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Rabbi YY With Teenagers: Ask Tough Questions; Get Real Answers

Teenagers Ask All Your Questions: Send Text To - (845) 777-4747

1 hr 25 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson live with teenagers, Thursday, 29 Nissan, 5780, April 23, 2020, 9:30 PM EST

Text your questions before or during the program to: (845) 777-4747

To ask your question LIVE on video, email: https://[email protected]

To listen live via the phone, please call: (845) 201-1933 - Extension 0

Please leave your comment below!

  • MI

    Moshe Isenberg -4 years ago

    A chess grand master plays against others of his caliber. Some of the questions coming in from both kids and  teens are, of course, great questions. I'm not sure if you prepare answers for all  (a Video clip response is of course prepared so some are) or take some on the fly, but the latter  reminds me of the type of chess master that walks around the  room and takes a turn with each of dozens of opponents in dozens of games  in turn. GS

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  • Y

    yossi -4 years ago

    Hi rabbi Jacobson, before I start lemme thank you for your wonderful work especially the teenage Q&A what I'm enjoying very much thank you! It seems that you miss understood my question and you taught that I'm comparing Judaism to Nazisim what is a terrible lie! So lemme introduce myself to you so you should got the idea. I'm a very religious teenager from an Hasidic family I'm very proud with my religion and traditions and thanks God my life goes smoothly BH!

    I was always a deep thinker so whats bothering me is that we're used to blame Hitler and similar figures for attempting to wipe us out just because we're Jews! So my question was How are we able to say that when we also wiped out nations (not just man who're going to war) for various reasons so how could we blame them for doing so when we Did same.. Of course we did it for a good reason but the idea of genocide by a religion or theory still exists!

    According to the answer you gave me it's sounds like if Hitler would have been a great kind person and he would only have a theory that Jews are a danger to society so he'll start genocide we wouldn't be able to label him brutal! Let's say that it 1 day will stand up a leader and say that he beliefs that Jews are endangering society and therefore we gotta kill them, from a Tora perspective why is he brutal? So again my question isn't on the Jewish religion my question is that seemingly is genocide, led by a theory or belief justified by the Torah.

    Thanks for your patient and pleas answer me And just to emphasize again that I'm not questioning the Jewish religion or so I'm just asking why and I know there's a satisfying answer and I'm currently looking for it! thank you Yossi

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      Actually, the question came in from other teens as well.
      I addressed this at the end of the discussion on the topic.
      The Jews did not engage in genocide; G-d told them to kill Amalek (and even then only after peace offer). Jews on their own would not be allowed to kill anyone.
      Hitler believed in killing Jews etc. inferior to his race. Genocide was part of his ideals. Jews do not believe that. The creator of the world told the Jews to do it, and even then they fought back...
      Jews loath genocide. We never believed it and never will. Amalek Hashem commanded us.
      And as I said, even then it was only after they refused to make peace and wanted war. Hitler never offered such an option.
      An example: Truman dropped the bomb. He killed many children in Japan. Was this genocide? Was he like Hitler?
      No! Truman did not believe in genocide. The war was began by Japan, he offered them peace. They refused. He had no choice but to throw the bomb in order to save millions of Americans of dying during the Pacific war. 
      Amelek began a war against the Jew; we never began. He came suddenly, unprovoked, for no reason only because of Jew hatred. This is Amalek. So we fight back to protect ourselves.

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      • S

        sam -4 years ago

        so its not genocide if you belive it was comanded by god?

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        • Anonymous -1 year ago


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  • MV

    mendel v -4 years ago

    Hello Rabbi Jacobson,
    First of all, I want to thank you so so much for your classes and programs which I can not describe with words right now how incredible, inspirational, brilliant, and moving (to tears sometimes) they are. Besides for the amount of knowledge I gain in Torah and in the ways of the human being and the world, of course. 
    I just wanted to suggest, that maybe it is a good idea to make separate 
    programs for teenage girls and boys to ask questions. It could be that there are questions that boys are uncomfortable to ask in front of girls, and vice versa. 
    I just want to express how incredible and amazing I think you are. I am amazed again and again. 

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  • R

    refael -4 years ago

    I'll just say everyone wants to know they are making a dent they accomplishing what they trying to do. A Lakewood yungerman called me to tell say he started listening to these questions sessions and he is moved someone is opening his soul. And he is someone with a pretty hard shell. So to let you know you breaking thru.

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  • LL

    Leah Lowinger -4 years ago

    thank u very much rabbi yy can u pls make the teenage classes the same lenth as the kids at least 2 hours

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  • LL

    Leah Lowinger -4 years ago

    thank u very much rabbi yy can u pls make the teenage classes the same lenth as the kids at least 2 hours

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  • R

    rabin -4 years ago

    You have real interesting teenagers some very good questions alot of them foundations for Yiddishkeit. Encouraging that teens are really thinking and searching for truth.

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  • MI

    Moshe Isenberg -4 years ago


    Maybe a p.s. to the great Amalek genocide q: if they persist in their beliefs, we are to "wipe out" what they stand for.  

