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What to Do When Your Child Is Struggling

Don't Take Advice From People Who Don’t Feel the Pain of Your Children

1 hr 11 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson presented this keynote lecture at the Kesher Nafshi Shabbaton which was at the Raleigh hotel, in South Falsburg, NY, Friday 27 Sivan, 5783, June 16, 2023.

On June 9, 2023, four children were found in the Amazon jungle, after being stranded there for forty days following a plain crash. How did they survive the harrowing ordeal? Rabbi YY uses this story as a metaphor to explain how we need to help ourselves and our loved ones survive in our own jungles. We need parents who believe in us and will never give up the connection; we need to know what works and what is ineffective; we need to understand trauma and dissociation; and we must have support.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    What's the code number for the telephone shiur?

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    • A

      ADMIN -1 year ago


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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    תודה רבה רבה !!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Dear Rabbi YY

    I wanted to express my deep gratitude for this shiur. Your words moved me to tears as I felt a powerful connection to the pain and struggles you addressed. Your perspective and answers have been a source of enlightenment that I have been long searching for.

    Despite the deep hurt that the system has caused me, I am committed to healing. They cannot stop my Neshama from spreading my bright light in the world! Your insights validated me in ways that I gave up on believing another person can. You have sparked a renewed sense of hope and determination within me.
     I will cherish your words as I continue on my journey.

    With gratitude,A sincere Jew, A lone fighter, An anti lemel- definition: sheep that just follow the crowd without thinking.

    Would you know where I can find more chizuk on this topic?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    thank you for putting into words what i feel so strongly and want i want to shout at the mountaintops!!!!!!!

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  • IK

    Israel Kaufman -1 year ago

    Hello again. You talked about trauma and rape. Do you think that every child has difficulties because of trauma? And besides, I'm very interested in knowing your opinion. Why do you think it's important to publish the abuser? First of all, I don't need to tell you what happened to the writer in Bnei Brak, that because of the publication, first the perpetrator committed suicide, then the victim committed suicide, and there is a stain on the family for life. Why is it not possible to just take care of the soul of the person who hurt secretly, then ask for forgiveness and take care of the victim secretly, and everything will fall into place peacefully. And if there is no remedy for the victim, then surely what's the point of publishing it? Do you think there is no remedy for those who are in this place? And why does a person come to such a situation?

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  • IK

    Israel Kaufman -1 year ago

    Thank you very much for the powerful lecture. Really things that penetrated my heart deeply, and you can feel that they also came out of the heart. I heard the lecture as two characters, one is the father who is dealing with struggling children, it is true that they are still young, and this does not compare to the sorrow experienced by someone with older struggling children... and the other character is myself the child inside me who is still looking for thrills. Thanks again, I will take things to heart. I wish you that God will give you strength for many more years of success and all the good in the world. (I wrote it in Hebrew via Google Translate, if it's not clear it's not my problem😉)

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Stand up for the little guy!



    BEAUTIFUL LECTURE AS USUAL thanks you. I want to go off topic & talk with you today about a subject that's personally painful to me & I believe painful to many others as well. Firstly I want to thank you for being blunt & discuss things others don't have the guts to talk about.

    Much progress has been made in the Jewish frum community in many areas for example: many communities have made peace with one another resulting in increased unity among clall yisroel, as recently as fifteen years ago it was unheard of that someone should talk about child abuse and their abusers, verses today where there is zero tolerance for abusers & on the other hand much support is given to the victims of abuse. The same goes with mental illness, and all forms of addiction which used to be too controversial & embarrassing to discuss openly, obviously all this has changed today.

    The issue I want to discuss with you today is something I found no one wants to talk about, it seems like it's too controversial & dangerous territory to discuss. The subject I'm talking about is the topic of yerusha / inheritance, this seems like an arena where everyone does what ever they please & Halacha goes out the window, basically strong man/woman wins & obviously they don't respect their parents wishes either, resulting in them taking everything for themselves and leaving nothing for the rest of the children.

