Yossi Paltiel
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You Must Search for Your Passion In the Place of Your Apathy. Likkutei Torah Reah Maamar Ani Ledodi #1. Second and Final Class
Yossi Paltiel
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David Benveniste,HaLevy,Tsfat -11 years ago
The inspiration
is resonant.only one minor detail to you and Rv Jacobson:
I don't believe the word "translation" originated in Transylvania.Go from strength to strength always.
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Kayo, Tokyo -13 years ago
Tuvah Ira?
Is keeping myself healty spiritually and physically for my loved ones a higher Tuvah? or lower Tuvah?
Shabbat Shalom,
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Anonymous -12 years ago
Re: Tuvah Ira?
Teshuva Tataa is going away from sin; while Teshuva Ilaa is about reconnecting with Hashem. And (perhaps you can say) accordingly…
That depends on what motivates you. If you are motivated by the need to get away from what is not good (neglect of family and the like), then it is the lower Teshuva; If on the other hand, you are motivated by the goodness of life and its responsibilities (that they are good and not a Burdon) then that would be like Tehsuva Ilaa.
I’m not sure I understood the question.
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Eliyahu -13 years ago
In the end I didn't understand the statement that it's possible to do higher teshuva even without lower Teshuva just by fulfilling Torah and mitzvos. If person has no fire, feeling (like his head was cut off G-d forbid) how Torah and Mitzvas will help him? According to explanation here they are only like vessels that may contain fire. So how will the fire come back?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: question
The idea is not to do cold Torah and Mitzvos but passionate Torah and Mitzvos. I believe that this is the intention of Iggeres HaTeshuva ch. 10 as well. Though there he seems to be saying that the lower Teshuva must be done first.
The light of Torah and Mitzvos is G-dly. In other words the Teshuva of [the light of] Torah and Mitzvos are far more than the human beings investment of passion, since they are G-dliness. This combination (of G-dly Mitzvos with human passion) brings the person back into a connectedness with G-dliness that is real and conscious.
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Ben CH -13 years ago
Reference Requested
"Mother's House" reference mentioned in Shiur is referred to in the TzemachTzedek Kitzur and reference given is as Zohar sect 2 Vikahl(see there)
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Reference Requested
Thank You.
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Michale -13 years ago
Thank you, Rabbi, as always good class. I like very much your introductory story. It is showed that everyone can reach level of teshuva for Hashem forgiveness.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Thanks
Answer: It’s not only about forgiveness; it’s much more about the connection as I tried to explain in the class.
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Lieb Chaim Goldfarb -13 years ago
Incredible shiur R' Paltiel! Thanks for the time and the clear clear clear explanations of the Ma'amer. Ksviva Vchasima Tova!
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