Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Ani Ledodi #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Ayala Finn in loving memory of Sheva Shaindel bas Reizel Chasya.
On your third yahrzeit, our dear mother/wife and grandmother/great grandmother, we miss you and love you.
This class, on the Maamar Ani Ledodi by the Alter Rebbe in Likkutei Torah Parshas Reah, was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Ki Savo, 15 Elul, 5781, August 23, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Ani Ledodi #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Ayala Finn in loving memory of Sheva Shaindel bas Reizel Chasya.
On your third yahrzeit, our dear mother/wife and grandmother/great grandmother, we miss you and love you.
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ayala finn -3 years ago
this shiur was לעילוי נשמת שבע שנדל בת רייזל חסיה,my dear mother in law who died on rosh hashanna three years ago ,she was a woman full of compassion.This learning was very deep and moving.יישר כוח
Thank you and גמר חתימה טובה
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Are comments I leave here confidential and not viewed by the public? I have a real problem and thought you may be able to help me. Thank you.
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Menachem -3 years ago
After listening to your lesson this morning on YouTube, it brings back an exercise I had here at work.
I happen to be a Chaplain at a maximum-security prison with death row.
Naturally, it is a part of my responsibilities to notify inmates when a family member has passed. One day I received a call of regarding a tragedy. A young family of 3 was traveling in their car on a 2 lane highway when a wide-load tractor-trailer approached from the opposite direction.
The family's car hit the wide load trailer, spun out and exploded, killing the entire family in a ball of flames.
After verifying the tragedy, I went to the inmate's unit and had him escorted to an office so that we would have the opportunity to talk.
The officers that escorted him, brought him to me shirtless. His body was covered in tattoos of SS lighting bolts, swastikas, and a picture of Hitler.
You can only imagine what was going through my mind.
However, I kept a straight face, proceeded as if I was not judging. I brought the inmate to tears. I wiped his eyes since he was in restraints.
In the end, all he could say as he was leaving was "Thank you Rabbi, Thank you Rabbi."
Wishing you the blessing of being the mirror so that we may reflect the light of HaShem unto the world.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
When we have physical pain we know where to look
And tell the doctor where the pain is. Then the doctor can begin to cure.
There is a medical condition where the person feels no physical pain, the nervous system doesn't communicate to the brain. He can cut his foot on glass and be unaware of the cut or the bleeding.
This is a most dangerous condition. The person is unaware of the cut and can bleed to death unaware all along. Such a person must be constantly vigilant to the smallest cut.
This same condition of being unaware of a cut and physical pain can occur emotionally and spiritually.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
No matter how much he has sinned, a yid cannot totally disconnect
We know Hashem is all good, only does good and only wants good for His creations. Even though that inner and ultimate good is not always apparent to us.
Hashem created each of His creations with His great power. And He created all creation to be good, to do good. But He gave people free choice to do bad, to be bad. This is the essence of being human
Notice however, that our free choice to do bad, our power to do and be bad, cannot begin to compare to His power to have created us to be good
Therefore His power to have created us to be good can hardly be dented or affected by our power to do the opposite. At most we can just blemish that which He has given us, and never seriously damage it.
So, given our relatively very weak and inferior power to do or be bad cannot separate us from the overwhelming power to be good and be connected.
So a yid can never be totally disconnected despite trying his hardest to do so.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Transcendence and Immanence
Among many other paradoxes and dichotomies, it is said that Hashem is both immanent (aware of and involved in all details of our world); and transcendent (beyond all creation, all mstter and time).
Hashem might be said to vascillate between immanent and transcendence, or, He is both but the emphasis varies throughout the year.
Perhaps the concept of "The King is in the field", i.e. the King is close to us and accessible is another way of saying that during Elul Hashem prioritizes His immanence?
Notice that Elul precedes the night of Rosh Hashana when it is said that Hashem withdraws His will to continue His creation and creation goes on momentum so to speak, (in Figi?) until yidden re-coronate Him by blowing Shofar Rosh Hashana morning.
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Sara -3 years ago
Seems that the non-chassidus world
(not Chabad) e.g. some litvish jews may not know about the "King Being in the Field" or in the desert or "there" during Elul.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Hi Rabbi. Where Can I find the Shiur from last Monday's class please?
Many Thanks.
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Sara -3 years ago
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