The Emunah Series
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Reb Mendel Zilberberg shlita
Series of classes at 20 Forshay Road, Monsey, in the tent. Thursdays at 8:30pm, followed by Q A. For Men, Women and Teenagers (separate seating). You can send questions in advance by email to [email protected] or submit written questions before or during the presentation. Anonymity of the questioners will be respected. Hot food will be served. No registration of fee required.
The Emunah Series
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Reb Mendel Zilberberg shlita
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Dear Rabbi YY,I want to say thank u for your great shirurim and chizuk.the most eloquent speech by far is the one you gave to the chaplains many years ago the blessing after the speech, you made a real kidush hashem and made me feel proud of the and how our torah still applys today, torah wiith your deep the torah concepts delivered to the chaplins. I would recommend everyone watching it it has great leadership lesons we can learn from Moshe and Yosef.Two questions I have for you. 1. you suggest learning Nach which by chasidishe chaiders we learn most 20 min a week, but in talumud in Bruches it saysכשחלה ר' אלעזר נכנסו תלמידים לבקרו... למדנו אורחות חיים... הזהרו בכבוד חבירכם ומנעו בניכם מן ההגיון.To which Rashi says not to learn nach. 2. you talk about how Hashem says אהבתי אתכם אמר ה'. And the message to the prophet Hosea. etc. That is the first chapter of Hosea, but the following chapters are all about harsh punishments, which does not sound very loving.Rabby YY I appirciate your shiurinm and chiszuk and the kiddush hashem of your vast Torah knowledge.
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Rabbi YY -6 years ago
Thanks so much for your kind words.
Remember also the Mishnah in Avos ch. 5, that from 5 to 10 we learn Tanach. What do we do during those five years if not become fluent in Tanach?!
(This is the basis of the famous shitah of the Maharal, and the Zilberman method today.)
See also the Meiri there for his interesting explanation.
Since there is infinite love, there are also consequences to clean up the soul when it gets dirty. Please watch basics of emunah #4 on and also #24-27. It will be clearer.
When I love you and care for you, I want to ensure your ultimate success. I care if you are destroying yourself. I do not want to punish you; I want to heal you.
Also, since He loves us so much, we have such power. When the Jewish people betray the covenant, the world goes crazy, because of how powerful the Jewish person is.
I hope this makes it clear.
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Yocheved -6 years ago
Thank you so much for last week’s shiur #25. As usual I gained tremendously – however: Ok, I get it- I know (cerebrally) that Hashem is our loving G-d etc, but why don’t we feel that love? How can we avail ourselves to experiencing that love? And why did He make it so mighty hard for us to do so? Why couldn’t He make His love more readily accessible and ‘experienceable’?!
Please please address this in your upcoming shiurim.
Thank you once again!
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Aryeh -6 years ago
The Soul Is Divine?!
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Anonymous -6 years ago
thank you
having listened to anumber of recent Shiurim, and the tone and tenor of certain groups of comments - it has become clear that both your approach and the group of comments I refer to share - is that they are both thematic.
Your message is being positive, growth, etc. etc. and the group i am referring to either would love to embrace your message but cannot reconcile it with thier education, upbringing or community that runs on fear, dread etc and those who embrace dread and fear thinking that it is the only way to achieve personal growth - the Depression as a call to arms philosophy.
the Tochacha seems to cause people who would love to believe you a level of disconnect.
I would point out a few things
the torah has a mitzvah of Tochacha - as I understand it, the mitzvah is to speak to those people who are capable of understanding the message- in a way that they understand - and try to influence their behavior. It seems clear in the commentaries that the Tochacha we relay to a fellow Jew should be tailored to what he/she will listen to - the message has to be one that will reasonably affect change.
Is it possible, that the Tochacha of Hashem follows the same contours. To those who embrace positivity, where encouragement, understanding importance of a Mitzvah and the importance of our mission on this world - people who embrace your basic approach - Tochacha as understood as fire and brimstone - may never be the way
However, what happens to those where the totality of understanding is that we do mitzvos to avoid punishment ................
