Women's Ki Savo/ RH YK Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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To our beloved daughter Liviya Aliza bas Keren Lee. May the light of Hashem and the love of Torah and Mitzvos always guide you and be an integral part of who you are. Happy first birthday! Your adoring Mum and Tutte, Dovi and Keren Lee Finger, Johannesburg
This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Ki Savo, 14 Elul, 5777, September 5, 2017, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY.
Women's Ki Savo/ RH YK Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
To our beloved daughter Liviya Aliza bas Keren Lee. May the light of Hashem and the love of Torah and Mitzvos always guide you and be an integral part of who you are. Happy first birthday! Your adoring Mum and Tutte, Dovi and Keren Lee Finger, Johannesburg
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gitel -1 year ago
Thank you so much for all your inspiring speeches, which give me plenty of food for thought, and I'm especially grateful for this amazing speech. It gave me lots of powers!
Gitel from Israel.
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Chana Lazar -3 years ago
What sicha or maamer is this based on?
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Anonymous -5 years ago
amazing stuff rav yy!
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YWCPA -6 years ago
Dear Rabbi,
I heard a few speeches with your prospective on the וידוי מעשרI would like to share with you my prospective. I'm sure you're busy enough especially this week in preparing the kumzits motsei shabbos I don't need to bother you but I have an interesting insight and I was able to connect it with the lubavitcher rabbi I decided to share it with you. I'll try to be as short as possible.
What is a ?בעל גאוהand what about GOD? is he a ?בעל גאוהyou can't say he is not something, he is everything, including בעל גאוה,to say that השםis not something is a צמצום. Not only that but GOD keeps on asking that we praise him etc.
So what is it? Someone who is big and he says he is nothing is not an עניו, he is an idiot. I remember 20 years ago a renowned rabbi was invited to speak in our yeshiva and he started his speech that he didn't know why they asked him to speak and that he is עפר ואפר, I was thinking to myself that if he would be sincere he would of get down from the pulpit.
What about משהthe Torah says עניו מכל אדםhe didn't know that he speaks to GOD פה אל פה?
The answer is that עניוand גאוהis not a concept between 1 human being and another. Rather, it's a concept between man and God. When someone recognizes that whatever skill talent or success is a constant שפעfrom God, that's an עניו. When someone forgets about this and he becomes so impressed with himself and he is thinking only כוחי ועוצם ידיthat's a בעל גאוה. With this all the questions goes away דוק ותשכח
This concept is illustrated in this week's parshah where the entire וידוי מעשרis praising all the goodness we did but it's not גאוהbecause we actually came to recognize that it's all from God. ....
I said this in public last year in shul. The following day I said it to my father so he shared with me a story. He was doing some research on Rabbi Landau from Eretz yisroel so he bumped in to video of a visit he has with Lubavitcher rabbi ( I was searching for it and couldn't find it, if you know where to find it please share) Rabbi landau was visiting the U.S. and a day (or few days) earlier he gave a speech somewhere. The rebbe asks him how the speech was and Rabbi Landau is just bowing his head and shoulders like someone who says I dont know (נוסח עניוin some circles). The Rebbe's gabbai says to the Rabbe, we heard the speech was successful and well received by the people. The Rebbe answers "דעמאלט וואס ציעיהט ער מיט'ן אקסל? אן עניו איז ניט ווען מען קען און מען זאגט אז מען קען ניט, אן עניו איז ווען מען קען און מען ווערט ניט נתפאל"
Best regards, I am very excited about Motzei Shabbos, I hope to be there. If I am not able to make it let this serve as my ברכת שנהto you. You should have a good year with נחת from your family and students all over the year.
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simcha -6 years ago
confession -- hisvaadus
Ezra 10:1 uses the word with this meaning.
I was just listening to your shuir on confession so I thought you might appreciate .
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Dovber -7 years ago
Needed this to jump start my high holidays.
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