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Rabbi YY With Teenagers: Ask Tough Questions; Get Real Answers

Teenagers Ask All Your Questions: Send Text To - (845) 777-4747

1 hr 37 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson live with teenagers, Thursday, 6 Iyar, 5780, April 30, 2020, 9:30 PM EST

Text your questions before or during the program to: (845) 777-4747

To ask your question LIVE on video, email: https://[email protected]

To listen live via the phone, please call: (845) 201-1933 - Extension 0

Please leave your comment below!

  • S

    sam -3 years ago

    some tough questions, no real answers.

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    • #

      #CluelessGirl -3 years ago

      you're only 15? you sound very intelligent, all the answers u gave on this page are brilliant. 

      you are gay, u think males are superior which maybe they are according to the Torah, you think Mashiach isn't coming, chas veshalom, but you seem to know Torah so well. hmmm

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      • SP

        Sam P -3 years ago

        I don't think males are superior, because they are not.

        It's because I know the Torah well that I know that there is no hero riding up in the sunset coming to save us, or any other claims in the torah. The contradictions, hate and repressivness in the torah, and many other seforim, should be enough to turn anyone who reads it properly into an athiest. 

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        • D

          duvid -1 year ago

          i dont know y you are so stupid thinking. yes! there is contradictions. but there is also so many proof that the toreh is devine like the skiping letters etc. and if judasium is just another religioun is athieism twice!

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  • C

    Chana -4 years ago

    Adam and eve

    Why do we have to suffer because of Adam and Eva's sin? After all I personally didn't eat from the eitz hadas?

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    Due to medical conditions past and present I have a lot of physical pain from medical treatment and physical pain in the body and I have a very hard time dealing with it, can you advise me how to deal with this? And am I allowed to complain and express frustration?

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  • Y

    Yossi -4 years ago

    1. I waned to express my gratitude to you, for providing a platform for "all topics Yiddishkait" to listen to when i'm washing the dishes, folding laundry or just driving to work. Your Shiurim are always captivating, and entertaining and i usually end up concluding that this that i need to learn more and open up Seforim like my days in Yeshiva.

    2. Thank you for bringing the Rebbes Sichos to places that would not allow it 20 years ago. I love listening to your shiurim that are major Pilpul with sources from all over and then discover the Rebbe brings it all together. (the sub- terrain Beis Hamikdash shiur. i remember being so excited about it, that several weeks later i was in SA and my host had recently listened to it as well, super excited we sat Friday night discussing it till 2 AM).

    3. Thank you for making the Satmar to the not yet Religious Jew feel at home with Torah, i envy it and would love to learn those skills as well.

    4. The main reason i wanted to email. Your answer about Yom Hatzmaot, was powerful and meaningful and best of all applicable. The fact that its the Rebbes own answer gives it more relevance and weight in light of all the "interpretations" and commentary going around on social media now. From what i have gathered, that 95% of Chabad people dont even know this answer from the Rebbe and many writing bc we see the Rebbe was so loving and pro Israel he must have agreed to celebrating Hey Iyar. My request to you, is that you cut that clip with your explanation and post it separately and maybe even distribute it on Chabad sites and wahtsapp. It would be beneficial and helpful to Chabad and non Chabad all over.

    One thing i wanted to add, i recall a "my encounter with the Rebbe" with R. Leible Posner about a conversation his father had with the Rebbe before Yud Shvat in 1948-9, where R Shalom asked the Rebbe for the correct approach to the State etc (Pittsburgh at the time had a very strong Zionist community) and the Rebbe responded the Halacha is clear "shlosha Shavuos etc" however now after the fact its a matter of Pikuach nefesh and saving lives etc. Therefore he finishes that we see the Rebbes approach to the wars, settlements, peace negotiations etc was always that its a matter of Pikuach Nefesh etc.

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    • S

      Sam -4 years ago

      This isnt his email - this is a comment. The diffarence is that here everyone can see, but R YY proberly wont. An email he will see, and might even reply

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      • A

        Admin -4 years ago

        Rabbi YY sees all comments that are submitted, including replies to specific comments.

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  • RL

    rivka london -4 years ago

    Thanks for the amazing inspirational shiurim one by one!
    You manage to inspire and uplift so many people including me, your words definitely have a bigger impact than the big bens' chime!
    As a British citizen i found it interesting that the last few shiurim you started with a story from our country/monarch, i wonder where the vast knowledge in british history comes from? Is there any specific interest you have in british history?
    Maybe i as a native should study more about it?

