what is the source of the Tzemach Tzedek about difference between adults and children? Thank you.
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Aron -8 years ago
Beautiful. Anyone know the name of the niggun played at 17:00?
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Abraham -6 years ago
It's really a fast song converted to slow...
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BN -8 years ago
I have listened to these encouraging and moving messages and singing a few times......we need this........thank you so much.....I plan to listen again now......
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ezriel -8 years ago
Thank you rabbi Jacobson Your words last night were very very inspiring Was worth more then a thousand תקיעת שופר or שבת שובה drusha'S Never felt so comfortable and ready for the יום הדין
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S.R.Z. -8 years ago
Yasher Koach Gadol for an uplifting and inspiring pre-selichos melave malka and fabreng!!! I had just returned from Eretz Yisroel on Erev Shabbos. I was hoarse, felt a chest cold and basically neutralized. Last minute I cancelled going with another mom to RCC and stayed home. Then, I sat down in the comfort of my kitchen, in my Shabbos robe to view the live broadcast. As I ate melave malka, I could have lots of mellow music by Ohr Chozer and divrei Torah by Rabbi Jacobson. I wound up listening and watching for two hours before the jet lag hit me. I am a regular at the Tuesday morning shiur and was grateful to benefit from these motzai Shabbos affirmative messages about Hashem forgiving us the first time, our capacity for growth and our invaluable neshomos that have infinite worth. Thank you all! May you and yours be gebentched 'til 120. A gut yahr!
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a fan -8 years ago
LOVED IT!!! Thank you RABBI JACOBSON for your wonderful messages of inspiration and chizuk. Hakaros hatov as well to all those who played music and davened and sang and danced. Towards the very end, the camera panned on the women's balcony, and then upon the dancing below. I would imagine that the women who were dancing would have preferred not to be filmed. Perhaps care could be taken in the future to ensure that an environment of tznius is respected and maintained by the videographers. Kesiva vchasima tova to all.
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joel -8 years ago
Were is it
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Yossey -8 years ago
Rcc fieldhiuse 145 college
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Rabbi YY Jacobson
September 24, 2016
21 Elul 5776
Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳
Please leave your comment below!
Just me -7 years ago
what is the source of the Tzemach Tzedek about difference between adults and children? Thank you.
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Aron -8 years ago
Beautiful. Anyone know the name of the niggun played at 17:00?
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Abraham -6 years ago
It's really a fast song converted to slow...
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BN -8 years ago
I have listened to these encouraging and moving messages and singing a few times......we need this........thank you so much.....I plan to listen again now......
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ezriel -8 years ago
Thank you rabbi Jacobson
Your words last night were very very inspiring
Was worth more then a thousand תקיעת שופר or שבת שובה drusha'S
Never felt so comfortable and ready for the יום הדין
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S.R.Z. -8 years ago
Yasher Koach Gadol for an uplifting and inspiring pre-selichos melave malka and fabreng!!! I had just returned from Eretz Yisroel on Erev Shabbos. I was hoarse, felt a chest cold and basically neutralized. Last minute I cancelled going with another mom to RCC and stayed home. Then, I sat down in the comfort of my kitchen, in my Shabbos robe to view the live broadcast. As I ate melave malka, I could have lots of mellow music by Ohr Chozer and divrei Torah by Rabbi Jacobson. I wound up listening and watching for two hours before the jet lag hit me. I am a regular at the Tuesday morning shiur and was grateful to benefit from these motzai Shabbos affirmative messages about Hashem forgiving us the first time, our capacity for growth and our invaluable neshomos that have infinite worth. Thank you all! May you and yours be gebentched 'til 120. A gut yahr!
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a fan -8 years ago
LOVED IT!!! Thank you RABBI JACOBSON for your wonderful messages of inspiration and chizuk. Hakaros hatov as well to all those who played music and davened and sang and danced. Towards the very end, the camera panned on the women's balcony, and then upon the dancing below. I would imagine that the women who were dancing would have preferred not to be filmed. Perhaps care could be taken in the future to ensure that an environment of tznius is respected and maintained by the videographers. Kesiva vchasima tova to all.
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joel -8 years ago
Were is it
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Yossey -8 years ago
Rcc fieldhiuse 145 college
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