Tuesday Women's Yom Kippur/Sukkos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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To Pascale Shoshana Sasson: You are a great Mother and special Eishet Chayil! From Benjamin, Maya, Leah, Joseph, Tally, and David Pisaversky.
This class, explaining the secret of Kal Nidrei, and exploring the theme behind all of the holidays of Elul and Tishrei, was presented to women on 6 Tishrei 5778, September 28, 2017, at Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Tuesday Women's Yom Kippur/Sukkos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
To Pascale Shoshana Sasson: You are a great Mother and special Eishet Chayil! From Benjamin, Maya, Leah, Joseph, Tally, and David Pisaversky.
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shabsi -5 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Overwhelmingly awesome
This is my favorite video of all!
Thank you!
I would love to hear about the three types of promises a person makes to himself.
Gmar chasima tova.
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Shmuel Glass -7 years ago
Thank you
שבוע טוב חודש טוב
Unfortunately I do not live in an area where there is easy access to English-speaking rabbis with your lessons you enable me to grow and understand put into practice all the things you teach my you go from strength
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Ben Silberstein -7 years ago
Amazing Shiur lights up the entire month
Rabbi YY
You are blessed to be able to bring such insight for so many on these high holy days thr yomim noraim.
Hashem should give you forward the wisdom and koach to continue for many years to come.
ומלאה הארץ דעה את ד'.
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Anonymous -7 years ago
The Baal HaTanya's Kol Nidrei
Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for the awesome shiur! We would be grateful (ecstatic!) if anyone knows where in the writings of The Baal HaTanya that gorgeous vort on Kol Nidrei enabling the soul to soar is found.
Gmar Chasima Tova to all.
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Anonymous -7 years ago
Likkkutei Torah Parshas Matos 85a,
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Anonymous -7 years ago
Likkkutei Torah Parshas Matos 85a. The source for the insight on N'eila is from Likkutei Sichos vol 4 sicha for Yom Kippur.
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Anonymous -7 years ago
The Baal Hatanya's Kol Nidrei
Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for the awesome shiur! We would be grateful (ecstatic!) if anyone knows where in the Baal HaTanya's writings that gorgeous vort on Kol Nidrei is found.
G'mar Chasima Tova to all
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Anonymous -7 years ago
Kol nidra
i was very moved by the shiur but to rephrase (so I can confirm I understood) what I heard, the tefila of Kol nidra removes the strictures of the promises we've to ourselves about ourselves so that our soul can soar
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Anonymous -7 years ago
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Lazar -7 years ago
Game changer
This Lecture is a game changer it will definitely bring a new meaning to my tom kipur thanks so much
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Pinchas Shloime Feldman -7 years ago
Once again Rabbi Jacobson you've turned the Yom Tov into a calm, peacful, pleasant, thoughful, wonderful day of love and oneness with our father in heaven.
I wish you a birkas hedyot that you should be zoiche to a year as sweet as the music played by the chasene performed by the Greatest Player-the one who created music.
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