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  • C

    Chaya -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    When Moshiach comes will we stay in our present Gilgul or go back to a previous one?

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    • #

      #CluelessGirl -4 years ago

      i am not answering your question because i am not sure how accurate my answer is, my teacher was'nt sure when she said this, but i think we will be in neshama form in mashiach's times not in gashmiyos'dig bodies

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      • S

        Sam -3 years ago

        So, in other words, we won't come back?

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        • T

          tzvi -2 years ago

          no we are going to come back in bodies and the i heard that the lubavitcher rebbe explanes that we are going to come back each guf with the part of the neshama that they elavated but it would be like a full soul - so yes evrybody is coming back .

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  • A

    Avi -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Is it ok to read Harry potter

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  • H

    Ham -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event

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  • Y

    Yaakov -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Why wrap tefilin the Safardic way?

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  • מ

    מרדכי -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    הייתי רוצה לישאר אנימי אבל יש לי שאלה אני אברך כולל בן 45 ומנסה לא לבטל זמן וב"ה יש לי חשק בלימוד אבל כאשר אני מסתכל על שלשה בנים שלי שהם עסוקים בפלפונים שלהם והראש שלהם בשטויות אני לא מבין את זה

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  • L

    leah -4 years ago

    Dear rabbi yy you said that evrey jew is a cheilek elokei mimaal and we shouldnt hate secular jews and i really look up to your ahavas yisrael but i'm wondering thinking back to the halacaust many rabbi's said that the halacaust came because jews assimelated with goyim proof to it that the hate started in germany so at a certain aspect they do cause trouble. thank you and waiting on cherishing your answer.

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      here are 2 responses by Rav YY.

      hope it helps



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  • A

    avi -4 years ago

    thank you rabbi yy all your guidance and for inspiring and empowring so many

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  • A

    Anonymous -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    B"H Hi, I think that I missed the chance to submit this live but I have a question. I really have a few questions but I won't ask all of them.. How do I know the know the power of one Mitzvah?I am still doing some things, but I feel no connection. I learned all the thigns about it, Tanya, Maamarim, everything. But nothing has satisfied me. Sometimes I feel that I just do not have my basic foundations of Yiddishkeit set straight. Do you have any ideas about this? My first question and my last point? Thank you . This email is my fake email, I do not want to say my name.

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      check out Rav YY's brilliant  "Basics of Emunah" series


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  • M

    Mushka -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    If the soul could be in two bodies at once than how come we can't all have new neshamos?

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Rabbi Jackobsan, Is everything hashem does good? I dont feel so and so im having trouble davening1 thank you!

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      see Rav YY's talk "I Hate Duvening"


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  • YB

    yaakov b -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    after tchias hameisim in what body (gilgul) will i rise in?

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    • S

      Sam -4 years ago

      Worry about it when (read:if) it happns...

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      • T

        tzvi -2 years ago

        in bodies all jews see above

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        • S

          Sam -2 years ago

          what does that even mean

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          • NS

            Not Sam -1 year ago

            Hi Sam P

            y u always on this page?

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    • #

      #CluelessGirl -4 years ago

      i am not answering your question because i am not sure how accurate my answer is, my teacher was'nt sure when she said this, but i think we will be in neshama form in mashiach's times not in gashmiyos'dig bodies

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  • J

    justin -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    i want to buy a range rover but my father doesnt let whats wrong btw money is not the isue

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  • GW

    Gelly Weinberger -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    Are we able to go to the moon? or is it picoach Nefesh?

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  • E

    Estyp -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    If angles do only the will of God and are perfect. How did angles such as azazak and uziel come to sin

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  • B

    Berl -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Im amused at the fact that todays program is dedicated for satmer! im a satmer bocher who knows that if i live the life best for me i will be thrown out of yeshiva and my community. what to do ?

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    • S

      Sam -4 years ago


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  • B

    B.Kraus -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Are teenage girls mechuyav to daven? I hear conflicting opinions..

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  • S

    sm -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    what about a relationship (even if not a marriage) between two women?

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    • S

      Sam -4 years ago

      I am a gay boy and i asked the same question via email. He replied with a long email (which i think is the one he mentiond), which basicly said that you can change (which u proberly know u cant). I had some questions on his proofs, so i replied. He has not responded, and its been over a week.
      If you want i can forward you the entire conversation.

      btw, this is an artical i found on torah web about homosexuality: https://www.torahweb.org/torah/special/2010/homosexuality.html#_edn6

      and Rabbi YY speaking on the radio about it:

      A major question if u belive in god is: it says that a for gay peson it is yiched to be alone etc. with the same gender. Thus, a bisexuel person or a gay boy (as the torah says men cant be with girls, period) cant be alone with anyone? 

