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Three Streams of Kabbalah — Ramak, Baal Shem Tov, Baal HaTanya

The Light of the Infinite, the Light of the Finite, & the Fusion

1 hr 53 min

Class Summary:

This is a text-based class on a Chassidic discourse, a Maamer, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Basi L'Gani 5721 (1961). The second part of the series was taught by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Sunday morning, Parshas Shemos, 19 Tevet, 5781, January 3, 2021, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY. 

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  • C

    Candace -3 years ago

    I'm struggling with the word residue. If I understand, a residual energy was left that manifests itself in the spark(s) of creation? Or remained or were necessary for the spark(s) of creation?

    I became somewhat lost in the infinite v finite. I will watch again.

    Thank you Rabbi YY. Your methodolgoy for teaching is illuminating.

    I'm older and am struggling with learning Hebrew. Would there perhaps be even Hebrew English transliteration text available to coincide with the lectures. And thank you again.

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    • C

      Candace -3 years ago

      Okay. Infinite v finite. As I contemplate further ... Hashem is infinite; there are no bounds which characteristically or categorically confine Hashem to a single definition, entity, space or representation.

      I hope I'm getting closer. I had to stop the video and go over it again...

      As Hashem withdrew himself from creation, it was necessary that spark(s) of Him remained or we would not be his. I'm kind of thinking of the idea that our energies bend space and time and once there we cannot be not there, so to speak, like the butterfly effect. But also, Hashem's energy had to remain to allow for creation to occur. Now, Hashem as an infinite was restrained in the acts of creation leaving only sparks of divine energy - so to speak - leaving finite particles/ essence of Hashem.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Please check out an Inspirational new song about Light- a beautiful song of Chizzuk: www.lifeinasong.org 

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  • M

    Michoel -4 years ago

    Thank you, rabbi Jacobson, for unbelievable clarity for these important and difficult concepts. I had some general ideas what is kav and reshima, and it was some kind of confusion in my head. After this class these concepts became clear. I watched it 3 times and each time was very enjoyable.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    We're all conning ourselves until

    The fusion removes the con from con-fusion

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    The finitude of the keli is also infinite Elokus

    So, is a lifeless wing of a fly as much Elokus as the Ain Sof?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    One always needs oros and kelim

    Around the 35 minute mark of today's shiur,  I'm sure the oros of the maamer were present there in monsey as we watched the snow begin to fall, but out here we began missing the Kelim of sound! 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    You're taking amateurs into dangerous spiritual territory

    Maybe some of us will go mad, others become apikorsim chv"D, and only some will understand. 

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    I thought that...

    if you're in the darkness long enough, you can get used to it and ultimately see there too.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    A person relates to others in many ways and has names accordingly

    The same person can be a son,  a brother,  a father,  an uncle, a husband, a cousin,  a neighbor,  a friend, a partner, someone's doctor, an investor,  a lender,  a client, etc,  etc. 

    With each relationship he has a different name accordingly.  

    There is throughout the same "I", the same essence and how he relates to himself.  What name does he use when he speaks to himself? Usually his Jewish name given at birth and not any name that is  attached to a particular relationship. 

    No one calls themselves, mommy, daughter,  sister, etc. When speaking to myself I say "Sarah". 

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    So about kaballah...

    I'm only now studying very hard Torah, the Chumash and yet kabballah seems to be even more which is great. I love what you touch on in the shiurim at the level that you do, but is it ok to jump into more kaballah while still studying Torah? What do you recommend.? 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Questions from Lesson #1


    Shtus DeKedusha

    Can Rabbi Y,Y. please bring an example in our lives in 2021 of what would be a healthy good Shhtus deKedusha. Why is this so important that its in opening of this maamar?


    The shechina went up and down and up and down againIt sounds like the shechina started off down here on earth. So we basked in its glory.  Then 7 types of aveirahs and each time the shechina retreated a level till the top  7th floor far from us on the ground floor. Avraham turned it around and brought it  down a level and this continued with the generations of avos until Moshe pulled it back to the ground floor when we stood at Sinai.  We lost a level with the chet haegel soon afterwards but it came back to our level with the mishkan.   Presumably the shechina was also down here during the botei Mikdash.    Did it depart one or more levels with each churban and attendant golus?   Where is it now? One floor up or more?


    Hashem has several names according to His function at the timeLehavdil elef havdales,  the president has various powers,  various functions, various abilities and therefore various titles.  When he signs executive orders, he is the chief executive carrying out acts of  state. When he directs the armed forces he is the commander in chief. When he pardons he acts as a judge. When he signs or refuses to sign acts of congress he acts as a legislator, law giver. When negotiating with other heads of  state he is like a monarch.


    Is the same 1981 maamer on c. 11 from the Rebbe now printed in2001 and 2021?

    YY Jacobson Response

    In 5721 the Rebbe said the Maamar Basi Legani based on ch. 11 of the original maamar. In 5741, the maamar is also based on ch. 11, but it is of course a very different maamar.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    how do we say ein melech belo am and yet say בטרם כל יצור נברא in adon olam?

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    • HG

      Hershel Gruenberg -4 years ago

      I am sure it lies somewhere between 'Yisroel went up in thought' and 'I will be King'.  טרם כל...is conceptual time before time in our world. In conceptual time there are stages of higher and lower. Like the conception of a child beginning in thought.  I think that we can say that since Nashamot Yisroel are a chelek of Hashems essence then Hashem was also King of Am Yisroel before Creation.

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Maamer Basi L'Gani 5721 #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 3, 2021
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  • 19 Tevet 5781
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