Chassidus: Maamer V'hikrisem, Matos-Masei 5712 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Azriel Zaretskiy
This is a text-based class by Rabbi YY Jacobson, on a Maamar, a Chassidic discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Maamar V'hikrisem, presented by the Rebbe on Shabbos Parshas Matos-Masei, 26 Tammuz, 5712, July 19, 1952.
The class was presented on Monday, Parshas Matos-Masei, 21 Tammuz, 5780, July 13, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Maamer V'hikrisem, Matos-Masei 5712 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Azriel Zaretskiy
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Rachel -4 years ago
Listened to Monday’s chassidus. Wow, wow!!!
When I live in a state of bitul, there is only one question to ask every morning when I wake up:
God show me where you need me to express and shine my infinite light today? And then remain present and open for that guidance. When we live with that perspective of bitul we have entered into conversation with the Divine.
When I live enslaved by my will then the questions about how to conquer each new day are infinite and the clashes between my will and God’s plans for me causes so much untold suffering. I see life through the lens of the survival of the fittest....
What a painful existence to have to take on the world every morning.....When I’m not aligned with Infinity, I feel abandoned in a wrestling match against the Universe. My life is then filled with fear, anxieties, jealousy and a whole other hosts of pains.I often remain a bottomless pit of unfulfilled needs, wants and frustrations.....
How liberating to wake up in the morning with only one question......
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Thank you !!
Thank you!!
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Anonymous -4 years ago
If one would think about the source of his 'yeshus' that is comes from the fact that he is similar to the light of the divine it would help lead him to bitul that the only way to be truly similar to the divine is by removing this yeshus which disrupts his true connection to the divine.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
bittul sometimes needs one eighth of an eighth of yeshus, ego.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
If the or keseder has to come on to the ratzon of hashem doesn't that mean it does not intrinsictly exist because his ratzon could make it stop?
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Moshe -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
Our sense of autonomy comes from His essence
So, was Pharaoh the pre-eminent example of this false sense of "I made myself"?
This sounds like the ego and yeshus on steroids.
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Shaynna Linda -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Aharon -4 years ago
We have access to H" s ohr ie essence thru the Torah esp the Chumash cuz Alter Rebbe says (and he learned from previous teachers ie Arizal, etc) that the 5 Books of Moshe are the ratzon of HaShem. Is it right?
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
banish him
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Moshe -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Aharon -4 years ago
Takes 7 seconds (give or take!) for light to travel from the sun to the earth.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Aharon -4 years ago
"Learn and grow and strengtehn and inspire each other" - words from Reb Jacobson that are worth repeating!!
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Aharon -4 years ago
R Shlomo Yosef Zevin brings a similar story as Rabbi Jacobson brought last week:
In his childhood Reb Eliezer of Dzikov had got up to a mischievous prank, for which he was scolded by his father, Reb Naftali of Ropshitz. "it's not my fault," the boy argued, "because i've got a yetzer harah that seeks to tempt me and i was enticed." "All the more so," answered the father. "Yo should take an example from the yetzer harah. Look how faithfully he carries out his duty of seducing people, exactly as he was commanded to do." "True" countered the boy, "but the yetzer harah hasn't got a yetzer harah to tempt him not to do his duty, whil with a person 'sin crouches at the door' - that's the yetzer harah - ready to mislead him."
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