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Pre Selichos 5778 Kumzitz

Motzaei Shabbos, September 1, 10 PM

2 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

This pre-Selichos 5778 Kumzitz, by Rabbi YY Jacobson and Yoli Lebowitz, took place on Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Ki Savo, 21 Elul, 5778, September 1, 2018, at the Atrium Ballroom, Monsey, NY.

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  • FS

    Frimet Skolas -4 years ago

    Slichos tonight?


    Is there live slichos tonight?

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  • M

    Michoel -5 years ago

    Yasher Koiach, once again.

    I went back to last years to watch the story of the Chazzan in Frankfurt who did Kol Nidrei for that 1 Jew...
    It made me cry all over again!
    and opened my heart for the last Slichos.

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  • E

    Eva -5 years ago

    Message: I listened/watched last years kumzitz and was very very inspired. Thank you Rabbi YY from the depth of my heart. It was disappointing though that I couldn't access the previous years kumzitzen which I tried watching to warm me open even more in advance of the special times we're in. Seems like it has not been uploaded the same way as the 5778 one, as it doesn't open. I want to thank you in advance for doing whatever it takes to enable it to open as last years one. Warmest brocho of a כתיבה וחתימה טובה, ויהי רצון שנזכה ששנת תש"פ יהיה 'השנת גאולה וישועה', אמן

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  • E

    Ephrayim -5 years ago

    I really enjoyed your Fabrenigen this past Motzei Shabbos (It was my first one in my 39 year existence).I have  theory as how the rebbe knew that that this was son of the dying mother. As you mentioned the rebbe cared for these kids as his own even though he never meet them. They were his kids. You don't need someone to tell you who your kids are. 


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    • C

      Chaim.s -3 years ago

      Ephrayim,  that was just beautiful what you just wrote,and might even be true.


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  • Y

    Yoel -6 years ago

    Satmar Rebbe zt"l

    I am not sure what people want. Rabbi YY quoted a man, with a name and address. Why don't you go to him and ask him? Rabbi YY was repeating the story he heard.

    I for one do not know if it is true. How would I? But people seem to not know the fact that the satmar Rav zt"l came to the Chabad Rebbe and sat there for a long time. Mid night. Night before Yom Kippur. 

    Does any rational person believe that Satmar Rebbe would come to visit him if he didn’t respect him deeply?
    And I really do not see why it is so strange that for something he felt the Chabad rebbe had experience with, he would send to him? for example, say a crisis connected to Russian Jewry.

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Selichos 5778 Fabrengen/Kumzitz

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • September 1, 2018
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  • 21 Elul 5778
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