Chassidus: Maamer V'hikrisem, Matos-Masei 5712 #7
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Franki Cohen, for the Refuah Sheleima of Ezriel ben Mina
This is a text-based class by Rabbi YY Jacobson, on a Maamar, a Chassidic discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Maamar V'hikrisem, presented by the Rebbe on Shabbos Parshas Matos-Masei, 26 Tammuz, 5712, July 19, 1952.
The class was presented on Friday Parshas Matos-Masei, 26 Tammuz, 5780, July 17, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Maamer V'hikrisem, Matos-Masei 5712 #7
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Franki Cohen, for the Refuah Sheleima of Ezriel ben Mina
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Aharon -4 years ago
When there's a lot of criminals in the western town, the sheriff deputizes men so there are more deputies and force to fight against the criminals. Baruch HaShem Rabbi Jacobson is training alot of us to be deputies ie ambassadors of love light and hope. We should wear our "badges" with strength and spread the light love and hope.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
rabenu yina says the beginning of avodah is knowing ereach atzmo if one has that value of self one can have the mussar approach and then could be helpful, but oone who is lacking needs the other approach
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Moshe -4 years ago
Fear and gevurah OR love and chesed? Which is right? Which works today?
As experienced mechanchim today know, only love and positivity and chesed works today. There are too many enticements out there for fear to work.
(A new seder recently out about a renowned mechanch, R. Trenk, called :only with love".)
Many brought up with fear of punishment and gevurah ho OTD these days. While those brought up.woth love, positivity and chesed might cut corners, the love and chesed remains in their core.
Chasdilidus, Lubavitch and these classes emphasize the love, positivity and chesed approach. "Zeh l'uma Zeh" there is the negative, fear of punishing, gevurah approach out there as well. Perhaps the various approaches fir for different types of neshomas.
Clearly though the positive chessc love approach has greater success.
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chaim akerman -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Alizah -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sara -4 years ago
Mussar vs Chasidus
And each perspective totally thinks they are right. As upset as I get with the fear and punishment approach I hear from those who truly believe it, they get that upset with me for the compassion and love approach. How can we Reconcile? We're all Jews, right? And these differences continue to cause major rifts, no?
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zalmy -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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zalmy -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sholom Mendel -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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zalmy -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sara -4 years ago
How important it is to stay positive
To experience bittul, to discard all your fears, anxieties, stresses, addictions and be aligned with Gd to live a true and meaningful life is where we all want to be I think. To remember and internalize the fact that each of us is a part of GD and HE is part of us seems to be the ultimate goal. For some it’s easier to do, to feel this and to get there at least at some level. For others it hugely difficult and challenging. As Moshe commented in yesterday’s shiur, staying positive is the key. And again, it’s easier for some than for others. Aharon suggested jumping in the lake, good idea. I’m thinking that like the writer of the message said yesterday to Rabbi YY that starting off the day asking GD what does HE wants me to do today is a great beginning to every day.
In today’s world, and in modern psychology, there is a lot of talk about staying positive and how to do it. Positive self-talk has become a popular way to help people stay positive. People are told that when negative events or mistakes happen, because they are bound to happen, no?, we should have an internal dialogue. Positive self-talk isn’t necessarily about knowing all the answers or thinking that you are amazing and great. Its about reframing how you view things, removing negative bias, and approaching life with the idea that you CAN tackle things (GD gave us free choice and the ability to tackle things and HE is with us all the time, right?) And even if the positive self-talk doesn’t go perfectly, maybe we can learn from it for the next time.
It’s so very interesting to me that these ideas and insights were around many years ago, before modern psychology, specifically in Tanya when the Alter Rebbe wrote about them and where he showed us tools to use to rid ourselves of all negative emotions, not only in a spiritual way, but on a very practical level too. The saying that comes to mind is, “think good and it will be good”, such a great example of Positive self-talk. So, we do have and have had tools to discard our fears, anxieties, etc. and get to a state of bittul. We just have to use them. Easier said than done.
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