Likkutei Sichos - Rambam Hilchos Melachim #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yitzchak Shlomo in memory of Yeshayahu Yosef ben Yacov Leib on the occasion of his ninth yahrtzeit on the 12th of Sivan. May his neshama have an aliya and may he have much nachas from all his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
What Is Moshiach? The Rambam’s View -- Part 2
Likkutei Sichos - Rambam Hilchos Melachim #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yitzchak Shlomo in memory of Yeshayahu Yosef ben Yacov Leib on the occasion of his ninth yahrtzeit on the 12th of Sivan. May his neshama have an aliya and may he have much nachas from all his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
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Esther Rachel -3 years ago
Sounds like we all have a piece
of Moshiach inside us.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Why do we have to know Moshiachs description? Were we told by Yaakov Avinu/Yosef Hatzadik, to look out for the character of the future redeamer from Mitzrayim (i.e. Moshe Rabeinu)? Were we told by Moshe Rabeinu what to look our for the character of the future Melech (i.e. DOvid Hamelech) that will bring about the fullfilment of the Torah and Mitzvos (which wasnt realized in Moshes times, only in the future - in Eretz Yisroel under a Melech etc.) ?
Why when it gets to Moshiach does Torah (the Rambam) tell us specifically his qualities?
For what purpose?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Not to err?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
For Moshe Rabbeinu, there was a sign - פקד פקדתי. However, we have no idea who, what, when, Moshiach is supposed to be without the Rambam, especially as any sign would probably have been lost over 2000 years of exile. For Dovid Hamelech, there was no need, as:
a. There was a Navi there, so we didn't need a sign to annoint him as king.
b. He wasn't a real 'redeemer', and it wasn't such a level of criteria as Moshiach would need.
Therefore, in order for us to know who Moshiach is, when he comes right now, we have to be able to know who he'll be, and we can't really rely on prophecy, as we aren't sure who is legally considered and who isn't; if there even exists the prophecy now, etc.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
We should be grateful to the Rambam, the only legal codifier
Who included future halachos of Geula and Moshiach for giving us greater clarity and details so that we not only believe in a vague hazy future world, but gives us the details do we can have a clearer picture
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
If there is a potential Moshiach in every generation
And we believe in gilgul, reincarnation of neshomas, can it be that whoever is the potential Moshiach today, has been here before? That both the Rambam, the Rebbe and others have ALL been the same neshoma and ALL been potential Moshiach in his day? (And therefore the obvious affinity between the Rebbe and the Rambam?)
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
We need Moshaich
To know that GD is real? Don't we believe that already? Don't we believe that yiddishkite is real? Isn't that why we do what we do?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Before the Chait Aitz Hadaas, the world was perfect and operating
According to the POTENTIAL Hashem had in mind as written in His Torah.
This was the opening Act One of the Supernal Play of world history.
And so Rambam begins Mishneh Torah with "the foundation of all foundations..." .
Then came the Chait. Then afterwards good and evil became mixed, the possibility of sin arose, together with the possibility of death, reward and punishment. This is our ACTUAL world.
All of Jewish history are the middle Acts of this cosmic play with our free choice, possibility of sin, death, reward and punishment, etc.
The final Act will be the Geula and Moshiach. The end will come back to the beginning. The beginning is wedged in the end and vice versa.
The world will have gone full circle back to the original POTENTIAL plan and time when good and evil aren't mixed, when there be no death or suffering such as it was for Adam before the Chait, when all will live in peace.
Imagine a puzzle with a beautiful picture of Gan Eden before the Chait with Adam and Chava living there in bliss. Then the puzzle is broken up into thousands of little pieces. Our job is to reassemble those pieces. When the puzzle is fully reassembled we come back to the idyllic Gan eden that existed before the Chait. That is Geula and Moshiach.
Each mitzvah, each little bit of learning and good deed reassembles one more little piece. (Maybe every aveirah takes off a reassembled piece?)
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
And Rambam's ending of the Mishneh Torah ends with a description of the future Geula and Moshiach. Final Act. Curtain closes.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The 3 future orey miklot will be built after Geula and Moshiach
Will there then be accidental homicide after Geula? Will there be death? If there's techias hamaysim of those who passed away before Geula, will there be additional people who pass away as a result ofvan accidental homicide? Will family members seek revenge of the accidental killer after Geula?
Why don't we say that instead of building 3 more orey miklot after Geula, we will dismantle the existing ones and let those who ran there to be set free?
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Why do we need Moshiach
if we have GD?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
We can't handle Hashem.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
How do we know that geula and Moshiach isn't going
To occur for all of us after we pass away, not in this physical world but in the next world our neshomas will occupy?
Perhaps after we leave this world and go what we call olam habaah, shomayim, Gan eden, etc., that we can there perceive Geula and Moshiach? Perhaps all those who have passed away before today are right now experiencing geula and Moshiach and our job down here right now is to yearn and anticipate and daven for geula and Moshiach?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
How different wiil be the zman of Geula and Moshiach down here according to Rambam or other sources; compared to what the neshomas on high are experiencing according to them?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The 3 future "orey miklot" given as proof that this will happen
And because it hasn't happened yet, it will happen after geula and Moshiach and so it's a proof this will happen.
Notice in yesterday's parsha we learn laws of shemitta and yoyvell. This was given to the yidden while still encamped at Sinai.
These laws, like the future laws of orey miklot, should have been proof and there encouragement to those yidden that farming and shemitta and yoyvel will occur, but in the future after they enter and conquer Canaan.
If so, with this promise of a future in EY did the yidden, or most of them at least, become discouraged with the report of the miraglim?
If future orey miklot was a promise and prediction for Rambam and us that there will be a geula, why wasn't it a promise and prediction for the dor hamidbar?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
There are halachos in Torah that will never happen
Like the "ben sorer u'morer". This was given as a possibility but it would never actually occur to teach us lessons and give more Torah to study.
Forgive the impudence, but, how do we know that the halachos about geula and Moshiach are likewise, chvS, similar in that in might never happen but gives us lessons, hope and more to study?
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