Basi L'Gani 5721 #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In Loving Memory of Our Grandparents
ר׳ יוסף הירש בן ר׳ לייב ע״ה
ויהודית בת ר׳ אבא ע״ה
R’ Yosef Hirsch and Yehudis Vchershansky
לייב בן ר׳ יחיאל ברוך ע״ה
וסימה בת ר׳ שמשון ע״ה
Leib and Sima Goldstein
Who even behind the Iron Curtain lived a life of unwavering dedication to their families and daringly hoped for a better tomorrow. Today their children and grandchildren aim to carry their legacy from darkness to light.
Dedicated by Their Grandchildren
This is a text-based class on a Chassidic discourse, a Maamer, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Basi L'Gani 5721 (1961). This fourth class of the series was taught by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Sunday morning, Parshas Bo, 4 Shevat, 5781, January 17, 2021, at Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Basi L'Gani 5721 #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In Loving Memory of Our Grandparents
ר׳ יוסף הירש בן ר׳ לייב ע״ה
ויהודית בת ר׳ אבא ע״ה
R’ Yosef Hirsch and Yehudis Vchershansky
לייב בן ר׳ יחיאל ברוך ע״ה
וסימה בת ר׳ שמשון ע״ה
Leib and Sima Goldstein
Who even behind the Iron Curtain lived a life of unwavering dedication to their families and daringly hoped for a better tomorrow. Today their children and grandchildren aim to carry their legacy from darkness to light.
Dedicated by Their Grandchildren
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Anonymous -4 years ago
When a person dreams, two opposites are not a contradiction to each other, and could coexist. A person in darkness and galus could emerge through geulah which is the revelation of how the galus was really aligned with the oneness. ( vort of the Brisker rav Hayinu Kecholmim) However, when he is still present in the state of Galus, he needs to be able to dream. To be able to see or realize the light within the darkness and that he is able to keep on going even though it seems like the impossible. If a person could live with this paradox, then elokus will enter his life.
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Nautuli -4 years ago
Alexi NaValni, testify today on how נצחון is beyond rational. Returning back to Russia when he knows דמים בראשו
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Real victory is not conquering but aligning
And so America and the Allies, after conquering the Axis powers, Germany, Japan and Italy, built them up with democratic ideals.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
A real Melech can desire to conquer the whole world
Like Haman and Napoleon.
Zeh L'uma zeh.
The Rebbe didn't raise until he "conquered" the whole world, (except poland?) with kedusha, shluchim and chabad houses
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Two types of war
First type involves a profit loss analysis and its undertaken only if there's a likely profit.
The second type is when anything and everything is utilized to try to win even if a profit or win is unlikely. This was the king crushing his most precious gem to save the life of his son.
These days the same 2 approaches exist regarding medical care for the very elderly and those who are very sick and unlikely to survive. One approach is not to intervene for a person 100 years old or who is very sick. The other approach, seen in frum hospitals in EY is that everything and anything is done even for a frail 100 year old patient. (I saw this with my own mother).
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Exile is a state of mind
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Jonah James -4 years ago
If the Ramak and the Besht had two distinct approaches to Hashem's infinity and finiteness, how can both of them be correct?
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Emes comes out from resolving paradoxes
It seems that rather than merely putting forth emes simply, the system was to set up polar opposites of every type and the emes comes out from resolving the paradox.
Rotzo and Shuv. Male and female. Good and evil. Hillel and Shammai. Positive and negative in electricity. Opposite poles in magnetism. Two sides of any argument or debate or court case. Kiddush and seuda. Etc. Etc.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone asked...
To compare your spouse & your relationship with her to your relationship with hashem is impossible; because of the expectation of your spouse???
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The keli has its own ohr, not just the ohr of the neshoma that fills it
Therefore we see that when a yid is nifter, and the soul has departed, we treat the lifeless body with great dignity, as anyone who has engaged in Chevra Kadisha and burial knows.
There is great effort to gather every drop of blood, tissue, etc after an accident.
