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The Emunah Series
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Reb Mendel Zilberberg shlita
Series of classes at 20 Forshay Road, Monsey, in the tent. Thursdays at 8:30pm, followed by Q A. For Men, Women and Teenagers (separate seating). You can send questions in advance by email to [email protected] or submit written questions before or during the presentation. Anonymity of the questioners will be respected. Hot food will be served. No registration of fee required.
The Emunah Series
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Reb Mendel Zilberberg shlita
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ben -4 years ago
Chazon Ish
Chazon Ish: 1:10:42
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Thank you for your amazing shiurim its realy inspire
it give's me a lot of chizuk and helps me have yiddish gashmoka life
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Menachem -6 years ago
I wanted to point out a point regarding the subject that you spoke about in the shiur entitled "39 lashes for..."
There are a completely set of laws for non-jews which don't have all these ideas, like the killing of a gentile if he steals even by mistake...
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Anonymous -6 years ago
אכלתי בשבת בה"ב אצל שלחן של מור"י שליט"א האדמו"ר מסוסטשין הגה"צ רב מרדכי זילבער שליט"א, ובתוך הסעודה אמר ב' דברים נכונים מאד מאד בענין התוכחה
ראשית אמר כי כל הענין מורה על דביקות של הקב"ה עם עם ישראל כי אין דבר שעם ישראל אמר שאינם רוצים לקיים תו"מ והקב"ה אמר "בסדר תלך ותעשה מה שאתה צריך" ולהיפוך הרי הקב"ה קשור ודבוק עם כלל ישראל בקשר עציץ וחזק וכיון שכן אם עם ישראל אינם עושים רצונו של המקום הרי השכינה בצערגדול וממילא מחמת הקשר שביניהם ע"כ צריכים ישראל לצרף לצער השכינה הזו, וכעין מה שכתב ליישב מי שהעיר על השיעור
ושנית מעשה נאה ויפה אצל האדמו"ר הגה"צ ר' מרדכי מאדברן זי"ע היה בא בכל שנה בפרשת כי תבוא אנשים חשובים רבנים ובעלי תוקע שלא היו יכולים לבא להרבי בר"ה מחמת חיובם להציבור ע"כ באו בפרשת כי תבוא, ומנהגו היה לחלק התוכחה לעליות הרבה וליתן לכל אחד מהם ג' פסוקים והוא בעצמו ציוהאיזה פסוקים ליתן
פעם היה בעל תוקע אחד שהרבי מסר לו לסיים קריאתו בפסוק והיה נבלתך למאכל עוף השמים ולבהמת הארץ ואין מחריד (אני כותב מתוך זכרון אולי אין זה הלשון ממש)
ואיש הזה היה בצער כי ניתן לו פסוק כזה והגם כי אחרים גם קיבלו כאלו מ"מ הרגיש הרבי כי הוא בדאבון מאד, וע"כ אמר לו מה לך תשמע את הברכה הזו
נבל הוא כלי שיר וכיון שהוא בעל תוקע ע"כ השופר שהוא תוקע הוא כמו כלי שיר, ועוף השמים היינו המלאכים למעלה וממילא נבלתך דהיינו תקיעת שופר שלך תהיה מאכל לעוף השמים והם יזונו מזה אבל לא רק ישפיע למעלה בשמים אלא גם בארץ תהיה השפעת גשמית וזהו פירוש ולבהמת הארץ
וסיים הפסוק ואין מחריד ואמר הרבי ע"כ אין להחריד "למה כל העם חרדים ומזדעזים בעת תקיעת שופר הלא זמן שפע גדול ורב הוא ואין להחריד
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Naftoli -6 years ago
I continue to enjoy your shiurim
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anonymous -6 years ago
The brilliant response of the Rebbe and your eloquent inspiring elaboration were amazing.
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YG -6 years ago
please repeat the questions
can you please repeat the questions that people ask after the class so we can follow better (the mikedoesnt catch them)
thank you for these amazing classes
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MZ -6 years ago
too often the lessons and shiurim are given at either an abstract or hypothetical level that leaves the listener with the challenge of understanding the message as well as either the relevance or difficulties in synthesizing the lessons into actionable lessons.
this shiur was direct, conctrete and important.
the importance lies in the necessity fotall of us to have healthy doses of self esteem to progress. While your shiur was devoted to self esteem with relation to torah/mitvos growth -- it is in gact a neccesary component of personal growth of any kind. It seems self evident that religious training that is based on eradicating self esteem of the individual is doomed to failure both on an individual as well as on a communal level - except possibly for the sucess of the leaders trying to exploit the lack of sel esteem of their followes -- if this is not clear i suggest you read Eric Hofer's book which at a minimum will explain the appeal for someone to be a suicide bomber
the secong important point was the clear message that can be easily understood that the more important the mission, the more people whose lives it touches, the more understandable it is that the behavior requirments will be highly detailed. As Yidden we are taught that every act of ours makes a big difference - thus the detail. However, you went much further, and the need for highly specific behavior is not because there is an interest in intruding into peoples lives, but rather the person is so important that every act is of Global significance - the fact that we may not be sensitive enough to see it is why malkis hardly ever existed and currently does not exist. we just appreciate the importance.
the third point - while i take literary license - as RYY did not say the following, but i believe it was impicit in this and many other shiurim is that as long as we view religious observance as a religion of do's and dont's without any emphasis on the WHY - we are missing the depth, beauty, structure, and the neccesary fuel that most of us need to make religious obsevance vital, enjoyable, purpose driven and trully goal directed.
in closing, you are taking tough questions that many have asked, many (out of a sense of religious self preservation have relegated to the recycle bin) have ignored and many people who have been asked similar questions have flared up with moral indignation --which happens to be a favorite of out ignorant bretherin who end up in positions where people reach out to them regarding matters of religion
thank you for these important lessond
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Anonymous -6 years ago
came home from last night's Emuna shiur on a high. She was there with her friends and they enjoyed it immensely. The format,the discussion, message, the depth, the humor, and of course the inspiration.
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Dovid -6 years ago
i'm pretty sure that you have created a Chazaka with #26, the 3rd Emuna Shiur in a row that was available onLine and for Downloading by Sat night or Sun morn. knowing this, i got up very early today, Sunday, in time to burn Cds to distribute to my 'customers' at Shul during the Sunday morning Shacharis. Thank you VeryVeryVery Much!!!
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YG -6 years ago
In what seemed to be a limud zechus, you mention that if a person hits or defames ones parent, not knowing that the person was their parent, that would Be an exemption for the perpetrator of that act - since he or she was unaware who the person they berated was.
in light of this you correlate that if a Jew commits a sin, which is tantamount to smiting their father in heaven, not knowing that it was their father, meaning they were previously unaware of who their father really was - that too would not constitute a rebellion.
However, in today’s Tanya the Alter Rebbe writes on the verse, “Even darkness cannot obscure you” I will quote from the English translation in the Chayenu: “Accordingly, since as above every Jew who performs a mitzvah is granted the unity and sanctity of supreme holiness even when he doesn’t perceive it,as dies a tzaddik.
”One will be able to understand the severity of the punishment for transgressing the prohibition of work on Shabbos or that of leavened bread on Passover, which equally applies to all.
“For even in the soul of an uncultured and completely illiterate person shines the light of the sanctity of Shabbat and festival, hence he faces capital punishment by karet for eating leavened bread on Passover etc...for the profination of this sanctity which illuminates his soul.
it seems that there is a contradiction between these two assertions. How would you reconcile it?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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