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Pre-Selichos 5781 Farbrengen -- Rabbi YY with Yoeli Lebowitz

Do You Know How Wealthy You Are? Stories & Insights to Open Your Heart for a New Year

2 hr 15 min

Class Summary:

Live Farbrengen with Rabbi YY Jacobson and Yoli Lebowitz, Motzaei Shabbos Selichos, 20 Elul, 5781, August 28, 2021, at Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago


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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    This website is a good use of the internet

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  • CYB

    Chaim Y. Bochner -3 years ago

    Great Pre-Selichos. It moved me.

    Just to note, that my Zeida, Rabbi Shlomo Bochner of Kshanov (a talmud of The Rebbe Elimelech of Lizensk) said that the reason we read the Toichacha quietly is because the sod of the Klullos r"l are really Brochos and a sod is said quietly.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Around 2:11 you said "much better to be right than to be happy."..ops.  We know you meant the opposite.  I'd love to take your advice.  It takes courage.  Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldbergl -3 years ago

    Reb Zalman's deep koL Nidre in the Russian forest

    Was like the Kol Nidre by the Chazzan who opened the shul the day after yom kippur for the yid who missed yom kippur. 

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  • MK

    m k -3 years ago

    can we have some background Music

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  • D

    dovid -3 years ago

    lesson for all

    Reb Yisroel tzvi Weinberg Toronto Canada. Alexander chossid, whose father was chavurasha with rabbi wolf greenglass of Montreal, who before coming to Chabad was an alexander chossid. He was kicked out of the no Lubavitch yeshiva and ended up in Montreal Lubavitch yeshiva.

    At 8-9 years old he went to NY for succos. When the Rebbe was coming out of his room, there was lots of pushing and shoving he somehow managed as a youngster to get right in front of the crowd and the rebbe stepped on his toes by mistake. After Succos by the yechidos, with 10 other people, the rebbe ask forgiveness to him for stepping on his toes.

    He was impressed with the rebbe remembering this action with so many chassidim in town for succos.

    He mentioned he remembered the green lamp on the rebbe desk, that was his height at 8-9 years old. Also, the rebbe told him, maybe a later yechidus, that the alexander chassidim in boro park had rabbi greenglass speak.

    They saw his grey kapota, and made fun, however when he opened his mouth they all kept quiet from his bikius.

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  • A

    Avraham -3 years ago

    Can you add a Sign up for text alerts for these

    would love a reminder alert via text feature to let us know an hour before live events to get ready. And an add to calendar feature. 

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Selichos 5781 Farbrengen

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 28, 2021
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  • 20 Elul 5781
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Dedicated by our dear friends Abe and Rachel Spitz, in loving memory of Chaya Sarah bas Devorah

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