Chassidus: Derech Mitzvosecha - Kohen Baal Mum #7
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Wednesday, Parshas Bamidbar, 26 Iyar, 5783, May 17, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Derech Mitzvosecha - Kohen Baal Mum #7
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -1 year ago
I want to say thank you so much for your shiurim on sexual abuse and speaking about it I wish there was more Rabbis that spoke like you it would help people heal. I have bin in my own journey for 12 years of recovery and healing in the pass few weeks it’s bin very intense and feel at some times I want to give up bec it’s so painful there are times where I just want to stab my own heart because the pain is so unbearable but hearing you gives me hope and feel special to Hashem the fact He choose me to go through this and being His soldier. Please continue what you are doing may Hashem bless you a very long health happy life May you see the Geula and be part of it from start to finish may you have lots of joy from your children where they grow up to fallow your ways and Hashem and never feel confused in like of what’s right and what’s wrong. May Hashem give you always clarity.
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Mordechai slutzkin -1 year ago
Following up on my confusion the thought came to me why does that soul have to bear such pain .I can't fit it into the moshel of war luring the enemy .to me it fits more with the explanations of the BaalShemTov concerning previous incarnations. What is the Rav's view of that.?
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Mordechai slutzkin -1 year ago
Cavod harav thanks for most insightful rendering of the maamar .it is still confusing that although the soul with the body extricates itself from the entanglement with evil in a personal victory most often the evil people are not affected and may even persist in threatening. What then was the mission all about ? Seems like it was only a personal mission!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
The truths you explained in the last few chassides class are what saved my life. Saved me from a never ending descent into endless hells…… Where I felt I was stuck forever with no hope insight……
Who would save me? Why was I worth been saved? By who? By a self that didn’t exist? Or by a worthless and shameful self? (just to name a few) that would kick me in the face for trying to exist?
Just an endless floating into nothingness and insanity…..
And what would I do with existence?
There was no seat for me in the play of life. My soul was roaming around endlessly in search for the seat of self. How can one remain in the eternal pain of nonexistence?
Chassides reached into the darkness of my heart and soul.
I no longer felt alone and abandoned. In that darkness I became humble and then my consciousness was able to expand and open up to all your incredible and profound teachings. They reached and awakened my core allowing me to connect to my pure unscathed Divine self….I was home!
The core pain of non existence is the pain of no attachments
The real struggle is not to escape into all kinds of spiritual attachments, (spiritual bypass).
Instead it’s being able to remain in the full experience of darkness (non existence etc.) down here, dirah betachtoina. And attach down here to Infinity and spirituality, while in the full blown experience of hell. Being able to remain in that dark hellish experience can become a springboard for infinite healings and attachements.(Dirah betachtoina).
Same in marriage, if my spouse needs to save me, he becomes the marital bypass, I will use him to escape my pain. To escape myself. That will not yield attachments, not to myself not to the marriage.
If I can be vulnerable enough to sit with the full experience of my pain with my spouse then real attachments and healings can begin to happen.
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Christoph Siegrist -1 year ago
Thank you for your wonderful lectures. I will keep listening and try to donate by the end of the month. Blessings and greetings from Switzerland.
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Marc Lowen -1 year ago
Not an easy Mimer the separation from the me and the me that I live with not easy for some people. Especially those without a good support group
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Souls born in the second half of the month
Have certain effects. This seems to give astrology (e.g.."what sign are you?") some credibility!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
If the victim of molestation was a soul
CHOSEN for this journey, chosen to suffer this way, etc., why don't we say that the perp of the victimization was ALSO chosen to be the perp, chosen to be the abuser?
We can say that BOTH the victim and the perp were CHOSEN for their respective journeys. If so, this almost removes personal responsibility for the perp having done what he did.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Perp has a free choice not to become one.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
A child may not be abused but if basic
Needs aren't met (to be seen, soothed, safe and secure) that neglect can also cause trauma later on.
In our pampered generation if a kid doesn't get a new iPhone every year he feels neglected especially if peers get one.
What can we say to those who endured WW2 as children? They didn't even have basic Maslow needs let alone frivolities. Yet we see that many who grew up with such horror (or Ukrainian children today, etc) shrug off that neglect and manage to survive and even thrive?
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Anonymous -1 year ago
There are neshomas who are disabled,
Developmentally disabled, low functioning of any type, incapable even of self care, etc. These are the neshomas who volunteered to come down this way, perhaps to enable others to rise to the occasion and care for the helpless.
Yet we see that many intelligent peop)e, even frum or chassidic, shun such broken neshomas. They don't realize that the physically or cognitively broken neshomas came down to help the other, the nondisabled, be presented with a challenge to pass or fail.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
We as adults know that sexual molestation
Is evil, wrong, sick etc.
This might be a stupid question but how does a child know this as a child?
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Sara -1 year ago
Sadly, there are adults who don't think it's sick,evil, wrong, and so the children who are abused, may not themselves know it is wrong, and so it is perpetuated by them.
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Inger -1 year ago
Is not that exactly when you know it? And is not that why it is evil?
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Anonymous -1 year ago
The sexually abusive father is a
Isn’t a person who publically embarreses another also called a murderer because he has caused the victim's face to turn blood red?
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Sara -1 year ago
And yet, that "corruption" of love related to Lot
and his daughters supposedly results in the Moshiach and redemption. Interesting, no?
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Sara -1 year ago
Maybe a stupid question, but
wasn't it GD who put all of this into us, the trauma, the cirumstances of our life, our characteristics to be able to deal with these traumas or those characterisitces and inabilities to deal with them? If the yetzer harah and the yetzer hatov are both as some say come from GD, what was HIS purpose in making us so complex and psychologically immature?
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Rachel Pollack -1 year ago
I think the answer lies in that the only thing in a our hands is our free choice. Then it's a matter of entering the battle to rise in distinguishing between טוב ורע
and choosing what הי wants from me in this circumstance which I've been given.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
If you didn't listen to shiur #4 in this series, you should take a look because it answers your questions. Gives a lot of important context.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
It seems the maamer is saying that
The blemished moon, the blemished schechina results in blemished bodies.
And these are the broken people who were abused no fault of their own. Especially loved.
But......besidws the abused, what about the abuser? Wasn't he abused somehow, blemished and broken somehow and therefore this led him to abuse others?
I.e. those abused later abuse others. And the abusers were abused themselves much before. This is a chain, like the chain of poverty, the chain of anger, of alcoholism, of anything toxic that is passed down inter-generationally.
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