Selichos 5778 Fabrengen/Kumzitz
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳
This pre-Selichos 5778 Kumzitz, by Rabbi YY Jacobson and Yoli Lebowitz, took place on Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Ki Savo, 21 Elul, 5778, September 1, 2018, at the Atrium Ballroom, Monsey, NY.
Selichos 5778 Fabrengen/Kumzitz
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳
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Frimet Skolas -4 years ago
Slichos tonight?
Is there live slichos tonight?
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Michoel -5 years ago
Yasher Koiach, once again.
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Eva -5 years ago
Message: I listened/watched last years kumzitz and was very very inspired. Thank you Rabbi YY from the depth of my heart. It was disappointing though that I couldn't access the previous years kumzitzen which I tried watching to warm me open even more in advance of the special times we're in. Seems like it has not been uploaded the same way as the 5778 one, as it doesn't open. I want to thank you in advance for doing whatever it takes to enable it to open as last years one. Warmest brocho of a כתיבה וחתימה טובה, ויהי רצון שנזכה ששנת תש"פ יהיה 'השנת גאולה וישועה', אמן
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Ephrayim -6 years ago
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Chaim.s -3 years ago
Ephrayim, that was just beautiful what you just wrote,and might even be true.
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Yoel -6 years ago
Satmar Rebbe zt"l
I am not sure what people want. Rabbi YY quoted a man, with a name and address. Why don't you go to him and ask him? Rabbi YY was repeating the story he heard.
Does any rational person believe that Satmar Rebbe would come to visit him if he didn’t respect him deeply?
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Chanan -6 years ago
Dear Rebbe,
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Question: Why did Mr. Shapiro ask for a copy of the letter?
Just for emotional reasons?
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wonderful -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Rabbi Jacobson's pre sleeches was AMAZING. like allways.
I would like to share what peoples response was about the Shaprio story.
This was repeated to Satmar chasidim who litterly lived at thier rebbe כולם כאחד אמרו that this story makes no sense. what ever the reason was I dont know. but they all claim satmar rebbe wasnt on the same page with the Lubavitch rebbe. satmar rebbe never even wanted to discuss about Lubavitch..
more or less this was the response of several 70-75 year old yeeden fin bhm'd RODNEY.....
אדרבה ואדרבה אויב איינר האט עפעס מוסיף צו זיין
בברכת שנה טובה ומתיקה. ושנת גאולה
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Yanky -6 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson, Thank you very much for yesterdays beautiful Sliches shiur. I repeated the amazing story to a friend of mine about the Lubavitch rebbe with that letter of the mother of 12 children. This man burst out laughing at me. saying satmar rebbe never met or wanted to meet ever the Lubavitch rebbe. it makes no sense he would ever send people to him....
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Anonymous -3 years ago
מה שאמרתם שהרבי לא רצה לדבר מהאדמור מסאטמאר ומשכחת דרך הבעש''ט.
בהרשימות הבלתי מוגהים אמר הרבי '' וואס דארך מען רעדן בדמותו של ישראל אז עס איזה גאר דא אזוינע אידן'' .
ובכל עוד זכור הירך שהרבי מליובאוויטש הגיד שיחה אודות שמות שוקי כתר עליון נגד שמות שוקי וויליאמס בורג.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
בגנותן של ישראל כצ''ל
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Judith -6 years ago
amazing.Was the Chazan Raw Helfgot? At least in the 60/70 whe i used to go to Frankfurt for the shows and met also Mr Shapira from Belgium.What stories!!
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Look at Mendel comments 3 days ago that his son visit the Shul
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Isaac -6 years ago
People are asking about the story with Feivel Shapiro and the Lubavitcher Rebbe. A few points:
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Eli -6 years ago
i was moved by your selichos kumzitz, i repeated the story about frankfurt shul to my mother who saw the shul going up in flames, she told me that it was never rebuild that it holds now over 2000 people, and she verified it with her brother (my uncle) who has going back a few times and said that there is no shul that big now.
my mother was very sad to hear the story that wasn't accurate.
maybe i missed understood you.
please verify
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Check out the
Die Westend-Synagoge
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Check out the
Die Westend-Synagoge
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Chaya -6 years ago
Hi Rabbi! Shana Tova...I just finished listening to your very inspiring pre Slichos Kumzits talk. I have been listening to your former speeches as well and the music in the background was a blessed innovation.
However, it became too distracting and overwhelming at a time. I think it's fine and even contributing to the drama of stories, but in long speeches, I believe that at some of the not-so-dramatic segments - 'shutting off' the music and chanting actually gives the entire narrative a better flavor, on the whole.
Kesiva Vachatima Tova...
Your messages were well absorbed and shall hopefully be implemented.
Keep up your blessed work!
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Sholom -6 years ago
R. Jacobson has effectively created an operetta with that form of presentation. Music by itself and background for words and as song, Chassdic stories, and words of the Rebbe really weave an enchanting spell.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
what is the big surprise that a tzaddik knows something we don't? you think the rebbe is like us?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Question for Rabbi Jacobson
What is the source of the story of the Rayatz and the "button"? It's important for me to know. Please email me the answer, and thank you in advance. Kesivah va'chasimah tovah, and thank you for an inspiring farbreng.