Possibly, that is what is meant by "Tachas Asher Lo ......... Simcha" the literal harsh Tochacha is specifically because people did not embrace Hashems love
It is easier to understand this in terms of parenting - (we ask Hashem to see us as his children)
we can parent with love, compassion, building our children's self esteem, and embracing the fact that challenges are learing experiences - opportunities -
we know every child has unique attributes, capabilities and challenges.
then there are people whose parenting is based on hitting, threatening, denegrating etc. no questions - just do it.
i could go on but i think i have made my point.
please keep on spreading the importance of positivity in our relgious growth and that we are on this planet to confront our challenges - and that we can be intellectually honest
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Israel -6 years ago
First and foremost Hakaras hatov for continuing to carry out what Judaism as a whole so desperately needs despite the critics. Thank you for breathing life, bringing truth, clarity a sense of purpose from the torah into an "olam hafuch, olam hasheker" (tractate Bava Metzia).
Please never stop what you are doing until your last breath in this world, to be continued in the olam haemes. If listening to one random Emunah class (basic Emunah #25) can alter my perspective on life (I'm still processing it) then imagine how many other lives you touch on a constant basis. Absolutely magnificent work. Thank you.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
אכלתי בשבת בה"ב אצל שלחן של מור"י שליט"א האדמו"ר מסוסטשין הגה"צ רב מרדכי זילבער שליט"א, ובתוך הסעודה אמר ב' דברים נכונים מאד מאד בענין התוכחה
ראשית אמר כי כל הענין מורה על דביקות של הקב"ה עם עם ישראל כי אין דבר שעם ישראל אמר שאינם רוצים לקיים תו"מ והקב"ה אמר "בסדר תלך ותעשה מה שאתה צריך" ולהיפוך הרי הקב"ה קשור ודבוק עם כלל ישראל בקשר עציץ וחזק וכיון שכן אם עם ישראל אינם עושים רצונו של המקום הרי השכינה בצערגדול וממילא מחמת הקשר שביניהם ע"כ צריכים ישראל לצרף לצער השכינה הזו, וכעין מה שכתב ליישב מי שהעיר על השיעור
ושנית מעשה נאה ויפה אצל האדמו"ר הגה"צ ר' מרדכי מאדברן זי"ע היה בא בכל שנה בפרשת כי תבוא אנשים חשובים רבנים ובעלי תוקע שלא היו יכולים לבא להרבי בר"ה מחמת חיובם להציבור ע"כ באו בפרשת כי תבוא, ומנהגו היה לחלק התוכחה לעליות הרבה וליתן לכל אחד מהם ג' פסוקים והוא בעצמו ציוהאיזה פסוקים ליתן
פעם היה בעל תוקע אחד שהרבי מסר לו לסיים קריאתו בפסוק והיה נבלתך למאכל עוף השמים ולבהמת הארץ ואין מחריד (אני כותב מתוך זכרון אולי אין זה הלשון ממש)
ואיש הזה היה בצער כי ניתן לו פסוק כזה והגם כי אחרים גם קיבלו כאלו מ"מ הרגיש הרבי כי הוא בדאבון מאד, וע"כ אמר לו מה לך תשמע את הברכה הזו
נבל הוא כלי שיר וכיון שהוא בעל תוקע ע"כ השופר שהוא תוקע הוא כמו כלי שיר, ועוף השמים היינו המלאכים למעלה וממילא נבלתך דהיינו תקיעת שופר שלך תהיה מאכל לעוף השמים והם יזונו מזה אבל לא רק ישפיע למעלה בשמים אלא גם בארץ תהיה השפעת גשמית וזהו פירוש ולבהמת הארץ
וסיים הפסוק ואין מחריד ואמר הרבי ע"כ אין להחריד "למה כל העם חרדים ומזדעזים בעת תקיעת שופר הלא זמן שפע גדול ורב הוא ואין להחריד
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Yochanan -6 years ago
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Rabbi YY -6 years ago
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Daniel -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Lazer -6 years ago
Dear rabbi Jacobson.