That is because the keli, the body, has its own ohr, it's own kedusha.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Os 7-8
seems like the 2 avodas are reflected in the maamar we had vayishlach(a) “Perform all your deeds for the sake of Heaven”; (b) “In all your ways, know
Him.”However. it seems that the avodah of deishafcha is the 2nd level(b below) of all your ways and with this explains os 8 that he says even with a sechel of kedusha you have to be mevatel- why is kedusha something to be mevatel? according to this it is understood(a) All of a person’s actions are sanctified; nevertheless, when a person performs
them and is involved in these activities, he also senses their inherent materiality. To
illustrate: Eating on the Shabbos is itself a mitzvah, as explained above, yet the
mitzvah itself obligates a person to enjoy Shabbos with delicious meat and aged
wine. As a result, even while performing this mitzvah, a person feels the materiality
of his food and drink, as his enjoyment of Shabbos is due to their materiality.
b) All of a person’s material concerns are so completely nullified and coalesced
with G-dliness that their whole existence is transformed into kedushah, and the
“materiality” in them is not felt at all. This {indifference to materiality} is not just
because of the profusion of holy light that illuminates within him, since he is entirely
devoted and dedicated to “knowing” Hashem, but because for him, material items
themselves also become something holy.)
and with this explains os 8 that he says even with a sechel of kedusha you have to be mevatel- why is kedusha something to be mevatel? according to this it is understood
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Questions from Basi L'Gani Shiur #3
Learning Basi Ligani 5721 with your recording.
You just mentioned that the marriage ring is the step of tzimtzum. Is there a connection between the finger of the Kallah filling the space of the ring and the the Kav enteing the mokom Cholol?
They said the shem mefurash in the mikdash not only on YK. Another kasha: Moshe killed mitzry with shem hamefurashal. Was that Yom Kippur?
Chasidus would say based on the alter Rebbe's vort 19 kislev 5669, discussed in your 24 teves 5781 farbrengen, that in atzilus the greatest taanug is doing a favor for others - the same dargah as yom kippur. So moshe then was like Yom Kippur, in the depth of atzelus you feel the need to do a a favor and save another Jew.But kepshuto tzarich iyun on the maggid.
YY Jacobson
I think your insight is on target, as this is what Yom Kippur is all about -- as we see in the story of the Alter Rebbe going to the young mother on Yom Kippur. And the story in Yuma 47 with the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur speaking to the Arab (explained by the Rebbe 19 Kislev 5720, and in my 24 Teves 5781 farbrengen).In the beis hamikdash they can say it because it was the link between heaven and earth (cf. Likkutei Sichos vol. 10 about the "neck" of the world.) But on Yom Kippur, the entire nation can hear it and experience it, as we say in the avodah of YK.
The kohen Godol had to be married to show That ruchnious must be connected to gashmius. But, he was doing the Avodah in the Beis Hamigdash. That had to be made exactly physically according to the Divine blueprint. Exactly a certain size, certain materials, etc. Also his begodim, and the korbonos had to be physically exactly a certain way.Why weren't all those exact specifications without which he couldn't do the avoda sufficient to connect ruchnious with gashmius? Although there were certain prerequisites, we don't see that Mrs Kohen Godol had to be a certain size, type etc.
Explains why people let personal attacks and offenses destroy them, their relationships, etc. If we are one, what does it matter?
Sarah Goldberg
Hashem must forego his infinity to create otherness Like a confirmed bachelor must give his total freedom to create a relationship or marriage
No. And this is the problem of discussing these things. For many generations this was all hidden from being discussed in public because unless understood correctly there is a real danger of making critical mistakes. The answer to your question is dealt with in the Tanya (and others), but its not so simple to understand the real depth of the answer.
Sara So, if fusion of ohr and keli is the ultimate, all the negative things written and said about keli are irrelevant. They are not negative. Keli is necessary, has to be there, a part of the fusion?
YY Jacobson
Sara So many things in Judaism are counter intuitive, so many paradoxes. If that's so, how do we ever know what the meanings really are?
GD denies Himself to reveal Himself. Man denies self to reveal GD. I retesting!
An entrepreneur forms a company of people In order to achieve a goal he cannot achieve alone. He needs many people with many skills to achieve his goal. Ditto for any group of people organized to collectively achieve a goal (an army, any organization, etc).Query: if the ultimate purpose of our cumulative and collectively existence to bring and achieve the era of Moshiach with all its details, could Hashem have achieved this goal without creation, without people, without yidden? If the era of Moshiach is his ultimate goal as well on His level, he needs us like the entrepreneur needs his staff.
So it's ALWAYS about learning more, feeling more, being more - about GD, about a person, about yourself ++++++++++++++++++
AnonymousSomeone asked... When Moshiach comes, isn't the true name of Hashem revealed?
