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Why Name a Whole Parsha by the Rasha Balak?

Sometimes, Balak is a Holy Name

1 hr 5 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson will deliver a text based class on a sicha by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, in Likkutei Sichos Parshas Balak vol. 23.

The class will be presented on Thursday, Parshas Chukas-Balak, 10 Tammuz, 5780, July 2, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    Hashem created and creates us constantly

    To give any credence to avodah zora is like a child telling his mother "you're not my mother"! If he really believes it, howsoever childish, it's not only dangerous but a fundamental denial of where he came from,who sustained and sustains him, etc.

      Now, if the mother answers, "let's say,  I'm not your mother   clean up your room.anyway"  then from her vantage point of truth, she gives the false notion no credence whatsover.

      So while it's a fundamental error for us to give avodah zora  any cedilbulty, when Hashem uses the name of an avodah zora,  giving it an iota of legitimacy,  it is only to show its utter falsehood and worthlessness.  

      Moreover,  just as Hashem  gives all positive creations their vitality constantly,  He gives the opposite forces (yetzer hora, the Satan, and all forces that seem to deny His existence and cause destruction and cause us to trip up)their constant vitality as well to be part of His elaborate scheme we call creation. 

      Like the moshel of the king who hired the zona to test his son. She is doing the king's will also, even as she tries to entice the prince. Sge wants him to succeed a d pass the that even while she tries to trip him up..

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  • AL

    a l -4 years ago


    rabbi yy is a blessing to so many.   Perhaps the website can provide  a schedule in advance of future shiurim, and an option to receive reminders via emails  etc. thanks

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Avrohom ben Reb Yoisef Halevi W.

    Yossi. I don't usually have the opportunity to listen to  you. Tonight I listened to this entire  shiur 



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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    • The Rebee brought the shelah that there is an inyn to say the name of the parshiyos etc. does that not show it is torah and part of the mesora

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  • JL

    Joseph Levin -4 years ago

    Rabbi Meir of Dvinsk was from Latvia, not Lithuania

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