I remember in yeshivah learning muser sefurim רבינו יונה. שערי תשובה, he's talking about of yiras ha'chet (יראת החטא )
After listening to your shiur I'm trying to understand why should I be afraid of an עבירה ? As you explain gihenim is only like a father shleping away his small child from the road .
Thank you for all your shiurim I listen to almost all of them, it inspires me a lot.
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Moshe -6 years ago
השם, אם מה שאעשה אף פעם לא מספיק - אני מפסיק ללמוד' - טור אורח - דעות - בחדרי חרדי
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Thank you so much for last week’s shiur #25. As usual I gained tremendously – however: Ok, I get it- I know (cerebrally) that Hashem is our loving G-d etc, but why don’t we feel that love? How can we avail ourselves to experiencing that love? And why did He make it so mighty hard for us to do so? Why couldn’t He make His love more readily accessible and ‘experienceable’?!
Please please address this in your upcoming shiurim.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
הנה מה שכתב הגאון הנצי"ב מוולוזין ז"ל בפירושו על החומש.
"אלא הכוונה דיש לדעת דשכר ועונש של המצוות אינם כגזרת מלך שתלוי בדעתו ורצונו
[של המלך] בכל שעה לעשות כמו שלבו חפץ, אלא כדבר הרופא המזהיר את האדם ממאכלים אלו שיזיקו, שאין הדבר תלוי ברצונו [של הרופא], אלא מודיע מה שנעשה בבריאת הטבע. וכך המצוות והעבירות, כך נוסדו מהבורא ית' שיהא שכר ועונש תלוי בקיומן ובבטולן (העמק דבר ויקרא כו:ג).והם הם הדברים שר' יוסף יצחק הסביר. ה' טבע בבריאה חוקים, אחד מהם זה שמי שמכניס יד לאש נשרף. כמו שאי אפשר לומר שמי שמכניס יד לאש נשרף כך אי אפשר לומר שמי שעושה עבירות נענש
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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MZ -6 years ago
too short too long
Thank you Rabbi YY for the well developed and sharply focused shiur calearly showing that the concept and a basic cnstruct of Judaism is based on Hashem's constant unconditional and unwavering love of us. The flip side of that coin is that the challenge of this world is to draw oneself, community, religion and in fact all of humanity closer to Hashem.
It is patently evident that you demonstrated the concept is not some alt-judaism developed by you - the accusation you were challenged to refute, because this concept is found in too many sources by universally recognized torah giants - the debate seemed to move to another level -- that you pick and choose sources and masterfully weave them into a conept that we neither learned in yeshiva nor saw in our homes - ergo it is posul.
At a certain point it becomes clear that certain people are not ready to accept any variation of what they learned as children and despite everything you say or prove they show a level of inflexibility that is trully notreworty. Hashem is the lehavdil the wicked Wolf waiting from his perch so that when his subjects invariably fail to reach potential, this iteration of the mean and vengeful Hashem can take pleasure in punishing the very people he refers to as his children.
It seems to come down to an either or -- either you go the Rabbi YY way and Hashem is the loving parent or the other way of a vengeful mean supreme power whose pleasure lies in punishing his Subjects.
For those of you who feel tht the R YY message is anything short of the truth and bolster that position with the admittedly harsher side of torah text I would like to point out a few things.
1. despite an earlier commenter asking how may we compare the love of a parent to a child to the love of Hashem to us - i answer that it is in fact a great place to start. can a parent genuinely love a child and even unconditionally love a child but at the same time be dissapointed, upset or angry. if we mortals can do that -- it seems that our limited understanding of Hasshem as an amalgym of different forces, eneergies, etc can surely be capable of same within the realm of our understanding. if you are not capable of understanding this I humbly submit that the help you need come way before shiur 25.