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    Corona Virus

    This great "Physical Uncertainty" 

    gave birth to great "Spiritual Clarity"

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  • A

    avigayil -4 years ago

    will this be each week?

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  • H

    Herzog’s -4 years ago

    Hi, Rabbi Jacobson we are also in quarantine in Montreal! We are loving your exiting & inspiring classes that keep us busy in our long boring days ! I'd like to know if the Sunday classes are canceled or if you will iy”h continue the Sunday,and Thursday classes for kids ! Thanks again,good luck! The Herzog’s,Montreal

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  • LL

    Leah Lowinger -4 years ago

    which yeshiva?

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  • LL

    Leah Lowinger -4 years ago

    which yeshiva?

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  • LL

    Leah Lowinger -4 years ago

    is yeshiva a way of life i've endured so much abuse and lies from the staff which makes me wonder if yisheva is all " toras emes" 

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    • S

      sam -4 years ago

      Think for yourself if this is the way you want to go

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  • F

    Fraida -4 years ago

    Why isn’t moshiach here yet?????

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Thank you!!

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  • P

    Pinchas -4 years ago

    Hi Dear Rabbi y y Thank you for all the amazing entertainment! And the beautiful insight you always share! Your realy awesome! come on i think you need a break! enjoy at least some of this quarentine!!!!:) I wondered if you could explain what the Tanya advises in Perek 29 and the later perakim that when one feels that his heart is blocked and cannot open up to connect to Hashem and the awesome words of Davening. To designate some time every day when they should meditate and think how lowly their body is. grasp the idea how disgusted it is and how far it is from the closeness of the soul and so on. First of all when I do this, I only feel crushed and a disgrace and it takes away all my strength to serve Hashem. Secondly isn't one of the fundamental teachings of the Baal Shem Tov to see how everything is Devine, so I'd say the body even more so, being that it is what holds our soul. and brings the spirit of our soul and divinity to fruition in this world? In short, wouldn't it make sense to look at ourselves as beautiful, every part of us? thank you!! your a great enlightment!! hashem bless you!!!

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  • C

    Chaya -4 years ago

    Hi I can help this person who wants to die if this person is a female. My email address is [email protected] I am part of a support group that helps Jewish girls and ladies with mental health issues.

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  • A

    Anonymous -4 years ago

    How do you live as Jew and be totally focused on Yiddishkeit in a healthy and balanced way with gashmiyus and ruchniyus? How do people find their balance and not have the mitzvos be something that makes them anxious with the pressure that one _needs_ to feel something? How can someone do mitzvos, connect to HaShem, and dotheir avodah while being anxious? Also, how does one keep HaShem as the center of their lives when they feel less inspired and motivated?

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  • D

    Dini -4 years ago

    They say that you should use your talents and fulfill your dream to change the world...my passion is something that’s not too in where I live

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  • DR

    David Rabinovitz -4 years ago

    I would like to appear live at this event
    How can I know if i am not a social Jew how can I know if I don’t do the things just because I was born like a Jew

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  • D

    Debbie -4 years ago

    Happy Birthday to you

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    a bais yaakov girl from baltimore -4 years ago

    we are taught that all other relgions are false and judiasim is THE religion- most religions say the say same thing about themselves, how do i know that we're right and we're the true relgion? because it could very well be the opposite

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY addresses this issue:


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      • S

        Sarele -4 years ago

        thanks for that

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  • Y

    Yoeli -4 years ago

    Are you Lubavitch

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  • L

    Libby -4 years ago

    I would like to appear live at this event
    Y do Pearnts, people walk in to the supermarket with out masks Thier's so many people sick

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  • C

    Corey -4 years ago

    I would like to appear live at this event
    How do I wake up in the morning and want to wake up and have a yearning for growth and wanting to become a Talmud Chacham. During the day I have this mindset but in the morning I don't. How do I have this mindset? Thank you

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  • Y

    Yoeli -4 years ago

    Rabbi yy I like your Shiurim. How can I get more?

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  • E

    Eliyahou -4 years ago

    Can rabbi yy explain the importance of having a rebbi and why , Like if one is intelligent and emotionally intelligent why can’t he do his thing , furthermore in cases where one doesn’t understand his rebbis position in life related questions pertaining to him

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  • NP(

    Naftoli Pfeifer (anonymous) -4 years ago

    There are rabbis that say that this year during sefira music is permmited what's your opinion ?

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    a bais yaakov girl from baltimore -4 years ago

    its hard to mantain a healthy relationship with my parents during quarintine because this is the longest strech of time we've been together. being in school, at friends houses, etc. its hard to not blow up with anger when they say something to bother me. i cant rspond how i want to because its chutzpadik, what should i do? 

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  • I

    Itta -4 years ago

    Why do young kids, babies die? What have they done wrong, and what did their parents do to deserve it?

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY explains similar issues here


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  • M

    mendel -4 years ago

    sometimes i learn that when we learn torah and do mitzvos we connect to the essence of hashem and sometimes i learn that that torah and mitzvos is an arousle from below so it can only reach a serten level in godleiness so how do i understand this thank you

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  • R

    Rachel -4 years ago

    What should I do if I’m so shy?