My father the principal. Wasn't there a story about a student who had his father as principal also? When he got in trouble he asked the principal to remember that he was his father also and act accordingly?
yosef s
A big Yasher Koach for the Basi Le Gani shiurim.I look forward to them and enjoy them immensely every year. And in particular your explanation "outside" of the whole historical background, etc. in the most recent shiur. I have now watched recordings of the entire first two shiurim of this year and am "caught up", and I hope to participate "live" on zoom in the remaining two shiurim.
I would appreciate it, if possible, if you could elaborate about the inyan of "os hu b’stva b’tsva d’lei” which the Rebbe mentions is os hei about 14 lines down. He says the beginning of avodah needs to be in Havaya Tsvakos and through this on reaches os hu b’stva b’tsva d’lei and then afterwards one gets to Tsavos Havayay Could you possibly elaborate on what this is about? Particularly the term os hu b’stva b’tsva d’lei, which I have not encountered before. Thank you so much, and again, thanks so much for this great series of shiurim.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Questions from Basi L'Gani Shiur #2
Thank you, rabbi Jacobson, for unbelievable clarity for these important and difficult concepts. I had some general ideas what is kav and reshima, and it was some kind of confusion in my head. After this class these concepts became clear. I watched it 3 times and each time was very enjoyable.
We're all conning ourselves until The fusion removes the con from con-fusion
AnonymousThe finitude of the keli is also infinite Elokus - So, is a lifeless wing of a fly as much Elokus as the Ain Sof?
You're taking amateurs into dangerous spiritual territory - Maybe some of us will go mad, others become apikorsim chv"D, and only some will understand.
I thought that...if you're in the darkness long enough, you can get used to it and ultimately see there too.
Sarah Goldberg
A person relates to others in many ways and has names accordingly. The same person can be a son, a brother, a father, an uncle, a husband, a cousin, a neighbor, a friend, a partner, someone's doctor, an investor, a lender, a client, etc, etc. With each relationship he has a different name accordingly. There is throughout the same "I", the same essence and how he relates to himself. What name does he use when he speaks to himself? Usually his Jewish name given at birth and not any name that is attached to a particular relationship. No one calls themselves, mommy, daughter, sister, etc. When speaking to myself I say "Sarah".
Sara- So about kaballah... I'm only now studying very hard Torah, the Chumash and yet kabballah seems to be even more which is great. I love what you touch on in the shiurim at the level that you do, but is it ok to jump into more kaballah while still studying Torah? What do you recommend.?
how do we say ein melech belo am and yet say בטרם כל יצור נברא in adon olam?
Hershel GruenbergI am sure it lies somewhere between 'Yisroel went up in thought' and 'I will be King'. טרם כל conceptual time before time in our world. In conceptual time there are stages of higher and lower. Like the conception of a child beginning in thought. I think that we can say that since Nashamot Yisroel are a chelek of Hashems essence then Hashem was also King of Am Yisroel before Creation.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Questions form Basi L'Gani Shiur #1 ...
Shtus DeKedusha
Can Rabbi Y,Y. please bring an example in our lives in 2021 of what would be a healthy good Shhtus deKedusha. Why is this so important that its in opening of this maamar?
Sarah Goldberg - The shechina went up and down and up and down again. It sounds like the shechina started off down here on earth. So we basked in its glory. Then 7 types of aveirahs and each time the shechina retreated a level till the top 7th floor far from us on the ground floor. Avraham turned it around and brought it down a level and this continued with the generations of avos until Moshe pulled it back to the ground floor when we stood at Sinai. We lost a level with the chet haegel soon afterwards but it came back to our level with the mishkan. Presumably the shechina was also down here during the botei Mikdash.
Did it depart one or more levels with each churban and attendant golus? Where is it now? One floor up or more?
Sarah Goldberg -- Hashem has several names according to His function at the time. Lehavdil elef havdales, the president has various powers, various functions, various abilities and therefore various titles. When he signs executive orders, he is the chief executive carrying out acts of state. When he directs the armed forces he is the commander in chief. When he pardons he acts as a judge. When he signs or refuses to sign acts of congress he acts as a legislator, law giver. When negotiating with other heads of state he is like a monarch.
Sarah Goldberg -- Is the same 1981 maamer on c. 11 from the Rebbe now printed in 2001 and 2021?
YY Jacobson-In 5721 the Rebbe said the Maamar Basi Legani based on ch. 11 of the original maamar. In 5741, the maamar is also based on ch. 11, but it is of course a very different maamar.
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