2. We learn that the reson we almost exclusively follow Bais Hillel over Bais Shammai is that they mentioned Bais Shammai before their own position. In other words they vlidated the position of the person they fundamentally disagreed with before before mentioning their own opinion. In ourcase that would mean that first validate the well sourced position of Rabbi YY, and after careful thought and consideration you are free to disagree (hopefully for better reason than thats not what my yeshiva that i despise taught me)
2a. some of the rumblimgs are about the tochacha and the horrific episodes jews went through. If you give this some serious and honest though it comes down to this. I can not believe hashem loves me until and unless i fully understand why he does what he does. To this proposition I share two thoughts. Apparently Moshe Rabbenu after beseeching hashem was allowed to understand Hashem in retrospect and the participant of this shiur thinks it appropriate as a condition precedent for accepting the shiur or the fact that Hashem loves us -- the second propsition is imagine if your young child had positve feelings to you only AFTER you explained exactly why and the justification for everything the child feels - real or imagined.
3. the most powerful argument if favor of the Rabbi YY so called new derech which was in prior generations knows as Chassidus (as opposed to today's cholent , kugel, tisch, desigher shtaimets with gold frosted tips etc.etc. )lies in an understanding of the excel spreadsheets.
Much of the world id run by very sophisticated computer programs running with many variables and the programs
as well as excel work on one basic concept --
in our generation, anecdotal, empirical and scientific study all show that fear is counter productive and at best short lived.
go to every hang out, drug den, club or even outwardly apparently frum person and get into a non confrontational non judgemental discussion and you are likely to hear stories of abuse, neglect, indifference, lack of care, deprivation (physicsal or emotional) or at a minimum a real lack of self esteem or genuine lack of appreciation of our religion
Thank you Ryy for strting the dialogue.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
i have heard Rabbi jacobson twice singing the du du niggun. I would love to play it over for a very sick friend. Could I possibly ask which shiurim the niggunim were on or how I can access Rabbi Jacobson singing this niggun. Thank you. Thank you for all of the wonderfuls shiurim. I derive tremendous chizuk from each one of them.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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P S F -6 years ago
Basics of emunah number 9 and basics of emunah number 24
you can also hear the song on the CD called eternal echoes played by Yitzchok Perlman and sung by Yitzchok Meier Helfgot
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Both approaches are good
I listened last night. I was again grateful that after discovering the truth of Torah, in my case by logic, by historical proofs, etc., i realized quickly that were, like Baskin Robbins, even in little New Haven, 31 flavors to choose from.
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volvie -6 years ago
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Rabbi YY -6 years ago
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Sam -6 years ago
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Yoel Doron -6 years ago
I just read the above comment. Last week, I spent two days in the hospital after a fall. The worst part of it was the time when because they were worried about possible spinal damage, I had to lie flat on my back in bed. Let me tell you: it was hell. Imagine having to use a bottle to excrete waste while lying flat on your back. Imagine putting on tefillin shel rosh in that position. When the scans showed up clear and they told me that I could get out of bed, I was thrilled. I was still stuck in the hospital, still in some pain, but I could daven and go to the bathroom like a mench. It was only then that I appreciated being able to walk around.
