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When Arrogance Is Good for You

Why Every Sin Is Defined as Spilling Blood

1 hr 14 min

Class Summary:

This is a text-based class by Rabbi YY Jacobson, on a Maamar, a Chassidic discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Maamar V'hikrisem, presented by the Rebbe on Shabbos Parshas Matos-Masei, 26 Tammuz, 5712, July 19, 1952.

The class was presented on Monday, Parshas Pinchas, 14 Tammuz, 5780, July 6, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY 

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  • D

    Deema -4 years ago

    This is beautiful!

    Is this Maamer from Rebbe available in print form in English? 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Regarding the gemara in Sotah the Rebbe discusses this in a igros hakodesh

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      The Tzemech Tzedek writes תמונה


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      • Anonymous -4 years ago

        sefer hasichos


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  • N

    Nisabn -4 years ago

    What is the zoom link 

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Why didn't the Rebbeim just write their maamorim and sichos instead of relying on chozrim and then proof reading?

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      Probably it was a time issue. They did not have the time. Even this maamar, like most, was not edited by the Rebbe. He said it and they wrote it up, but the Rebbe did not review it before publishing. Some he did, but only vew few of them.

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      • M

        Moshe -4 years ago

        Could it also be that the Rebbeim were in a certain elevated state of  consciousness, especially on Shabbos or  yom tov, and the words and concepts just flowed in such a  way that they would not have if the Rebbeim just wrote them, perforce not on Shabbos or yom tov? Writing usually slows down the flow as well.

          I've seen such flows of  consciousness even in shiurim here especially when followed by "does that make sense?" 

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    Aharon, ambassador of light, love and hope (in training) -4 years ago

    A mashal:  A new baal tschuva began learning in a baal tschuva yeshiva and he was a very big baal gaiva, he had a tremendous amount of ego to the point of being extremely egotistical.  Then they had a 2 week class in anivus ie modesty and he became a big baal anav.  This is a mashal/joke to bring out the depths of ego and gaiva and how it actually takes alot of time and effort to achieve true bitul and anivus.  And that each of us should be blessed to continue growing in that direction. 

    Shlomo Carlebach called it "holy chutzpah" - to have a certain 'pride' to be a creation of Hashem and as Rebbe is explaining, to realize that we do matter and we have special acts (Torah and Mitzvos) to do that can actually affect reality in very powerful and far reaching ways. 

    I feel a sense of pride when I am among Jews.  I see the maturity, caring, striving for growth, responsibility, commitment, seriousness and joy, depth of thoughts, accomplishments, nice extended and connected families, dedicated rebbes and mashpias, etc etc etc and I am not shy to say that I am proud to be part of such a people.  

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      Beautiful. An ambassador in training indeed!! We love you.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    The Baal Shem says (Metzorah) ולפעמים צריך להראות גבהות בפני בני אדם משום כבוד הבורא, וכמו שאמרו רבותינו ז"ל (סוטה ד"ד ע"א) תלמיד חכם צריך שיהיה בו אחד משמיני שבשמינית, רק שצריך ליזהר מאוד שיחשוב באותה שעה בשפלות עצמו, ויאמר בלבו אני באמת שפל מאוד, ומה שאני עושה גבהות הוא לכבוד הבורא יתברך, שלעצמי אין אני צריך שום גבהות שאני תולעת ולא איש ולמה לי כבוד וגבהות אפילו במחשבה קטנה:
    (צוואת הריב"ש די"א ע"ב, הנהגות ישרות דט"ו ע"א)

    Very difficult balance to make at the same time to think one is lowly 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    The Rambam says in HIlchos deos ויש דעות שאסור לו לאדם לנהוג בהן בבינונית אלא יתרחק מן הקצה האחד עד הקצה האחר. והוא גובה לב. שאין דרך הטובה שיהיה אדם עניו בלבד אלא שיהיה שפל רוח ותהיה רוחו נמוכה למאד. ולפיכך נאמר במשה רבינו ענו מאד ולא נאמר ענו בלבד. ולפיכך צוו חכמים מאד מאד הוי שפל רוח. ועוד אמרו שכל המגביה לבו כפר בעיקר שנאמר ורם לבבך ושכחת את ה' אלהיך. ועוד אמרו בשמתא מאן דאית ביה גסות הרוח ואפילו מקצתה

    There is an argument in the gemara in sotah daf 5 and we paskan like rav nachman that says א"ר נחמן בר יצחק לא מינה ולא מקצתה מי זוטר דכתיב ביה תועבת ה' כל גבה לב

    How does this fit with the halacha?

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  • S

    Sholem -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    We are talking about the sin of killing. What’s with all the other sins like Shabbos Adultiry Etc; , in other words is Murder the most stringiest or the obesities .??

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  • Z

    zalmy -4 years ago

    why are we doing  maamer  parsha mattos and massei and not pinchas 

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Chassidus: Maamer V'hikrisem, Matos-Masei 5712 #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 6, 2020
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  • 14 Tamuz 5780
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Dedicated by Yoel Krausz

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