Torah Or Vayeitzei Ulelavan Shtei Banos #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rivka Saks In loving memory of Reb Tzvi Yehuda Ben Reb Yitzhak Elchonon
This class was presented on Wed.-Thursday Parshas Vayeitzei, 7-8 Kislev 5777, December 7-8 2016, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY
Torah Or Vayeitzei Ulelavan Shtei Banos #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rivka Saks In loving memory of Reb Tzvi Yehuda Ben Reb Yitzhak Elchonon
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John M. Thompson -9 months ago
Request for resources to study this topic.
Rabbi Jacobson.
Thank you for your work, which I was introduced to through your Meaningful Life Center's YouTube presentations. As I do not speak Hebrew, many of the points you made during this presentation went over my head. Yet, I am particularly interested in this topic as I am writing about Jacob's journey to become Israel, which required going through the house of Laban. To me, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah represent types, with each of their children being a result of that type.
I had not heard of Leah as the concealed world and her sister Rachel as the Revealed world, so I would like to understand this better as part of my study. Can someone recommend resources that a non-Hebrew speaker could understand?
A fellow student of the Tanakh.
John Thompson
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