Don't get me wrong: I've had plenty of pain in my life. My mother died when she was 51. My youngest brother died when he was 13. I've been hospitalized more than half a dozen times. I still say that there's much more good than pain. Being able to walk is amazing. Being able to see my kids' smiles, being able to play with them, is fantastic. We need to see the white paper surrounding the black dot, not just the black dot. Once we start paying attention, we'll realize that there is plenty of good that Hashem gives us בטוב הנראה והנגלה.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
הה' - לא החזיק לעד אפו: זו מדה אחרת, שאפילו שהאדם מחזיק בחטא, אין הקב"ה מחזיק אף, ואם מחזיק לא לעד אלא יבטל כעסו אפילו שלא ישוב האדם, כמו שמצינו בימי ירבעם בן יואש, שהחזיר הקב"ה גבול ישראל, והם היו עובדים עגלים, ורחם עליהם ולא שבו, א"כ למה רחם? בשביל מדה זו שלא החזיק לעד אפו, אדרבא מחליש אפו, עם היות שעדיין החטא קיים, אינו מעניש אלא מצפה ומרחם אולי ישובו, והיינו (ישעיהו נז טז): "כי לא לנצח אריב ולא לעולם אטור" אלא הקב"ה מתנהג ברבות ובקשות הכל לטובת ישראל. וזו מדה ראויה לאדם להתנהג בה על חבירו, אפילו שהוא רשאי להוכיח ביסורים את חברו או את בניו והם מתיסרים לא מפני זה ירבה תוכחתו, ולא יחזיק כעסו אפילו שכעס, אלא יבטלנו ולא יחזיק לעד אפו, גם אם אף הוא המותר לאדם, כעין שפי' כי תראה חמור שונאך וגו', ופי' מה היא השנאה הזאת שראה אותו עובר עבירה והוא יחיד אינו יכול להעיד, ושונא אותו על דבר עבירה, ואפילו הכי אמרה תורה עזוב תעזוב עמו שבוק ית דבלבך, אלא מצוה לקרב אותו באהבה אולי יועיל בדרך זו, והיינו ממש מדה זו לא החזיק לעד אפו:
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Aryeh L -6 years ago
There is a verse:
"All their evil is in Gilgal, where I hated them; for the evil of their deeds I will banish them from my house. I will Not continue to Love them; all their officers are rebellious."
Hoshea 9:15
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Rabbi YY -6 years ago
How could a prophet contradict what the Torah says explicitly, that even after all their sins, the covenant Will never cease?!
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Rabbi Simcha -6 years ago
Thank you for your nice class and presentation.
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Rabbi YY -6 years ago
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Reb Simcha -6 years ago
Thank you very much for your quick and lengthy reply.
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moshe -6 years ago
Dear Reb Simche,
Let me share with you my perspective on the issue you mentioned in your comment.
70 Years ago the whole world changed dramatickly... As im'e sure you know that the pre holocaust system by jews was basicly ''live to survive'', (in fact all the enlightment parties were born in order get rid of all the progroms etc).
After the war there was a great need to rebuild yidishkeit nearly from scratch...
And in order that the system should be running like before, combined with some sort of pressure, some teachers and rabbi's taught their students in a way that would encourage them to "just behave and don't cause any problems".
But the years flew by and today the world changed, and we live in a open world, where people think alot, and this EMERGENCY system fails its purpose.
But don't worry! it will take some time till some get this message.... were in middle of a big change!!!
"Thats why God blessed our generation with Rabbi yy"
With people like him aruond, the world is getting better and better!!!
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Anonymous -6 years ago
פרי צדיק יתרו על אהבת השם לישראל שהיא אהבה עצמית ללא תנאים, סגולה
פרי צדיק נפלא על והייתם לי סגולה
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Akiva -6 years ago
Sources for all you said, Rav Teichtel Mishneh Sachir
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Anonymous -6 years ago
The difficulty in accepting this
Sholom uvrocho and yasher koiach for another marvelous shiur,
I think that the problem that the fellow at the end had with accepting that Yiddishkeit is all about Hashem's love is because he grew up in a Chassidishe environment that was so badly poisoned, that it is inconceivable to him that this is the same religion.
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Aonymous -6 years ago
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Rabbi YY -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
I heard the last shiur, and the other shiurim; they changed the way i think, and they actually changed me.
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Dovid -6 years ago
Thank you very much for uploading/making available both the Women's Tuesday Morn Shiur and Thurs night's Emunah#25 . Both in just a couple of days.I and all my 'customers are very thankful for your efforts.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Can we please get the source sheets for this lecture. Many thanks for ALL the chizuk!
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yosef kutner -6 years ago
Down Load
I cant wait to watch every week - But it takes a few days to be able to open mp3
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