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      • Anonymous -4 years ago

        good good question

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        • S

          sam -3 years ago

          thasts why i asked it

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  • R

    Raphael -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    As young people do we have to "move mountains" and change the world or do we have to focus on small things that can have an impact (not necessarily a big one) ?

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  • P

    pg -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    may a girl watch netflix in qtn.?

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    • S

      Sam -4 years ago

      Why specifically a girl?

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      • #

        #CluelessGirl -4 years ago

        cuz she's probably a girl and is asking for herself

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        • S

          Sam -4 years ago

          Why should it make a diffarence what gender, surely a religioun as high and saintly as judasium doesnt discriminate based on what chromosme you where born with. Oh, wait. 

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        • S

          Sam -4 years ago

          Why should it make a diffarence what gender, surely a religioun as high and saintly as judasium doesnt discriminate based on what chromosme you where born with. Oh, wait. 

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          • #

            #CluelessGirl -3 years ago

            e sheiner- 11 months ago Question for Rabbi YY I would like to appear live at this event can a bachur watch movies during his time?

            every1 asks for themselves

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    Please don't say my name -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    What should I do if I'm kind of davening for Corona to continue? I mean of course I don't want people to get sick but I'm kind of enjoying being "stuck" in quarantine. I don't need to talk to anyone, class is in the privacy and comfort of my home, and I really am not looking forward to the day that I will be allowed to be near me other people.

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    • #

      #CluelessGirl -4 years ago

      continue davening but dont ask for corona to continue, rather daven that whatever you enjoy about corona should continue

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      • S

        sam -4 years ago

        You dont seem so to think youre so #cluless

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        • #

          #CluessGirl -3 years ago

          @Sam you sound very confused abt life and Judaism but if you're on this website I guess you're on the right track..? and your helpful-not-so-helpful comments are hurtful 

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          • S

            Sam -3 years ago

            The truth hurts :)

            On a more sombere note, I'm sorry if I my comments are hurtfull. 

            I am on this wensite beacuse I had a filter on the computer I was using and its hard to get past it, so I was bored and stumbled across it. (BTW, I figured out how to get passed many filters. Some filters rebooting in safe mode with networking on Windows stops it from starting up. Adtionaly, booting off an external drive will defiantly get passed any local program. If anyone reading this wants help with that email [email protected] )

            I am not confused about either life or Judasium. Judasium is just another religioun, and life is just that: Life. 

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  • MS

    Moshe Stein -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Should a person fee bad if they don’t have a love for learning, should they push themselves? Should we treat torah and Mitzvot like a business I have a certain amount of hours and I have to make it take with me as much as I can or should we take a relaxed approach and learn what and when we are capable/in the mood of doing.

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Hi! My neighbor is in high school and likes biking, but since she is a girl and is embarresed she doent let anyone friends know and only bikes at night. how can i lower this peer presure?

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  • ES

    e sheiner -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    can a bachur watch movies during thi time?

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  • A

    Anonymous -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    My friends mother is sick, she is acting strange and we’re not having any “normal” flowing conversations. I know I have to be there for her Ect..., but how can I help her if #1 I can barely talk to her, #2 I am the only friend that knows, it’s a top secret

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  • C

    Chanie -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Regarding animals not having choice (and non Jews do have choice), don't we say about the frogs in mitzrayim are praised for going into the hot ovens, etc?

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    • S

      Sam -3 years ago

      They were Jewish frogs.

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  • GF

    Gitty Friedman -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    How do you tap into your inner self, inner eye? Thank you!

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  • YS

    Yitchak stone -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    Can you pray to be cured from a disease that has no cure?

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  • TT

    Typical teen -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Is there something wrong with listening to a sibling complain to u about something a parent did especially if you have the same complaint?does that warrant punishment?

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  • LL

    Leah Lowinger -4 years ago

    dear rabbi yy  israel is not alowed to exist see masechtes yevumes and sefer divrei yoel of satmer hashem prohibits jews to own the land of israel before mashiach comes. yonah

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  • A

    Anonymous -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    There's so much I don't know and so much to learn. I know that there are basics I have to know that I just never get around to learning. If I do everything I have interest in knowing, I'll cover very little. How is it possible to properly prioritize and know what to spend my extra time learning? Thanks!

