Torah Or Toldos Maamar Reah Reyach Beni #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Binyomin Rutstein in honor of Sorah Zlata Chernick
This class was presented on Monday-Wednesday Parshas Toldos, 27-29 Cheshvan 5777, December 28-30. 2016, in Ohe Chaim, Monsey, NY
Torah Or Toldos Maamar Reah Reyach Beni #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Binyomin Rutstein in honor of Sorah Zlata Chernick
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Anonymous -3 months ago
Pesukim without Rashi
Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for the wonderful Shiur!
A small comment:
Regarding what you mention that not necessarily it's a good thing that children are taught Chumash right away with Rashi, I'd just like to point out that in many places, including the story of Shimon Hakofer, it's clear that the Rebbeim wanted it to be taught that way (in fact, the story of Shimon Hakofer being rebuked by the Alter Rebbe was precisely because he omitted a second pshat of Rashi [in other words he was still teaching according to Rashi, just not both Pirushin] - ironically in this week's Parsha - when teaching little kids the Pesukim, how much more so omitting Rashi completely.)
Also, even from the Pesukim themselves, it's clear Esav was a Rosho, see 26, 35, and 25, 34 (ויבז עשו את הבכורה).
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Anonymous -5 years ago
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