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Jacob -6 years ago
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Isaac -6 years ago
.פאראיאר איז געווען ס'ערשטע מאל וואס כ'בין געווען דארט, א נאענטע חבר מיינער האט מיר געשלעפט אהין, און היי יאר האב איך שוין אליין ארויסגעקוקט צו גיין מיטהאלטן
כ'געדענק פאראיאר האב איך געהאט ממש נאסע אויגן צוקוקנדיג ווי אזא שיינע ציבור אידן זקנים ונערים, אידישע קינדער שטייען אזוי אלע צוזאמען אהנע מחיצות וואס טיילן אפ און דערווייטערן, אלע כאפן זיך די הענט און מ'בעט און מ'זינגט צוזאמען מיט אן אחדות מיט ליבליכקייט ממש א קידוש השם, ס'האט מיך דערמאנט פון דער פסוק אין יחזקאל "וקרב אתם אחד אל אחד לך לעץ אחד והיו לאחדים בידך" נישטא קיין קליידער מחיצות קיין הוטן שטריימלעך מחיצות, בערד מחיצות, אלע זעמער איינס, די שיינע ווארעמע ניגונים ס'ווארעמט און שיינט אויף ס'הארץ
קום איך ארויס פון דארט פיין אנגעווארעמט, קומען מיר אקעגן אידן פראטעסטירן שרייענדיג געוואלד קעגן אזא פירצה זאגן סליחות מיט מוזיק, טראכט איך צו מיר אזוי אז די אידן זענען פינקט אזוי קינדער פונעם זעלבען גאט נאר מיט אנדערע תכונת הנפש, זיי זענען אויך א חלק פון גאטס בריאה, און אהן זיי וואלט די בריאה נישט געווען גאנץ, זיי זענען נכלל אין די נבואה פון יחזקאל
נאר זייער תכונת הנפש איז צו שרייען צו גאט און אינזערס איז צו זינגען, זייערס צו אסר'ן און אינזערס צו מתיר זיין אא"וו. די מוחים האבן נישט אפגעקויפט גאט און זינגערס האבן נישט פארקויפט גאט, אינז אלע דינען דעם זעלבן גאט
איינער וואס האט הנאה און ווערט נתעורר פון שטיין צוזאמען געשטופט פינעווע פארטאגס אין א בית המדרש וואו דער רבי'לע דארט איז א אכצענטע דור פון הייזעריקע בעלי תפילות וואס כאפן זיך אן פעסט ביים עמוד ווי יואב אינעם מזבח, נו זאל ער געזינטערהייט הנאה האבן. ס'קוקט נישט אויס ווי אלע האבן הנאה דערפון זאל יעדער טוהן וואס זיין תכונת הנפש פארלאנגט
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Yossi -6 years ago
I wanted to send you a note from our small frum community in Winnipeg, Canada. This is the second year that I live streamed your preselichot Kumzitz and I wanted to tell you how much Chizuk and inspiration you gave me last night in a very difficult time in my life.
When we went to shul and we were only 7 for selichot at 1:15 am, I was disappointed but your beautiful words of Torah and Chizuk uplifted me to a very high point that I could bypass the disappointment and daven the Selichot with Kavanna Sheleimah.
I wanted to say thank you for sharing! Throughout the year I enjoy your shiurim, divrei Torah on the Parsha etc.
Please know that when you are delivering the beautiful words Torah and inspiration you are making a difference in small communities as well where we yearn for it.
K'tivah V'chatimah Tova!
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Mendel -6 years ago
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Nechemia -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Truth that the soul is yearning for, put into understanding for all.
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Dalia Reichman -6 years ago
Slichos 5778
Rabbi Jacobson, thank you for this incredibly meaningful slichos night. It's impossible to listen to the story of the Russian Jew and not want to sob with him. Thanks for reminding us ' noone is late.' I never heard the difference between being compared to the stars and the sand. What an incredible lesson for all of us these days. I will make sure to teach it to my seventh graders.
Wishing you a year of revealed miracles and infinite blessings.
Dalia Reichman
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Redefining avodah and Jewish thought based on our chasidic masters.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Please help
rabbi- i am trying to listen again to your opening vort about Dovid hamelech asking like a melech bit it doesn’t seem to be recorded on the video.
Are you able to help ? It was a fascinating medrash and explanation you provided and really would like to hear it again.
Thank you
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Impressive as usual.thanks for offering this live stream and it was a free service too!Rabbi y.y is a true manhig yisroel would sees the beauty in everyone. I envy his olam haba.
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Yosef-mendel -6 years ago
True, but No doubt, he only wants that you, me & all of us should have an AMAZING & INSPIRED olam HAZEH
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Problem with the link
rabbi , I watched the shiur live and really wanted to listen again to your opening vort about Dovid hamelech and asking like a melech. The doesn’t seem to have recorded that part. How can I go about listening to that again? It was fantastic thank you
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Anonymous -6 years ago
no video
no video
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S -6 years ago
Listen in by phone
Is there a phone number to listen in by phone ?
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Menachem - Gateshead UK -6 years ago
Dear R' YY
What an incredible source of inspiration.
Thank you
You should have a Gud gebenshter Yohr and continue to inspire Klal Yisroel
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Menachem - Gateshead UK -6 years ago
Dear R' YY
What an incredible source of inspiration.
Thank you
You should have a Gud gebenshter Yohr and continue to inspire Klal Yisroel
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Abraham -6 years ago
You could listen on Tora Anytime phone system.
Press 9 followed by the class ID 66742 and then #.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Selichot this year?
Where is the Selichot this year?
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