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When My Child Is Struggling I Need to Change My Paradigm

A Rebbe's Blessing to a Child, and a Wedding in Lakewood

1 hr 57 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson presented the Keynote speech at the end of a "Kesher Nafshi" convention Shabbaton, on Sunday, Parshas Bo, 29 Teves, 5782, January 2, 2022.

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  • Y

    yitzchak -2 years ago

    I'm almost through the yud shevat farbreingen I have realy been enjoying it. 
    You caught my thorough attention when you commented that we have a few a few addicts in the audience    
    Thank you for your clarity and wisdom and desire to share Toirah in a vibrant and loving way. 
    In one of your shiurim on emunah on Spotify, you read Miriams letter and it really grabbed my core. 
    This Shabbos I thought of shmuel from monsey and rochel from lakewood grabbing their phones after Shabbis and it gave me the Koiach to leave it off from shkiah to a good hr after tzeis. My phone was so grateful it never had so much alone time. 

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  • S

    shain -2 years ago

    I just have to share with you that last night I was so upset and venting to my husband about our daughter who is engaged to a boy, and the level of modesty need elevation.

    (I saw myself calculate the seminary and ncsy summers expenses... besides the regular jewish school tuition).  I had spoken to her about being shomer negiah and the same feelings of resentment about planning a wedding that they want came up...  also a big wedding, costing a lot of money, and I was telling my husband to forget it.

    This is ridiculous. Why should we support this? I didn't reach out to her because I was so upset. Today I went walking and I love listening to your shiurim.. and I heard you tell the story about the passport lady and I felt such a hug from Hashem!!

    I see it through such different lenses.

    I hope I can embrace this new attitude.  I love your speeches, They are oxygen for my soul.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    This sentence made me cry...

    "Let's face it, what a mommy and a totty can do for a child... no therapist, no Rav, no Rosh Yeshiva, no psychiatrist, no psycholanalyst, no psychotherapist can do for your child"

    blame all you want, nobody can do for a child what a parent can do...

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  • EN

    Etty Neuman -2 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi YY! I should be listening to this at least once a week! This is so powerful, validating, inspiring!! Much success to you in your holy work!

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  • MEG

    M E Gordon -2 years ago

    This talk is truly outstanding.

    Perhaps even worthy to be one of those to merit to be recorded forever as per Malachi 3:15

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Kesher Nafshi Shabbaton - 2022

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 4, 2022
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  • 2 Sh'vat 5782
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