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What Is Moshiach? The Rambam’s View - Part 1

Dissecting the Words of the Rambam on the Torah Sources for Moshiach and His Function

1 hr 31 min

Class Summary:

What Is Moshiach? The Rambam’s View -- Part 1

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Pleae rabbi YY speak about the tragedy in miron, thousands of jews are waiting to hear from you!  

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  • BW

    Basya Woonteiler -3 years ago

    Thank you, Rabbi Jacobson.   This was fabulous!   Looking forward to next week!

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Awsome class~thank you Rabbi ;)

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    Rabbi Akiva...

    can't make a mistake? He was human, no? Don't humans make mistakes?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Rambam doesn't dissect pesukim that are the proof-texts for the Halachas

    Except for these pesukim about Moshiach. And moreso he makes sure we know about 2 Moshiachs, etc. 

    Whiy only here, only about Moshiach? 

    Obsessed with Moshiach? 

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  • CA

    C. Abergel -3 years ago

    looking for the sicha of the rebbe in english.  volume 18?  what year please

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    • Anonymous -3 years ago

      tutaltz.com in the sie section

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      • Anonymous -3 years ago

        thank you so much!!!!!

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    • Anonymous -3 years ago

      thank you!

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    So much to process

    Will need to listen to this shiur again before next week. So much to understand and process.  Here is a link to the English translation of Chapter 11 in Chabad.org for those of us who may need the English https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/2326882/jewish/Chapter-4-Studies-in-Rambam-Hilchos-Melachim-Ch-11.htm

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Written before you mentioned the 7 Noahide laws

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Isn't Judaism 2.0 (xianity) and Judaism 3.0 (islam)

    Still basically monotheistic albeit they hold that for themselves its a partnership (trinity) and not pure monotheism so "not so bad and ok for them"?

    If so then 2.0 and 3.0 both actually are implementing the 7 Noahide laws which are incumbent on the whole world--and so they are furthering Hashem's purpose and hastening Moshiach and  the  Geula? 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "Hashem doesn't make theoretical mitzvos"

    So the 3 additional cities of refuge of the future, which has not yet happened, shows that Moshiach will come and do all that he will including these 3 additional cities.

    But....wasn't the "Ben sorer u'morer" that archetypal OTD child, only a theoretical mitzvah that never happened? 

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    • MM

      Menachem Machsonai -3 years ago

      The Rebbe actually addresses this question in a footnote of the sicha, and he alludes to an explanation, but does not elaborate.It seems that the difference between ‘ben sorer u’morer’ and the three cities is as follows:

      The reason why ‘ben sorer u'morer’ never happened is simply because the parents are given a choice to have their son put to death or not, and it is not the nature of parents to kill their children. However, it is technically possible for it to happen.

      The additional cities on the other hand are dependent on Hashem giving us the three additional lands, and until that happens when Moshiach comes, it is completely impossible to fulfill this mitzvah.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "Later the yidden will add 3 more cities of refuge"

    Couldn't this "later" refer to the later conquering of Canaan when Yehoshua conquered these lands and added cities #4-6?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "No one, not even the king is above the Law"

    Of course, like the rest of Mishneh Torah, which  is an organized, categorized series of laws extracted from the Talmud, this principle of the Rule of Law for all is from Torah Sheb'al Peh given to Moshe. 

    It took thousands of  years and many heads decapitated, for the French and American revolutions to adopt this basic Jewish principle to the rest of the world.  Or at least a part of the world--even today despots rule and are above the law in their countries..

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  • DG

    Dovid Gross -3 years ago

    PLEASE!  Don't push aside what happened in Meron so quickly.

    Speak on that topic -- we're all desperate for hadracha!!!

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    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

      Simon Jacobson has words on this 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Everyone wants Moshiach, even the not yet observant

    Every single person alive has some sort of pain, suffering, trauma, lacking, problem, etc.

    Every single person desires an end to that negative part of  their lives.

    The end of suffering and pain will come with Moshiach and Geula. 

    Therefore every person, observant and not yet observant, even those totally ignorant of any aspect of yiddishkeit including Moshiach and Geula, actually want Moshiach and Geula even without knowing those terms.

    There are many divisions and divisiveness among yidden.  Many stripes and groups, sometimes fighting with each other.

    Look at today's  collage on media  of the korbanos from Meron a few nights ago. Every type of yid was there and every type had a korban. There were Zionists and antizionists, chasidim and litvish. Young and old. Observant and not yet observant.  Learned and not.  Etc. Etc.

    They were all united in coming to Meron for the Rashbi. They were united in death. BDE. They are united now.

    What was the infighting beforehand all about? When push came to  shove, unfortunately literally here, they are all united and have much more in common than not. 

    They all wanted Moshiach in their own way beforehand.  

    And so do we who are still alive.

    May it be now.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Is it overly simplistic to say that Moshiach can be compared

    To a great birthday present bought for a child. If the child is a regular child he gets it on his birthday.  And if we yidden are "regular" then Moshiach comes the due date comes, the year 6000 corresponding to the arrival of Shabbos when each millennium is like a day of creation.  The Era of  Moshiach is likened to the Shabbos of time.

    We are now in  5781, which plots out to late Friday afternoon when Shabbos can already be brought in.

    But, if the child is  extra good then the parent can give the birthday present early. If we yidden are "extra good" i.e. meritorious bith cumulatively throughout time and collectively as a nation, then we get that awesome gift early. 

    The parent has hinted at the present and we have hints and glimpses of the present. 

    If golus can end at any time. Therefore a potential Moshiach must be here among us as human being at all times. (Or can he be "techias hamaysimed" on himself, something that will occur to all departed yidden after his coming, i.e. he can come from the living or the dead). 

    There have been many potential Moshiachs throughout time, who were so considered. Is it possible, considering that most of  us  are not here for the 

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    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

      ....most of us are not here for the first time, that Moshiach's neshoma has been here before several times.  Perhaps the Rambam was a potential Moshiach.  Perhaps the Rebbe was a potential Moshiach.  Perhaps considering the affinity of the two, they are the same neshoma, the neshoma of Moshiach? 

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Likkutei Sichos - Rambam Hilchos Melachim #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 2, 2021
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  • 20 Iyyar 5781
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Dedicated in loving memory of my father, Reb Gershon Ber ben Reb Simon Jacobson, for the yartzeit, 20 Iyar.

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