Jüdischer Viehhändler. Signiert. Gouache. 1909
Women's Mishpatim Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In the loving memory of Avraham ben Yitzchak Shlomo, in honor of his yartzeit, 19 Shevat. Dedicated by his son Reb Yitzchak Shlomo
This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Mishpatim, 21 Shevat, 5778, February 6, 2018, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY.
Women's Mishpatim Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In the loving memory of Avraham ben Yitzchak Shlomo, in honor of his yartzeit, 19 Shevat. Dedicated by his son Reb Yitzchak Shlomo
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Dear Rabby YY
I want to first thank you and bless you for all the amazing work you do to inspire yidden to reignite their passion in yoddishkite.
This class in particular was fascinating and inspiring at once! can You please share the מראה מקום to this הלכה taught in עבודת האדם. Is it a Mamer/Sicha?
also, you mentioned a fascinating biology fact, that the brain creates physical imprints in the brain for either patterns you develop. Can you refer me to a source for that too? I find that to be mind blowing!
thanks again!
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Anonymous -6 years ago
I just heard your shiur from parshas mishpatim," two paths to recovery", and I was so gratified to hear you connect the spiritual element of nefesh bahamis to the very physical part of our brain ,the brain stem attached to the spinal cord ,also known as the survival or instinct or reptilian or animal brain.
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Debbie -3 years ago
What about the brain of someone who has Tourette's Syndrome?
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rachel -7 years ago
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Anonymous -7 years ago
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Anonymous -7 years ago
mutually exclusive?
this was an amazing shiur, thank you Rabbi Jacobson!
I am left wondering though -if these 2 'methods' for healing are mutually exclusive? if one surrenders should one also simultaneously continue one's efforts in creating new neural pathways to 'tame the animal'? or does surrendering one's beast over to Hashem's domain entail totally letting go of employing any other efforts in the direction of healing? thank you
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Abigail Hirsch -7 years ago
This was an amazing talk and I will send it on.
Yesher koach.
And thank you,
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Terry -7 years ago
Two paths to recovery
Fabulous!!...i am so awed not only by your presentations but also by the wisdom and deep compassion found in our tradtion....we are blessed beyond measure by all who have come before us and by God's giving of the Torah.
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