against Women & the Handicapped?

We Don’t Worship Structure and Ritual

1 hr 30 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Naso, 9 Sivan, 5783, May 29, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    We all believe in gilgul/reincarnation

    We were all here before. We come back tp fix up what was imperfect in previous reincarnations.  R. Elimelech of Lizensk says we come back to fix a midday. The Besht says we come back to do a favor for a yid. Others say we come back to do a mitzvah neglected in a previous reincarnation or refrain from an aveirah. These all overlap. The point is that the neshoma ASKS Hashem to come back down to fix that shortcoming. This is essentially SELFISH.

    Handicapped children  (or adults) are regarded by Tzaddikim and Rebbes as perfected beings. They have nothing to fix. They are incapable of doing aveirahs.  So ask, "why they come back down if they are perfected already ? "

    The answer is they came back down SELFLESSLY to fix others (e.g. their parents, caretakers,) not to fix themselves!  

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Ironic that the masmer today is about

    War, fighting, battle and soldiers . On Memorial day. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Too many contradictions...

    How to know when it's (whatever the mitzvah is) right and when it's wrong. Being liquid, flexible, flowing is not necessarily easily figured out. One day it's truth and the next day it might not be? How does one know? Sometimes it's easier to figure out, and then there are many times when it isn't. One person thinks it's the truth and another disagrees. The examples you give may be clear in some instances, but not so clear in others. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "There is no perfection "?

    Really?  We do say that these tefillin are perfect and kosher. Ditto for a safer Torah, a mezuzah, etc. Ditto for a  korban ("no mumm"). 

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Chassidus: Derech Mitzvosecha - Kohen Baal Mum #8

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 29, 2023
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  • 9 Sivan 5783
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Dedicated by Michal Miller in honor of Shani Malka and Yehudah Leib. May they build a binyan adei ad in health and revealed good.

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