Basi Legani 5721 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In Loving Memory of Our Grandparents
ר׳ יוסף הירש בן ר׳ לייב ע״ה
ויהודית בת ר׳ אבא ע״ה
R’ Yosef Hirsch and Yehudis Vchershansky
לייב בן ר׳ יחיאל ברוך ע״ה
וסימה בת ר׳ שמשון ע״ה
Leib and Sima Goldstein
Who even behind the Iron Curtain lived a life of unwavering dedication to their families and daringly hoped for a better tomorrow. Today their children and grandchildren aim to carry their legacy from darkness to light.
Dedicated by Their Grandchildren
This text-based shiur, the fifth and final class on Maamar Basi Legani 5721 (1961), was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, Parshas Bo, 8 Shevat, 5781, January 21, 2021, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Basi Legani 5721 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In Loving Memory of Our Grandparents
ר׳ יוסף הירש בן ר׳ לייב ע״ה
ויהודית בת ר׳ אבא ע״ה
R’ Yosef Hirsch and Yehudis Vchershansky
לייב בן ר׳ יחיאל ברוך ע״ה
וסימה בת ר׳ שמשון ע״ה
Leib and Sima Goldstein
Who even behind the Iron Curtain lived a life of unwavering dedication to their families and daringly hoped for a better tomorrow. Today their children and grandchildren aim to carry their legacy from darkness to light.
Dedicated by Their Grandchildren
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
No such thing as a small matter in a total war
In the war against cancer, the doctors sesrch out and eradicate every last speck of the cancer. Because, if not, that small speck can grow and retake the body.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Every soldier in a war must be totally focused on victory
With no extraneous thoughts, worries or reservations. He can't fight 100% if he's thinking and worrying about anything back home.
The purpose of a car is to get to the destination. Every one of the thousands of parts (soldiers) have a single minded focus to work with the other parts (army) to get to the destination. There is nothing but that focus to detract from working only for that single purpose.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
There is machlokis on every page of gemora
I can't recall exactly where, but there is an opinion in gemora that disputes this.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Tefilla is like talk therapy
In traditional talk therapy, the patient speaks and speaks unraveling the layers of his own klipas, cover ups, terutzim, until he "hits the spot" where there are no more excuses and rationalizations but an admission of rotzon.
The therapist often does little but listen and keep the patient on track to get to the spot.
In davenning, we speak to Hashem. He too, is a great listener, as we peel away the rationalizations and terutzim until we get to the "spot".
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The King splurges His treasures on war
What goes on down here reflects what goes on up there.
We see down here that Kings and Presidents also have unlimited and uncontrolled spending, emptying the treasury (and even more by borrowing) to fight World Wars, and even a war against a virus.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The children were the guarantors
It's well known that Hashem rejected all proposed guarantors that the yidden would keep the Torah He wanted to give, until the children (future generations) were proposed as guarantors.
This maamer discusses Tzivos Hashem.
In the early 80s the Rebbe organized a new children's organization called Tzivos Hashem
Once again the children (future generations) are proposed as guarantors. This time for geula.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
the last time (i think) the name tzvaoos is mentioned in Tanach
וַיֵּ֥לֶךְ דָּוִ֖יד הָל֣וֹךְ וְגָד֑וֹל וַיהוָ֥ה צְבָא֖וֹת עִמּֽוֹ׃ (פ)
divrey yamim 1:11
When we go out to milchomos dovid this is when the name will be revelaed to all.
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Danny Bergson -4 years ago
fantastic Mekor to prove the thesis of the Maamar!
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Anonymous -4 years ago
lichora its shver the pashtus of gemara to fit with the penimius because the gemara is discussing giving a get with a tnay according to rashi so then if survive the war their is no krisus! however, according to rabenu tam kesuvos 9 its good because he said there is no tnay.Maybe the mehalech in rashi is that you have to be willing to sacrifice everything in olam hazeh - however, it is al geder the mishna avos pas bemelch tochal etc. some mefarshim explain that if you will be in that situation you will still learn, but do not have to put yourself in that situation.
Another haara (not connected to above) is the mehalech of bechinas dovid similar to the avodah of the shevatim of toraso umnaso as opposed to yosef or no shachis?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Os 7-8seems like the 2 avodas are reflected in the maamar we had vayishlach(a) “Perform all your deeds for the sake of Heaven”; (b) “In all your ways, know
Him.”However. it seems that the avodah of deishafcha is the 2nd level(b below) of all your ways and with this explains os 8 that he says even with a sechel of kedusha you have to be mevatel- why is kedusha something to be mevatel? according to this it is understood(a) All of a person’s actions are sanctified; nevertheless, when a person performs
them and is involved in these activities, he also senses their inherent materiality. To
illustrate: Eating on the Shabbos is itself a mitzvah, as explained above, yet the
mitzvah itself obligates a person to enjoy Shabbos with delicious meat and aged
wine. As a result, even while performing this mitzvah, a person feels the materiality
of his food and drink, as his enjoyment of Shabbos is due to their materiality.
b) All of a person’s material concerns are so completely nullified and coalesced
with G-dliness that their whole existence is transformed into kedushah, and the
“materiality” in them is not felt at all. This {indifference to materiality} is not just
because of the profusion of holy light that illuminates within him, since he is entirely
devoted and dedicated to “knowing” Hashem, but because for him, material items
themselves also become something holy.)
and with this explains os 8 that he says even with a sechel of kedusha you have to be mevatel- why is kedusha something to be mevatel? according to this it is understood
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