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Four Causes for a Destructive Life

I Am an Animal; I Am Worthless; I Am Superior; I Lose It

52 min

Class Summary:

A Journey Through the Four Talmudic Categories of Damagers and Their Psychological Application.

The Torah is not only the history and development of early Judaism; not only an ethical and moral code; not only the philosophy of Monotheism; but also contains hundreds of cases of criminal, civil, and corporate law. One of the six orders of Talmud -- the order of Nezikin, Damages -- is entirely devoted to the Jewish judicial system and all of its intricate details. It analyzes and dissects hundreds of practical, as well as theoretical cases, and was organized later into one of the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch, the Code of Jewish Law.

This class will analyze these “Four Fathers of Damage” psychologically and spiritually, and show how they are the “fathers” and roots of all spiritual stagnation, emotional paralysis, and self-destructive behavior.

The class concludes with the Torah approach of how to deal with these four challenges.

Nezikin begins by listing four “fathers” of possible methods of damage: Ox, Pit, Human and Fire. These are four prototypes of damagers that include multitudes of “children,” the legal “offspring”, as it were, of these “fathers." 

Please leave your comment below!

  • S

    Simon -12 years ago

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson

    I was zoche to hear you recently where you uplifted us all and continue to be inspired by your wonderful way of expressing the Torah hakedosho.

    Yesharkoach on this wonderful Shiur...many lessons, some learnt now, and some will grow over time.

    G-d bless you


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  • G

    Gourmet -13 years ago

    The difference between good and bad wine is obvious: bad wine turns into vinegar for few years; as for high quality wine,- the longer it stays the better it becomes.

    The fact that for three years classes at this site not only didn’t lose its taste but became even stronger with better GESHMAK tilts naming Special Selection in its favor…


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  • א

    אחראי -13 years ago

    ליוסף יצחק בקשי
    תרשום בבקשה האי מייאל שלך ואנחנו נשלח לך

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  • ייב

    יוסף יצחק בקשי -13 years ago

    שפה שונה
    אשמח לדעת היכן אוכל להשיג שיעורים של הרב בעברית גם שמע וידאו והרצאות כתובות וגם באופן קבוע על פרשת שבוע

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  • Y

    Yochanan -14 years ago

    It just dawned upon me a nuance between Nussach Sefard, Ashkenaz and Ari which possibly has something to do with this vort of Reb Yonasan Eibeschutz why the Mishna left out the word Hen by Arboh Avos Nezikin.

    In the Beraisa of Rebbi Yishmael we say, " B'shlosh Esrei Middis Hatorah nidreshes" however in the other Nuschaos they write the word Ba'hen. Would you say the Alter Rebbe left it out for a kavannah other then grammatical correctness?

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  • Y

    Yochanan -14 years ago

    It just dawned upon me a nuance between Nussach Sefard, Ashkenaz and Ari which possibly has something to do with this vort of Reb Yonasan Eibeschutz why the Mishna left out the word Hen by Arboh Avos Nezikin.

    In the Beraisa of Rebbi Yishmael we say, " B'shlosh Esrei Middis Hatorah nidreshes" however in the other Nuschaos they write the word Ba'hen. Would you say the Alter Rebbe left it out for a kavannah other then grammatical correctness?

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  • Y

    YYJ -14 years ago

    To Yochanan Gordon
    Thank you for that insightful and delightful comment and addition, based on the Kedushas Levi. I think it works well.
    See further the Sichos of 12 Tamuz 5742, 1982, celebrating the 55th anniversary of the liberation of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, on !2 Tamuz 5627, 1927. In those talks the Lubavitcher Rebbe explained at length the significance and deeper of the letters "han," the gematria 55 and the connection with the geulah.

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  • A

    Admin -14 years ago

    The mp3 is working, please try opening the file once again.

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  • BFS

    Bentzion from S.Francisco -14 years ago

    Whats going on?Why Rabbi J. Jacobson don't give anymore classes?Did he feels OK ?Please respond.Thank you

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  • Y

    Y.A. -14 years ago

    Thank you, there's a lot of hurt here/out there
    Not only am I blushing, I am crying. Thank you for providing some well-needed guidance (usually not addressed)about humility; our ongoing refinement process; and being healthy towards our selves (inside), and (by extension) to people (outside). I will challenge myself and my wife (thank G-d)to consider these 4 in our daily interactions and intentions. I feel this shiur relates well to one given by Rabbi Taub about Jewish codependency (http://www.collive.com/show.... What you two Rabbis address are some HUGE problems that are "out there" - thank you for shedding light on this darkness. Yidden "out there" are being/feeling hurt, left damaged, all over the place - like a psychological holocaust (G-d forbid), which is something, if memory serves me, you allude to, actually, in a recent shiur. Keep up the tikkun and continuing to inspire teshuvah.

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  • J

    Jeff -14 years ago

    Thanks for repeating/reviewing/listing the 4 throughout
    ..A very good teaching style. Keep it up

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  • KT

    Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago

    You provably saved my future
    Baruch HaShem

    Thank you for your suggestion. I believe it will save my future. I have meditated upon it and decided to try to make serious effort not to be "I lost it", and be productive.

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  • TG

    tzipi glick -14 years ago

    Great! i like it!!!

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  • YG

    Yochanan Gordon -14 years ago

    Insighr into the question of Rav Yonasan Eibeschutz
    Perhaps we could shed light on the Question of the Yaaros Dvash regarding the fact that the Mishna in Bava Kamma leaves out the word Hein, based on a vort of the Kedushas Levi:

    Kedushas Levi on the Pasuk, Hein Goalti eschem acharis K'reishis explains, 1+9=10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10, 4+6=10 the number 5 is the only number left without a mate to bring it to completion signified by the number 10. The same applies in the 10 units to equal to 100, the number 50 is the only number that does not have a pair to bring it to the number 100.

    He continues that these two letters correspond to the Shechina, Hei which is the last letter in the name Havayah corresponding to Malchus is the Shechina as well as Nun. He says that this goes to show us that the Shechiina in Galus has no mate. this is the kavannah behind these words Hein Goalti eschem, that our Redemption will be born ftom these two letters Hei and Nun.

    Possibly, the 4 Avos Nezikim correspond to the 4 exiles which only exists beyond the purview of the word Hein from which our Redemption will arise. In other words, the word Hein has no place being spoken in the context of Avos Nezikin.

    This also sheds light on Rav Yonasans answer that the word Hein is the mantra of the Bullfighter to tame the Bull.In other words, the formula to weaken the negative forces of Galus. Let me know what you think.

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Class Parshas Mishpatim

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 19, 2012
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  • 26 Sh'vat 5772
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Dedicated Yigal Niasoff and family in the loving memory of Reb Yehoshua ben Yosef LevyFor the Yahrtzeit, 21 Shevat.
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein In the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov; and in honor of Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliyah," Schottenstein.

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