    Now, where talking about people who keep kosher, observe shabbos and many other laws of the Torah. Could you  explain to me RABBI JACOBSON why these HALOCHOS of the TORAH they throw out the window? Could you pick & choose which parts of the Torah you want to keep & which not? is there such a judaism!?

    Your probably wondering why am I writing about this to you today; I would like to request of you if you can dedicate one of your future classes to this topic which I believe is a problem across most of the community.

    I just wanted to make another point for some reason if there is something everyone does it becomes kosher and okay however  that's not necessarily the case.

    I know it's a chutzpah on my part to ask you to talk about this, however I'm requesting it of you anyway & even if you do speak about it, I'm doubtful that it'll help, but as the Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say 

    אז ס'טוט וויי שרייט מען 

    When it hurts one cries out! additionally the first step to rectify a situation is to start a conversation.

    Wishing you ברכה והצלחה רבה in all your endeavors.

    השם עוז לעמו יתן השם יברך את עמו בשלום.

    May we merit the revelation of moshiach now!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago


    My honor for u rabbi YY,thanks for sharing the truth,dont take me wrong,there are zadikin in AM YISROEL

    but there are sick people dressed in black and white,!!that are doing horrible things,and nobody really sees it or dont want to face it

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago



    Hi rabbi jacobson beautiful class as usual. Yasher koach.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Amazing rabbi YY,every word that you share,its life!!true there is plenty of pain around,but there is also a solution

    togertherness love and compassion,forgiveness

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Much too late

    Thank you for always speaking truth and saying the things society is scared to say. But how sad is it that it has to come to this point of pain for parents to be dragged here in chains?To hear this truth. This enlightenment. 

    How much pain can be avoided if parents would be proactive and open their hearts to their children?

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      Thanks for your powerful feedback which is moving and inspiring for me. But you do need to understand the parents too. They try to do other things which seem more logical, and Kesher Nafshi usually comes after trial and error and lots of pain and heartbreak. We need to have empathy for parents too!

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  • ES

    Esther Shevchuk -1 year ago

    Rabbi YY ! This was incredible! I send it to all my friends after I watched it! 
    May Hashem continue blessing you with strengh, wisdom and inspiration to address very important problems in n Jewish communities and beyond ! 

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -1 year ago

      Your feedback is empowering and meaningful to me and my team. Thanks so so much. it means so much to me. same to you with all the blessing s 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Addition to the Maggid...

    Many fascinating ideas in this noam elimelech (see below)

        One point that I took out was "hashbeah hishbiah"  the emunah the tzaddik instills in the person he does good to is that everything will be good. I think this is the parent child relationship as well. The parent has to instill in his child the belief that I am receiving good from you. Only then can he redeem him from tumah to kiddush. If he is wavering in the belief that this person wants my good it prevents the geulah.

       Yosef was able to overcome the challenge because he saw demus of his father. He saw that his father only saw the good in everything. This gave him the koach to approach this dangerous situation and be able to see what is truly good. When we show a child that we can look beneath the surface and not see the outer appearance ( the tumah , bad actions that he may display) we are instilling that power in the child to look beyond the outer surface and enabling the child to see what is truly good in order to fight his own struggles. 

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -1 year ago

      Wow. Amazing amazing ideas here. Thanks so so much for sharing this Reb Daniel. I appreciate it so so much. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Zo aangrijpend/ ingrijpend mooi ... zo'n wijsheid ... thanks!

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    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 year ago

      I did not understand, but it seems positive, so thanks so much!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    כל הכבוד

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -1 year ago

      Thanks so so much. it means so much to me.

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Keynote Lecture Kesher Nafshi

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 11, 2023
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  • 22 Tamuz 5783
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Dedicated in the loving memory of Rabbi Nachum Muschel, in honor of his 8th yartzeit on 18 Tamuz, by Dr. Michael and Liz MuschelHe fled Chassidic Tarnov, Poland in 1939, as a young teenager, was exiled to Siberia, and dedicated 60 years to educating and inspiring Jewish children and families in Monsey, NY.

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