Torah Or Vayishlach Yaakov #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Binyomin Rutstein in honor of Sorah Zlata Chernick
This class, on Torah Or Vayishlach Yaakov #1, was presented on Wednesday Parshas Vayishlach, 14 Kislev 5777, December 14, 2016. Understanding the difference between Eisav and Yaakov, the world of Tohu/Chaos vs. the world of Tikun, structure and integration. Eisav's challenge was that he could not find "containers" for his infinite light, hence he fell into the abyss. Yaakov's mission was to create containers for the limitless energy of his brother. The class explores why Leah was destined to marry Eisav, and how that changed when Yaakov deceived his father.
Torah Or Vayishlach Yaakov #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Binyomin Rutstein in honor of Sorah Zlata Chernick
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