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  • S

    shayna -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    are we in this world because god loves us unconditionally and if so whats it to us to serve him or are we in the world because god needs us and in that case we didn't put ourselves in the world he did for his own reasons not for us so why should we

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    There's so much I don't know and so much to learn. I know that there are basics I have to know that I just never get around to learning. If I do everything I have interest in knowing, I'll cover very little. How is it possible to properly prioritizeand know what to spend my extra time learning? Thanks!

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  • M

    Mendel -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Hi rabbi jacobson i have an older sister with a lot of emotions and i fight a lot with with her how do i deal with her nicelly

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  • H

    HELP!!! -4 years ago


    thank you for everything!

    how should we control out tavios to look up bad stuff on the internet, and if we have already gotten into it, how should we get out.

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  • N

    NF -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    If every religion states that their religion is the only true religion, how can I know that Yiddishkeit is really the truest religion and not just saying the same thing as all other religions? Can it be the other way around?

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY discusses this important question here


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  • A

    annonymous -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    i always wondered about Moshiach. what happens next? is there a new world? we always learnt in school, that once someone dies, they stay in olam haba forever. what is forever?thank you.

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  • BBL

    baruch ber libowitz -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    i am strugling in this quirentein in my learning do u have any tips for me? thank u in advance

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  • GW

    Gelly Weinberger -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Is it bad that I look up to the non-Jewish rode model?

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  • A

    Anonymous -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson, I have been through such rough times in my life I have come to wonder If G-d really loves me or if I just exist as a puppet for His entertainment?

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      see Rav YY's talk "does G-d Really Love Me"


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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      for your answer you should lissen to rabbi zecharia wallersteins speech from april 29 2020 its exactlty answering your questoin it pays to lissen to me im exeprince in these things

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  • E

    Eli -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Shalom Aleichem Rabbi Jacobson. I enjoy your classes and find them informative and inspiring. My question is why were many mitzvos enforced in the times of the Sanhedrin with physical violence (Malkos for example)? Wouldn't it be better to have people do mitzvos out of joy and and not intimidation?

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY discusses this topic here


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  • A

    Anonymous -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson, I have been listening to your shiurim from London and enjoying them a lot - thank you! I have a question and would really appreciate it if you could answer me. This is my first year of high school. I started 2 months later than all the girls my age because none of the schools I applied to wanted to accept me. Thankfully I'm in a school I now love, although not necessarily my first choice due to different hashkafos from my home, but, like you have said previously said if Judaism is about loving everyone and treating others like you yourself want to be treated, then why is it that some Jews intentionally cause pain and suffering and reject other Jews because of some perceived differences, as happened to me and many others in my situation. During Covid 19 I have been thinking if it could be midah k'neged midah that now, all the children aren't allowed into school as a lesson because some Jews only think about others once it affects them personally and did not think twice about how others felt before. Is it wrong to think like this?

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  • S

    shifra -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    why does the rambam say that the sun and all the planets go around the world and science says that it goes around the sun

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  • D

    Dovi -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I would like to appear live at this event
    Is moshiach actually coming

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    • S

      Sam -4 years ago


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      • Anonymous -4 years ago

        Of course he is coming! I feel for your pain Sam which i probably couldnt comprehend even if i knew your story,  and it seems from your comments that its a pretty rough one. Know at least that you will pass this stage BeH one day. You will be happy and soar to great heights. There is a plan to this. Dont give up just before the end! Be patient and hang in there.... 

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      • Anonymous -4 years ago

        why no are you moshaich can you tell me who told you moshaich is not coming

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        • S

          sam -4 years ago

          So belive in your knight in shining armour coming to save the world from life saving things like technolagy and will revert back to the good old days... which in this case will be 2000 years ago, the first time this gods son (oh, sorry, not that) failed to arrive, a trend, unfortuantley for rabbies who have been saying that he will arrvie in our time for a long time, seemimngly continuing.

          On what basis do you think that this event has any chance of happning? An inconsitent book written ages ago? Or rabbis trying to hide profits earned from dispiceles donating to tzedokho? or publications by old schitzophriniac men? Choose your pick, they mean the same to me.

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  • C

    chaya -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    can we please do this in merit of sholom dov ber ben yosef a teenage boy who passed away today

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  • GF

    Gitty Friedman -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    How can i improve my relationship with Hashem and how to improve my davening? Thank you so much!

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    • B

      ben -4 years ago

      Rav YY 2 talks on duvening



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