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Creating Containers for the Infinite Love

If the Trauma is Trapped in My Body, I Have to Work with the Body

1 hr 17 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Tuesday, Parshas Ki Savo, 16 Elul, 5781, August 24, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY.

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  • CL

    Cirel Lipskier -3 years ago

    Relating To the concept of kind of feeding Hashem 

    From the story of the Baal Shemtov and the porush

    Tehillim Perek 22 Posuk 4

    ואתה קדוש יושב תהילתו ישראל

    our very intrinsic and basic Boruch Hashem. B'ezras Hashem gives parnosso to Hashem !

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  • A

    aviva -3 years ago

    What if I don’t know where I lost it?

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  • D

    dina -3 years ago

    Interesting that talk therapy can sometimes be retraumatizing and not helpful for trauma victims. Maybe this is what it’s referring to when it talks about someone who can’t even muster compassion when ‘going to the dark places.

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  • D

    dina -3 years ago

    Learning this morning feels like an exercise in the point of the maamer’s conclusion. You help us access the light and guide us to give it ‘keilim’ - to make that light real and grounded in our lives. Torahs Chaim and ahavas chessed. Thank you for another beautiful and uplifting maamer.

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  • E

    Eva -3 years ago

    What a perfect timing Rabbi, I woke up to one of those days where I almost lost my strength. I am getting in to getting to know the Torah. Does Torah, means a certain part? Like Berkshire? Because when I feel I am loosing my grip ... I open a certain chapter in Tehilim that makes me cry everytime and help.me hold on to it. I read the rest of the Torah as a growth tool and Maintenance... it that a hood direction? Cause I am a beginner...

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Lights without Kelim won't last, won't have impact

    Hashem also had His Light, but His Light alone needed Kelim to last, to have impact.

    And the Kelim Hashem created to contain His light and for that light to have impact  is....Creation 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asked...

    How could you determine just who is one of the lamed-tet tsadikim ( 36 hidden righteousness rabbis)?

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    peach pits

    rav avigdor MIller

    This principle of utilizing auto-suggestion will bring you to greatness in many area, not only this. For instance, when you see a peach pit lying on the ground, like I saw today, you have to start saying the following: This peach pit on the ground is a remarkable phenomenon. The peach pit is very hard. You can’t open it up. Inside there is a seed. And that seed is very valuable because it’s needed to plant another peach tree. That’s why it’s so hard. To protect it from animals and people. It’s so hard that even with a hammer sometimes you can’t open it up. Nothing in the peach tree is as hard as the shell of the peach pit. Now you can see the Yad Hashem in the peach pit. Hashem wants that tree to develop another peach tree. That’s why He made it so hard. Now, think about that. You say it one time and it makes no impression. So you say it again and again: “Why is it so hard?” Each time you see a peach pit, “Why is it so hard? To save the seed inside it, in order to make another tree.” You see a peach pit again, so say it again. And after a hundred times it enters into your mind that you’re seeing the Hand of Hashem at work here.Now, when you put that peach pit into the ground, it begins to open up by itself and the seed is revealed, and a peach tree begins to grow. How does that happen? The answer is that the two halves of the pit are pasted together with a wonderful formula, with a paste, a wonderful paste that will not yield to water and not yield to the banging of a hammer. But it yields to the fungi and bacteria in the soil. It’s מן השמים. It’s the hand of Hashem. But hearing it from me is only going to make a pale impression on your mind. You have to keep talking about it yourself. The first time you hear yourself saying it, it makes a very small impression. But say it a hundred times. Say it again and again, and by the time you’re forty, you’ll become a man who sees the Yad Hashem in the world. You will have gained a tremendous excellence. You’ll recognize on all sides of you the Hand of Hashem.The פסוק says, והאלוקים עשה – Hashem made the world in such a way, שיראו מלפניו – so that you should recognize Hashem, so that you should gain הכרה חושית, a sensory perception, an actual awareness of Hashem. But you have to work on it because nothing happens by itself. By itself, you are a nobody and you will remain a nobody.So, if you want to love the עם ישראל, then you’ll have to get busy loving the עם ישראל. You have to persuade yourself. Let’s say when you married a girl, everyone persuaded you to marry her. Maybe you weren’t so interested, but you married her anyhow. Always persuade yourself that your wife is the one that’s loyal to you, and that you love your wife. Keep on saying it and little by little it’ll be that way. By the time you are forty years old, you must start loving your wife.Don’t think that what I’m telling you is דברים בטלים, just wasted words. It’s the real truth. You have to work on it. המחשבה נמשכת אחר הדיבור – Your mind follows the way you talk. That’s why it’s so important to always be saying the right words. That’s why we say the שירי דוד עבדיך. We follow Dovid’s footsteps and we say the words that he said. Of course, we don’t have the same thoughts as Dovid did, but little by little, as you say his words, the thoughts of Dovid begin to gradually enter your mind. Gradually, gradually, these thoughts enter your mind. Little by little. And that’s why it’s so important to say the שירי דוד עבדיך. Like when you say his words in davening and in Tehillim, if you think about the words you’re saying, you gradually become a new person.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asked

    how do you inspire in others the apathy of not caring for G-dliness?

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    It's not just about listening though...

    it's about applying, integrating it, feeling it inside and doing someting about it

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    The challenge is

    applying what we know we each have to do ourselves.  So easy to tell others, to give advice, to provide guidance etc to others The challenge is to follow that adivce we give to others to ourselves.  What are some practical ways to do this? I know talking to ourselves about it, reading about it may be ways to get started, but being consistent with that challenge in order to overcome it completely?   How?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    We must have company on everyone, but

    Hashem said to completely wipe out Amalek, and to not leave even a single survivor at times. 

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    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago


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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Even a neo-nazi inmate deserves compassion

    When a child tells his parent "I hate you!", we don't take him seriously. He's just a child. He doesn't mean it. He knows not and understands not what he says. We have compassion for this child. 

    The neo-nazi and others full of hate are like this child--except they have the ability to carry out what they say. Andy even have done so. . But, in many ways, they are merely full size grown up versions of the child who seems to spew hate. Even to such a person must we have compassion. They were born innocent like every baby. Somewhere along the line they were misled into hate. Sure, we must protect ourselves from such people just in case they attempt to carry out their hatred, but somehow compassion must also be given. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    The seed of the peace is hard, for its protection

    Until it's ready to propagate a new generation. 

    But... the seed of the apple, a watermelon, etc are not so protected by a hard shell. 

    Why does this hard shell only protect the peach and not other fruits? 

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    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago


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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    It's Elul. Time for teshuva!?

    We, who are alive, BH, must react and  relate to Elul, do teshuva, prepare for Rosh Hashana and the coming year. We have to "clean up our act". We hope and pray for a good, sweet year.

    But.....didn't the 45 kedoshim at Meron do so last Elul? The past year's victims of covid? The victims at Stolin and Surfside? Any yid who was innocent yet passed? 

    Whether Elul is a gift or a threat, we must be "dan l'kav z'chus' for all yidden and assume that last Elul they did what a yid ought to do. 

    What then, did their teshuva last Elul accomplish? 

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Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Ani Ledodi #4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 24, 2021
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  • 16 Elul 5781
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Dedicated by Shira Kusnetz in honor of my husband, Ariel Brudoley, whose birthday is 25 Av. May Hashem bless him and all of Klal Yisroel to continue being a light to others, and may all we experience only bracha and simcha.

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