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  • A

    annnomius -4 years ago

    why is it so important to have a filter onn every devise and that i cant go on a comuputer unless in the lobby of the house where everyone cann see isnt it whered for my parents to do this whenn im already 18

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      As unfiltered internet is deadly as the things you can access is damaging for life I know from personal experience 

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    • LS

      lost soul -4 years ago

      u are lucky you are lucky your parents want to filter the devices in your house. the damage can be done at any age 18 or whatever

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  • M

    Motti -4 years ago

    Every religion thinks their the right one,how can we be sure that Judaism is

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY addresses this issue:


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  • C

    Corey -4 years ago

    Hi Rabbi! Every morning I wake up, which takes a while, and I always slip out of bed and whisper Modeh Ani and I don't feel and true real connection to the Eibishter at that time and when Is wake up I don't feel I have a true purpose but as I put on my tefillin it all comes back to me regarding my connection to Hashem and my ultimate purpose. Do you have any suggestions how I can wake up and feel my tru purpose and the amazing phrase of Ein Ode Milvado? Thank you so much

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    • #

      #CluelessGirl -4 years ago

      before going to sleep, imagine you WONT be waking up in the morning. instead your body will be sent for burial. your life is over. prepare youself for that. then, if you do wake up in the morning alive, you will feel so thankful that you made it through the night and get to live for another day!! modeh ani lefanecha shehechazarta bi neshmasi!! 

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      • S

        Sam -4 years ago

        Yeah but thing is you will wake up cos thats how nature works, unless your heart gives up, which realry happens for under 40's.

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  • M

    mendel -4 years ago

    sometimes i learn that when we learn torah and do mitzvos we connect to the essence of hashem and sometimes i learn that torah and mitzvos is an arousle from below so it can only reach a serten

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  • A

    Aaron -4 years ago

    We hear from so many teenagers that they don't feel any connection to Yiddishkeit, and many are just going through the motions, What are the Yeshivas not addressing that is causing so many teens to be in this predicament?

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  • Y

    yoel -4 years ago

    I would like to appear live at this event
    why cant mesivtas use zoom instead of phone conference? and do you think using zoom for shiur for mesivta bochrim is better then being on phone?

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  • C

    Chaya -4 years ago

    Hi I hear all sorts of scary things about Mishiach coming like that 80% of Jews will die before mishach comes. Is this true.? And if that is true does that mean that 80 percent of Jews are risham that deserve to die?

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY disusses a similar topic here:


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  • R

    Rochel -4 years ago

    Hello!! How do you deal with "REAL" anxiety/ depression during these times? There's no socializing or anything, it just makes you feel uchh

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  • R

    Rachel -4 years ago

    What I should I do if my siblings always ignore me?

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  • A

    Ayala -4 years ago

    I'm getting a bunch of texts to forward about mashiach. How do I sort out what is true and what should I practically be doing to prepare for moshiach

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  • F

    Franki -4 years ago

    For someone who likes to be in control how do you help with the feeling that you don’t feel as if u control your life

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  • A

    Anonymously -4 years ago

    Why is the ezra's noshim in the bais hamikdash further out?That makes it sound like we woman are less important.

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  • ABYG

    A Bais Yaakov girl -4 years ago

    My teacher said that when Moshiach comes, we wil not be able to grow spiritually, and will always stay on the level that we are on now. Like many other people, I don't think I'm ready for that. In that case, should I be afraid for Moshiach to come? And how should I prepare myself? Thank you very much for the program.

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      can u please ask her where she got that from, becuse it sais that when moshiach comes the world will be filled with nolege of g-d wich sounds like we will grow tremendisly. plus we will have all the 613 mitzvos so fesure we will grow spiritually. and dont be afraid from moshiach becuse that is the point of evrything, are hole goel is bringing  moshiach and if your scared how can u await for his coming like we say in davining (ke lishuasca kivinu cal hayom)

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    • B

      B -4 years ago

      of course there's a lot of different explanations in general about Moshiach

      Howevero Outlook is that then we will be able to go on higher and higher levels in spiritualityand of course not to be scared cuz there's any problems now then everything will be just completion and full good and like The lubavetcher rebbe says add in goodness and kindness and through that we will Merritt through the coming of the ultimate redemption Moshiach speedily in our days Aman!!!!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

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  • EG

    E gabay -4 years ago

    When is the ideal time to start shiduchim ?

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  • H

    Hersh -4 years ago

    Is it true that emunah can clear us from all anxiety like all speakers say. It never worked for me!

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  • H

    Hersh -4 years ago

    Is it true that emunah can clear us from all anxiety like all speakers say. It never worked for me!

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    If Hashem is running the world, how do we have free choice?

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY discusses this here:


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Coronavirus: Teenager's Program #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 23, 2020
  • |
  • 29 Nisan 5780
  • |

Dedicated by Irina and Yuriy Rakhlin, in honor of their Daughter Rachel Sheidel bat Itiya Channah

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